Originally posted by English:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Great news. Now he can be reinstated by the NFL. The felony is removed from his record. Transfer the team back to Eddie Debartolo.
You are NEVER going to win a Super Bowl under the Yorks.
You can't just transfer the ownership of a team. Surely you realise that? There has to be a willing buyer and seller. And I doubt we have either of those here.
There is no reason to postulate that we (apparently you now exclude yourself) are never going to win a Super Bowl under the Yorks. Jed has brought in a brilliant offensively minded coach and an ex player who has turned into an excellent GM, as well as some other top individuals including Paraag Marathe. Whilst the webzone is awash with misery and pessimism, this team has every opportunity to return and take it all over the next couple of years. Under the Yorks ownership.
That is a very good point. The lifetime gift exemption maximum is currently $11,580,000 in 2020. The value of the franchise value is around $3.5 billion. Everything above the exemption would be subject to gift taxes if ownership was transferred from one person to another. Also, the Yorks wouldn't just give it away, I'm sure they would want top dollar.*
*Not an accountant and I don't think I play one on TV either.