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Restrictions in Santa Clara may force 49ers to practice/play elsewhere (No politics)
Nov 30, 2020 at 7:11 AM
- CatchMaster80
- Veteran
- Posts: 17,226
I understand the county wanting to slow the virus spread. What I don't understand is how not playing or practicing in SC is going to help. These guys are tested constantly. They get quarantined if they test positive. They are tested and retested more than the general population. There are no fans at the games. How is stopping their practices helping? If they are concerned about teams coming in then make them stay in a secure hotel and don't allow them to go anywhere other than to the stadium.
Nov 30, 2020 at 7:16 AM
- RiceOwensStokes
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- Posts: 9,078
Screw the 49ers, how dare they pump money into our economy!
Nov 30, 2020 at 7:48 AM
- frenchtoast
- Veteran
- Posts: 261
Originally posted by cris_sonic:
It time for the Niners to move back home. Roll out the artificial turf carpet and have two goal posts... and it will be like old times at the Stick!
SANTA CLARA DOES NOT DESERVE THE 49ers. The team should either return to THE CITY or, failing that and assuming the Leftist city doesn't want them back, they should move to SAN DIEGO where the fans will really appreciate them...
Nov 30, 2020 at 7:54 AM
- 808niner4lyphe
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- Posts: 7,611
Without the Niners facility, it makes it even more hard for our rehab/recovering players to get healthy for the next few weeks to come off the IR list. SC really screwed the Niners on this one.
Nov 30, 2020 at 8:04 AM
- CatchMaster80
- Veteran
- Posts: 17,226
Originally posted by frenchtoast:
Originally posted by cris_sonic:
It time for the Niners to move back home. Roll out the artificial turf carpet and have two goal posts... and it will be like old times at the Stick!
SANTA CLARA DOES NOT DESERVE THE 49ers. The team should either return to THE CITY or, failing that and assuming the Leftist city doesn't want them back, they should move to SAN DIEGO where the fans will really appreciate them...
They can't go to SF. Get that idea out of your head. They tried for years, going all the way back to when Eddie still owned the team to find a good location and they couldn't work it out. SF doesn't have much in the way of large building space and property is way to expensive.
San Diego is another no go. The Chargers left there because they couldn't get a new stadium and fan support was mediocre. Why would the 49ers be able to get a new stadium. They still have to pay off Levis and the York's aren't about to take on another big debt.
They are stuck in SC for several more years and they need to work out their issues with the city of SC if they want to have a successful stay.
Whoever posted the photo of the Stick and said roll out the carpet must be kidding since they demolished that place in 2015. It's being developed with 700,000 sq feet of office space, 300,000 sg feet of retail and about 7000 homes. No chance of building a new stadium there.
[ Edited by CatchMaster80 on Nov 30, 2020 at 8:09 AM ]
Nov 30, 2020 at 8:24 AM
- thl408
- Moderator
- Posts: 33,099
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I understand the county wanting to slow the virus spread. What I don't understand is how not playing or practicing in SC is going to help. These guys are tested constantly. They get quarantined if they test positive. They are tested and retested more than the general population. There are no fans at the games. How is stopping their practices helping? If they are concerned about teams coming in then make them stay in a secure hotel and don't allow them to go anywhere other than to the stadium.
Perhaps the county doesn't want to be inconsistent and ban youth/recreational sports, but let professionals continue playing. On one hand you have professionals with access to constant testing and strict safety measures, on the other hand it's still just entertainment. I don't think most folks would have had a problem if the county banned recreational sports but allowed the 49ers/Sharks to practice and play. If folks complain then the county could say that these professionals have the best testing available to them and that's why they are allowed to continue.
Nov 30, 2020 at 8:25 AM
- CatchMaster80
- Veteran
- Posts: 17,226
Originally posted by mayo49:
Jed made a big mistake by getting involved with Santa Clara and the stadium.
Where was he supposed to go? They couldn't get a deal done in SF. I don't know if San Jose was interested or had a great location. They could have gone to Vegas like the Raiders did. Then the fans wouldn't have a local team. The fans act like it's so easy to build a stadium where ever you want. Just pick a spot and build. They worked for years to get this deal done. The Rams worked for years to get their stadium built. Same with the Raiders. It's not easy to do. It requires approval from the league, financing, a suitable fan base, good or reasonable access and of course a big chunk of property. People who want to blame Jed for moving to SC forget that Eddie couldn't work out a deal with SF either. They had a plan to build at the same site as the Stick but that fell thru. Then they looked at Hunters Point and that wouldn't fly. Jed settled on SC so he wouldn't have to move the team out of state.
Nov 30, 2020 at 8:36 AM
- mayo49
- Veteran
- Posts: 65,115
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
Originally posted by mayo49:
Jed made a big mistake by getting involved with Santa Clara and the stadium.
Where was he supposed to go? They couldn't get a deal done in SF. I don't know if San Jose was interested or had a great location. They could have gone to Vegas like the Raiders did. Then the fans wouldn't have a local team. The fans act like it's so easy to build a stadium where ever you want. Just pick a spot and build. They worked for years to get this deal done. The Rams worked for years to get their stadium built. Same with the Raiders. It's not easy to do. It requires approval from the league, financing, a suitable fan base, good or reasonable access and of course a big chunk of property. People who want to blame Jed for moving to SC forget that Eddie couldn't work out a deal with SF either. They had a plan to build at the same site as the Stick but that fell thru. Then they looked at Hunters Point and that wouldn't fly. Jed settled on SC so he wouldn't have to move the team out of state.
Yeah, I know - he couldn't for see what would happen.
