Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Yeah we are like the polar opposite of Seahawks fans who think they're hot s**t just because their team is finally relevant after decades of mediocrity. Niner fans are overly critical in comparison.
On the plus side, Niner fans are by faaaar more knowledgeable about Xs and Os and the game in general. Seahawks fans are mostly mouth breathers that think that showing up to their convex shaped stadium and screaming like a banshee makes them a member of the team. Seriously it's pathetic that they wear jerseys dedicated to themselves. I'd be insulted if I was one of their players.
There's a lot of Seattle fans that think Wilson is overrated and they should move on from him...it's like that in every fan forum and fan bases are all the same. Philly hates everyone not named Nick Foles lol. They booed Andy Reid right out of there.
Is what it is, it's okay to be critical of your team...being objective isn't a bad thing. There's a big difference between being like that and being a troll hating on everything, always wanting people fired just cause. Being a homer IMO can be just as bad. Not every single player is great on your team, not every coach is amazing, it isn't always something outside of the team you root for that's the reason for a loss.
All good...every fan base is pretty much the same.