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QB Brock Purdy Thread

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Originally posted by tankle104:
I've been trying to find out what kind of tissue (was it healthy?) that big Ben and Mullens had. That plays a huge factor. Thank goodness Purdys was healthy.
Mullens didn't release much info on his arms, at least, publicly.

i do agree that he shouldn't play until he feels like it's right and fully healed. I just ride with the 6 months because that's the longest I've heard/read about it taking (a doctor said it could be five months or 7 months depending on how his body heals - everyone's is different). I'm being optimistic that his youth/work ethic/healthy tissue - will benefit him and by 5.5 months, he will feel back and gives him two weeks to run with the 1s to see if he or Trey should start. I don't expect he will go on short term IR though. That would be a bad sign.

Mullens isn't starter material for teams so it sucks that we haven't really seen him play to know how his arm looks. He would of never been a starter here if it wasn't for injuries/bad qb play.

delhimme was never a great qb anyways, never thought he was that good, but he didn't have the same surgery. He had TJ which is worse.
big Ben and JD both were like 12-15 seasons deep in their careers with a lot of wear and tear. Makes its a hard comparison. It's like we only have one comp and it's not a good one. Lol sucks

What do you mean tissue? His ulnar collateral ligament?

yeah I agree at this pt the doctors estimate 6 months. Could be less could be more. No one will know and like we talked about earlier the first 8 weeks will be critical.

Also agree with Big Ben/JD, they were much older and had more wear on the tires. I will say Big Ben was playing at a high level prior to the injury. He fell off a cliff immediately after, which is a little scary.

Josh allen sprained his UCL this yr. He didn't miss any time, but his play after that was very sporadic. A lot of inaccurate balls. Turns out they sprain was more severe then they reported…Bills were playing with fire. That's their FQB I don't want SF doing that. Especially with our luck. No harm in letting Lance do his thing this offseason and go from there imo.
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Originally posted by tankle104:
here is another one!

It's mind boggling when you consider he's a rookie who had no reps with the 1s. 7th rounder. Really no grooming at all to be the starter, and he steps in and just takes control like that.

I agree with you man, that is f**king greatness. Can he sustain? I really can't wait to find out. What he did was special

I guess my question to everyone is what's "not sustaining"? Is that playing at 50% of this level? 80%? 95%? If he plays 85% or so of what he did last season - that's still a really high level.

i feel like some are expecting him to become very average or worse. There is a good possibility that he doesn't get right back to where he was because of the Film on him and lack of film on other teams early in the season, but I'd be surprised if he just started playing at 70% of the level he was at

Yea that's hard to tell, to me he just needs to keep playing within the offense and try his hardest to keep improvisation as his last resort. Keep building as a player.

I think Griese did a great job of honing him in and keeping the mistakes down. Jimmys ints we're down too, could be a correlation. Brock would get a little squirrely in college and you could see it come out sometimes in games. He was really good at not making a dumb mistake though like in college. He's really taken well to this system and the coaching.
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
I would be surprised if you broke down Delhommes tape, but either way he maintains years later that his arm felt great and I don't see any reason he would lie. We have to look at a 38 year old for pessimism. That makes me optimistic

I would be surprised if you did and yet you keep tossing out his name. Next two seasons sub 60% competing percentage. 18/12 TD/INT and 8/12 TD/INT. He was never a great QB to begin with. So whatever.

again TJ surgery isn't the same. I've broken it all down in here. You either missed it or didn't care to acknowledge the difference.

Big Ben said his arm was great and the film showed otherwise. You talk about pessimism, but the year prior that 36 yr old QB was leading the league in passing and just got a big fat extension. His next two seasons his play fell off a cliff immediately…without question age is in Brock's favor and I never said otherwise.

The whole damn point is this isn't some ankle sprain or even a broken bone. He had his ulnar collateral ligament ripped in half. It's the ligament that holds the humerus to the ulna at the elbow joint…it's literally directly responsible to help support the throwing motion. That's kinda a big deal for a QB. Currently he has a piece of tape in collagen drilled into his bone holding the elbow in place. He can not put any stress on it. That ligament will have to repair itself and that takes a f**k ton of time because of the lack of blood flow. It's not a tendon it's a ligament. There's a difference. That s**t can tear again if not fully healed. Then you're really f**ked.