Nov 30, 2020 at 8:40 AM
- 49AllTheTime
- Veteran
- Posts: 71,480
Originally posted by mayo49:There was a different mayor at the time. This new interim mayor is fkn up our city
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
Originally posted by mayo49:
Jed made a big mistake by getting involved with Santa Clara and the stadium.
Where was he supposed to go? They couldn't get a deal done in SF. I don't know if San Jose was interested or had a great location. They could have gone to Vegas like the Raiders did. Then the fans wouldn't have a local team. The fans act like it's so easy to build a stadium where ever you want. Just pick a spot and build. They worked for years to get this deal done. The Rams worked for years to get their stadium built. Same with the Raiders. It's not easy to do. It requires approval from the league, financing, a suitable fan base, good or reasonable access and of course a big chunk of property. People who want to blame Jed for moving to SC forget that Eddie couldn't work out a deal with SF either. They had a plan to build at the same site as the Stick but that fell thru. Then they looked at Hunters Point and that wouldn't fly. Jed settled on SC so he wouldn't have to move the team out of state.
Yeah, I know - he couldn't for see what would happen.
Nov 30, 2020 at 8:52 AM
- CatchMaster80
- Veteran
- Posts: 17,226
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
There was a different mayor at the time. This new interim mayor is fkn up our city
That's what I heard. I'm not up on SC politics but it only takes one or two on a board to mess things up.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:07 AM
- jays9ers
- Veteran
- Posts: 4,468
Originally posted by AkNiners:Every
Every single health care professional I know is basically like "Oh f***. We are so F*****"
I imagine the county is hearing the same from people at all the local hospitals.Football is entertainment. Ball isn't life holmes. Save a life, and all I have to do is pick up a book for a weekend? Sure. The owners are all billionaires, they don't HAVE to cancel game checks, they chose to.
The only way I see the season, let alone playoffs finishing is with an NBA style bubble. Maybe the niners being the first into the bubble gives us an advantage?
I know plenty of health care professionals who've stated the exact opposite. I live in Washington state and we got hit pretty hard up here with the Rona. Yet even at its peak, it wasn't as if there were no hospital beds or people dying in the streets.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:09 AM
- 49AllTheTime
- Veteran
- Posts: 71,480
Originally posted by jays9ers:not in the streets.. but soccer fields
Originally posted by AkNiners:
Every single health care professional I know is basically like "Oh f***. We are so F*****"
I imagine the county is hearing the same from people at all the local hospitals.Football is entertainment. Ball isn't life holmes. Save a life, and all I have to do is pick up a book for a weekend? Sure. The owners are all billionaires, they don't HAVE to cancel game checks, they chose to.
The only way I see the season, let alone playoffs finishing is with an NBA style bubble. Maybe the niners being the first into the bubble gives us an advantage?
I know plenty of health care professionals who've stated the exact opposite. I live in Washington state and we got hit pretty hard up here with the Rona. Yet even at its peak, it wasn't as if there were no hospital beds or people dying in the streets.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:16 AM
- CatchMaster80
- Veteran
- Posts: 17,226
I was curious why Santa Clara was doing this and the other Bay Area counties weren't. I looked at the current data for COVID cases in all the counties and Santa Clara was the highest in number of case, number of new cases and percentage of increase over the previous week. SF has a total of 15000 cases vs almost 34000 for SC. New case for SF were 73 vs 766 for SC. The increase for SF was about 1% vs 2.3 % for SC. It was similar in all the counties around the Bay Area. For some reason, SC is experiencing a steep rise compared to the rest of the counties. I still doubt that it's because of football but at least I see why they are trying to do something.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:19 AM
- fl4sh080
- Veteran
- Posts: 988
Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Originally posted by jays9ers:
Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Originally posted by jays9ers:
This is stupid. The world stopping for a disease that has a 99% survival rate.. dumb
250k Americans dead in less than a year. This isn't something to take lightly.
How many people die from the flu each year? Or diabetes? Obesity, smoking related illnesses?? Yet we shut down the planet for a virus that 99% of humans can recover from🤨
You're not considering that the amount of people that need to be hospitalized is overrunning our healthcare system. Most people survive, but the fact that hospital beds with life support systems are being set up in parking garages is f**king insane. It's even more insane to not acknowledge that this is a f**king crisis.
Yeah, some people just don't realize that 250K people in 9 months have died.
We should just stop life as we know it. The only people who should be allowed to earn a living are those who the powers that be sign off on because they know best and always have our best interests at heart. We should also be subjected to a 100% lock down with wellness patrols going through our streets to ensure our safety. And then in no time the virus will just be whisked away with the wind. Problem solved.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:22 AM
- mayo49
- Veteran
- Posts: 65,115
Originally posted by fl4sh080:
Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Originally posted by jays9ers:
Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Originally posted by jays9ers:
This is stupid. The world stopping for a disease that has a 99% survival rate.. dumb
250k Americans dead in less than a year. This isn't something to take lightly.
How many people die from the flu each year? Or diabetes? Obesity, smoking related illnesses?? Yet we shut down the planet for a virus that 99% of humans can recover from🤨
You're not considering that the amount of people that need to be hospitalized is overrunning our healthcare system. Most people survive, but the fact that hospital beds with life support systems are being set up in parking garages is f**king insane. It's even more insane to not acknowledge that this is a f**king crisis.
Yeah, some people just don't realize that 250K people in 9 months have died.
We should just stop life as we know it. The only people who should be allowed to earn a living are those who the powers that be sign off on because they know best and always have our best interests at heart. We should also be subjected to a 100% lock down with wellness patrols going through our streets to ensure our safety. And then in no time the virus will just be whisked away with the wind. Problem solved.
The vaccine is almost here - then we can get back to normal.