Originally posted by mitpdub:
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by walker807:
Local businesses aren't benefiting? Property values aren't benefiting? Sounds like you feel entitled to having a local NFL team without having to pay for the benefits....since you don't want to recognize them. Do you not believe that the NFL benefits society?
Economists and other academics studied it extensively and concluded that paying for team's stadiums is about as unproductive of a use of public funds that you can come up with.
It was from all this research that city governments began to decline providing welfare to professional sports owners from the city coffers, and why professional sports teams have finally had to start paying for their own profit generating complexes (warriors and giants), or move to locales that are dumb enough to burn money on them (Las Vegas and Santa Clara).
There's always counter arguments and studies paid for by both sides.
The area in SF from AT&T park to the Chase center is looking pretty good. Property values changed there and went from industrial to commercial and residential. I think the stadiums were primarily private financed, but the City spent on local transportation. Seemed like a good partnership.
Cities paying to expand local transportation networks for privately financed stadiums is totally reasonable and makes a lot of sense, imo.
FWIW the research I was referring to wasn't the paid consultant work, but rather the peer reviewed independent academic work done to fairly study the question.
As I recall this was a hot topic in urban planning and public policy circles in the late 90s and 2Ks, but as far as I know the research on it has kind of died out because everyone kept independently finding that it was a really, really bad use of public funds, and it's not really an open research question any more.
It was really on the back of all the settled independent research that local governments started telling sports teams to eff off when they threatened to leave if they didn't get hundreds of millions dollars in welfare, and why we've seen a big move to privately financed stadiums and teams moving around to the nearest rube who will pay for their profit generation with public money.