There's no reason to be condescending towards me about it…or pretend I have some ulterior motive. I want him back and ready to win a bunch of games for us. Any setback and he could have further surgery though. I don't give a flying f**k about Nick Mullens and what he went though. Everyone is different. Dude needs to recover and the timeline overall with something like this is a guideline not gospel. We will see how it goes. No rushing anything though. Until then Lance will get the reps and that shouldn't be some horrible thing.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Mar 23, 2023 at 5:36 AM ]
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
I would be surprised if you broke down Delhommes tape, but either way he maintains years later that his arm felt great and I don't see any reason he would lie. We have to look at a 38 year old for pessimism. That makes me optimistic

I would be surprised if you did and yet you keep tossing out his name. Next two seasons sub 60% competing percentage. 18/12 TD/INT and 8/12 TD/INT. He was never a great QB to begin with. So whatever.

again TJ surgery isn't the same. I've broken it all down in here. You either missed it or didn't care to acknowledge the difference.

Big Ben said his arm was great and the film showed otherwise. You talk about pessimism, but the year prior that 36 yr old QB was leading the league in passing and just got a big fat extension. His next two seasons his play fell off a cliff immediately…without question age is in Brock's favor and I never said otherwise.

The whole damn point is this isn't some ankle sprain or even a broken bone. He had his ulnar collateral ligament ripped in half. It's the ligament that holds the humerus to the ulna at the elbow joint…it's literally directly responsible to help support the throwing motion. That's kinda a big deal for a QB. Currently he has a piece of tape in collagen drilled into his bone holding the elbow in place. He can not put any stress on it. That ligament will have to repair itself and that takes a f**k ton of time because of the lack of blood flow. It's not a tendon it's a ligament. There's a difference. That s**t can tear again if not fully healed. Then you're really f**ked.

There's no reason to be condescending towards me about it…or pretend I have some ulterior motive. I want him back and ready to win a bunch of games for us. Any setback and he could have further surgery though. I don't give a flying f**k about Nick Mullens and what he went though. Everyone is different. Dude needs to recover and the timeline overall with something like this is a guideline not gospel. We will see how it goes. No rushing anything though. Until then Lance will get the reps and that shouldn't be some horrible thing.

I've never talked about how great his film is lol. His name gets tossed out because he was able to play 6 months after tommy John and said his arm felt great.

I have never said to rush Brock back. Why is it such a problem to think Brock will be 100% for week 1?
[ Edited by CharlieSheen on Mar 23, 2023 at 5:43 AM ]
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
I would be surprised if you broke down Delhommes tape, but either way he maintains years later that his arm felt great and I don't see any reason he would lie. We have to look at a 38 year old for pessimism. That makes me optimistic

I would be surprised if you did and yet you keep tossing out his name. Next two seasons sub 60% competing percentage. 18/12 TD/INT and 8/12 TD/INT. He was never a great QB to begin with. So whatever.

again TJ surgery isn't the same. I've broken it all down in here. You either missed it or didn't care to acknowledge the difference.

Big Ben said his arm was great and the film showed otherwise. You talk about pessimism, but the year prior that 36 yr old QB was leading the league in passing and just got a big fat extension. His next two seasons his play fell off a cliff immediately…without question age is in Brock's favor and I never said otherwise.

The whole damn point is this isn't some ankle sprain or even a broken bone. He had his ulnar collateral ligament ripped in half. It's the ligament that holds the humerus to the ulna at the elbow joint…it's literally directly responsible to help support the throwing motion. That's kinda a big deal for a QB. Currently he has a piece of tape in collagen drilled into his bone holding the elbow in place. He can not put any stress on it. That ligament will have to repair itself and that takes a f**k ton of time because of the lack of blood flow. It's not a tendon it's a ligament. There's a difference. That s**t can tear again if not fully healed. Then you're really f**ked.

