Originally posted by boast:
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by boast:
im giving it an 80% chance that after all is said and done, BA will be a Niner imo
Only reason I'm not as optimistic as I once was is cause it seems to have become emotional between Aiyuk and Kyle. Sure that may be mendable but Kyle isn't the easiest person to forgive. Lol
then Again, maybe it hasn't got there. Just seems like it
it's the NFL. i think youre putting too much weight into the emotional aspect. it's just business.
Maybe you're right but Aiyuk has already said he's taken it personal… aka emotional. When you're emotional - you're irrational.
saying something is "just business" is much easier said than done. I negotiate contracts in real estate development (and tenants) for a living - if it was that easy, I wouldn't have half the problems I do. Lol
egos, emotions etc - the human elements of life, often cause problems. Telling players "why they aren't worth "X,Y, Z" tends to make things emotional.
overall, you may be right. I just put a lot of stock into those elements when trying to determine outcomes.