Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Originally posted by RonnieLott:
Originally posted by Hysterikal:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by mcwoot:
Making a call with room for error on the most important play of the game is... not optimal. Not eliminating the best player on the defense, removing protection to try to fool who? LBs?, and your backfield pass protector is not CMC who is a stud at it but Kittle who does not get a lot of practice from that spot. Again, play of the game, you are not letting your best players do what they do best.
You f**king kidding me? Every god damn play has a chance for error.
Burford even touches Jones that play is a TD. Period
so much emotional crying in here. My god.
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Bro it's hilarious the looks I get when I tell Bronco, Lions and Jets fans I know that there's a loud minority of 49er fans who want Kyle fired. Each of them said a variation of I hope y'all do and he coaches my team.
no one wants Kylie fired, they just want him to script less complicated plays in Superbowls.
Kyle has lost 3 Super bowls which he lead by 10 or more points
Thats not a coincidence.
Wtf is this complicated plays s**t lol. This is the NFL, not pee wee football. This take makes no sense...You act like Kyle just went adlib and called some play that the players didn't know lmao.
"Hey Mr. Walsh, your new West Coast offense is just too complicated, can you please call easier plays?" 
Look at the replay of the play,
Chris Jones is the only player they have to block.
So the play should have been designed with two layers of blockers for Chris Jones.
Either a OL and McCaffrey or an OL and Kittle should have been blocking Chris Jones. Thats the play that Kyle should have dialled in
plus, if he runs the ball on 3rd and 4, it takes another minute off the clock and Mahomes doesn't get the opportunity to throw for a go ahead touch down as well.
It's always the little things that stops Kyle.
3 Superbowls - 3 teams 10 points or more up - three losses.
[ Edited by RonnieLott on Feb 13, 2024 at 6:44 PM ]