There's no reason to be condescending towards me about it…or pretend I have some ulterior motive. I want him back and ready to win a bunch of games for us. Any setback and he could have further surgery though. I don't give a flying f**k about Nick Mullens and what he went though. Everyone is different. Dude needs to recover and the timeline overall with something like this is a guideline not gospel. We will see how it goes. No rushing anything though. Until then Lance will get the reps and that shouldn't be some horrible thing.

I've never talked about how great his film is lol. His name gets tossed out because he was able to play 6 months after tommy John and said his arm felt great.

I have never said to rush Brock back. Why is it such a problem to think Brock will be 100% for week 1?

Because hoping on an unknown is apparently bad business.
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
I would be surprised if you broke down Delhommes tape, but either way he maintains years later that his arm felt great and I don't see any reason he would lie. We have to look at a 38 year old for pessimism. That makes me optimistic

I would be surprised if you did and yet you keep tossing out his name. Next two seasons sub 60% competing percentage. 18/12 TD/INT and 8/12 TD/INT. He was never a great QB to begin with. So whatever.

again TJ surgery isn't the same. I've broken it all down in here. You either missed it or didn't care to acknowledge the difference.

Big Ben said his arm was great and the film showed otherwise. You talk about pessimism, but the year prior that 36 yr old QB was leading the league in passing and just got a big fat extension. His next two seasons his play fell off a cliff immediately…without question age is in Brock's favor and I never said otherwise.

The whole damn point is this isn't some ankle sprain or even a broken bone. He had his ulnar collateral ligament ripped in half. It's the ligament that holds the humerus to the ulna at the elbow joint…it's literally directly responsible to help support the throwing motion. That's kinda a big deal for a QB. Currently he has a piece of tape in collagen drilled into his bone holding the elbow in place. He can not put any stress on it. That ligament will have to repair itself and that takes a f**k ton of time because of the lack of blood flow. It's not a tendon it's a ligament. There's a difference. That s**t can tear again if not fully healed. Then you're really f**ked.

There's no reason to be condescending towards me about it…or pretend I have some ulterior motive. I want him back and ready to win a bunch of games for us. Any setback and he could have further surgery though. I don't give a flying f**k about Nick Mullens and what he went though. Everyone is different. Dude needs to recover and the timeline overall with something like this is a guideline not gospel. We will see how it goes. No rushing anything though. Until then Lance will get the reps and that shouldn't be some horrible thing.

I've never talked about how great his film is lol. His name gets tossed out because he was able to play 6 months after tommy John and said his arm felt great.

I have never said to rush Brock back. Why is it such a problem to think Brock will be 100% for week 1?

I'm sure his arm felt better compared to the pain of tearing your UCL lol. Same with Big Ben he said he had pain in his elbow for years and felt "relief" and the best his felt in years after the surgery/recovery. that's different then playing well at the highest level after. The film/stats and how they played show that.

Personally I've sprained my UCL playing basketball. s**t hurt and it was just a sprain. I couldn't play basketball or workout for a couple months. I was lucky to have my wife, who gave me the proper rehab to strengthen it back up. More or less it was just letting it heal though. I still feel some pain every once in a wile and I'm hesitant to do certain things.

again it has nothing to do with any of it being a problem…I'm laying out the facts of the situation and you for whatever reason can't understand it or hate the reality of it. You deflect and tell me I'm some Brock hater or whatever. I have no other motive. What you or I say has zero to do with the actual outcome lol.

best case is he's back in like 5 months completely healthy and participating fully in training camp. That would be great, not a single person would be upset with that. it's also hoping and that's not how the NFL works.

