Originally posted by KeepRabbitsOut:
Originally posted by ElDannMann:
As an American, the only other use for the word 'punt' was a city or some outpost that was a trading partner of Egypt a long time ago, often referred to as 'The Land of Punt'.

Now I know it can mean 'to take a risk', 'to sell (or buy) drugs', or 'kicking a ball to the other team in American Football typically on fourth down', Interesting. I always wondered why we called this kick a 'punt' and where it came from, can anyone answer that one? lol

And welcome to the forum! These fine lads before me answered your questions perfectly. And heed what KeepRabbitsOut said, steer clear of the QB threads and you'll love it here.

1845 the term was used in Rugby. Came from the Midlands in Britain from the word "bunt" which means to push or hit/kick the ball away, Baseball may have picked it up too?

Good stuff. Thanks!

Never thought a punt in football and a bunt in baseball could be related other than rhyming.