Rushing him back because you don't like Lance is dumb.…in reality he will get the first team reps all off season. For whatever reason you won't even let that be a possibility….imo you should be all about it because he needs them more than anyone. It's a win/win as long as there's no setback for Brock. Having TWO QBs ready to play football this year is better than one.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Mar 23, 2023 at 6:11 AM ]
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
I would be surprised if you broke down Delhommes tape, but either way he maintains years later that his arm felt great and I don't see any reason he would lie. We have to look at a 38 year old for pessimism. That makes me optimistic

I would be surprised if you did and yet you keep tossing out his name. Next two seasons sub 60% competing percentage. 18/12 TD/INT and 8/12 TD/INT. He was never a great QB to begin with. So whatever.

again TJ surgery isn't the same. I've broken it all down in here. You either missed it or didn't care to acknowledge the difference.

Big Ben said his arm was great and the film showed otherwise. You talk about pessimism, but the year prior that 36 yr old QB was leading the league in passing and just got a big fat extension. His next two seasons his play fell off a cliff immediately…without question age is in Brock's favor and I never said otherwise.

The whole damn point is this isn't some ankle sprain or even a broken bone. He had his ulnar collateral ligament ripped in half. It's the ligament that holds the humerus to the ulna at the elbow joint…it's literally directly responsible to help support the throwing motion. That's kinda a big deal for a QB. Currently he has a piece of tape in collagen drilled into his bone holding the elbow in place. He can not put any stress on it. That ligament will have to repair itself and that takes a f**k ton of time because of the lack of blood flow. It's not a tendon it's a ligament. There's a difference. That s**t can tear again if not fully healed. Then you're really f**ked.

There's no reason to be condescending towards me about it…or pretend I have some ulterior motive. I want him back and ready to win a bunch of games for us. Any setback and he could have further surgery though. I don't give a flying f**k about Nick Mullens and what he went though. Everyone is different. Dude needs to recover and the timeline overall with something like this is a guideline not gospel. We will see how it goes. No rushing anything though. Until then Lance will get the reps and that shouldn't be some horrible thing.

I've never talked about how great his film is lol. His name gets tossed out because he was able to play 6 months after tommy John and said his arm felt great.

I have never said to rush Brock back. Why is it such a problem to think Brock will be 100% for week 1?

I'm sure his arm felt better compared to the pain of tearing your UCL lol. Same with Big Ben he said he had pain in his elbow for years and felt "relief" and the best his felt in years after the surgery/recovery. that's different then playing well at the highest level after. The film/stats and how they played show that.

Personally I've sprained my UCL playing basketball. s**t hurt and it was just a sprain. I couldn't play basketball or workout for a couple months. I was lucky to have my wife, who gave me the proper rehab to strengthen it back up. More or less it was just letting it heal though. I still feel some pain every once in a wile and I'm hesitant to do certain things.

again it has nothing to do with any of it being a problem…I'm laying out the facts of the situation and you for whatever reason can't understand it or hate the reality of it. You deflect and tell me I'm some Brock hater or whatever. I have no other motive. What you or I say has zero to do with the actual outcome lol.

best case is he's back in like 5 months completely healthy and participating fully in training camp. That would be great, not a single person would be upset with that. it's also hoping and that's not how the NFL works.

Rushing him back because you don't like Lance is dumb.…in reality he will get the first team reps all off season. For whatever reason you won't even let that be a possibility….imo you should be all about it because he needs them more than anyone. It's a win/win as long as there's no setback for Brock. Having TWO QBs ready to play football this year is better than one.

QBs tend to decline around 38, I'm not surprised an injury might have accelerated that. He was still considering playing for us, so it's not like he thinks he can't throw. Delhomme literally said his arm felt better than ever. Again he has no reason to lie.

And for the millionth time, I have never said to rush Brock back.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
What do you mean tissue? His ulnar collateral ligament?

yeah I agree at this pt the doctors estimate 6 months. Could be less could be more. No one will know and like we talked about earlier the first 8 weeks will be critical.

Also agree with Big Ben/JD, they were much older and had more wear on the tires. I will say Big Ben was playing at a high level prior to the injury. He fell off a cliff immediately after, which is a little scary.

Josh allen sprained his UCL this yr. He didn't miss any time, but his play after that was very sporadic. A lot of inaccurate balls. Turns out they sprain was more severe then they reported…Bills were playing with fire. That's their FQB I don't want SF doing that. Especially with our luck. No harm in letting Lance do his thing this offseason and go from there imo.
Yeah from a few interviews and articles I read regarding sports doctors, they said what's really important is the health of the tissue in the UCL (maybe surrounding UCL area?) I'm really not sure exactly how it is. In pitchers it's usually a worry because of the mechanics in their throw and they use the ligament for torque - fortunately that's not as common for QB mechanics. I'd imagine a funky throwing motions like Herbert relies more on that ligament than most, just my uneducated Opinion. Lmao

yeah, jimmy also had a UCL sprain in his thumb during our 2021 run. I believe Bree's had it eventually too.

yeah, even if we didn't have Lance - I don't want them taking unnecessary risks; especially early in the season. It's no biggie to miss 4-5 games if need be
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Because hoping on an unknown is apparently bad business.

LMAO. Hope is a beautiful thing but not at the sacrifice of the known, when the known is exactly what you want and potentially more.

big difference between hoping someone comes back and/or being optimistic about an outcome and starting a risky unknown commodity when you have something else in the pipeline that's better.

idk how you took my comments so out of isn't black and white - it's various shades of grey. You can't apply one situation over all of them. Just use reason.
[ Edited by tankle104 on Mar 23, 2023 at 6:25 AM ]
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
QBs tend to decline around 38, I'm not surprised an injury might have accelerated that. He was still considering playing for us, so it's not like he thinks he can't throw. Delhomme literally said his arm felt better than ever. Again he has no reason to lie.

And for the millionth time, I have never said to rush Brock back.

QBs are lucky to be on a team at 38. Lmaoo

Originally posted by YACBros85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
I would be surprised if you broke down Delhommes tape, but either way he maintains years later that his arm felt great and I don't see any reason he would lie. We have to look at a 38 year old for pessimism. That makes me optimistic

I would be surprised if you did and yet you keep tossing out his name. Next two seasons sub 60% competing percentage. 18/12 TD/INT and 8/12 TD/INT. He was never a great QB to begin with. So whatever.

again TJ surgery isn't the same. I've broken it all down in here. You either missed it or didn't care to acknowledge the difference.

Big Ben said his arm was great and the film showed otherwise. You talk about pessimism, but the year prior that 36 yr old QB was leading the league in passing and just got a big fat extension. His next two seasons his play fell off a cliff immediately…without question age is in Brock's favor and I never said otherwise.

The whole damn point is this isn't some ankle sprain or even a broken bone. He had his ulnar collateral ligament ripped in half. It's the ligament that holds the humerus to the ulna at the elbow joint…it's literally directly responsible to help support the throwing motion. That's kinda a big deal for a QB. Currently he has a piece of tape in collagen drilled into his bone holding the elbow in place. He can not put any stress on it. That ligament will have to repair itself and that takes a f**k ton of time because of the lack of blood flow. It's not a tendon it's a ligament. There's a difference. That s**t can tear again if not fully healed. Then you're really f**ked.

There's no reason to be condescending towards me about it…or pretend I have some ulterior motive. I want him back and ready to win a bunch of games for us. Any setback and he could have further surgery though. I don't give a flying f**k about Nick Mullens and what he went though. Everyone is different. Dude needs to recover and the timeline overall with something like this is a guideline not gospel. We will see how it goes. No rushing anything though. Until then Lance will get the reps and that shouldn't be some horrible thing.

I've never talked about how great his film is lol. His name gets tossed out because he was able to play 6 months after tommy John and said his arm felt great.

I have never said to rush Brock back. Why is it such a problem to think Brock will be 100% for week 1?

Because hoping on an unknown is apparently bad business.

Is there any team in the league that wouldn't hope their injured starting QB is ready for week 1? That's bad business?
[ Edited by CharlieSheen on Mar 23, 2023 at 6:30 AM ]
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
QBs tend to decline around 38, I'm not surprised an injury might have accelerated that. He was still considering playing for us, so it's not like he thinks he can't throw. Delhomme literally said his arm felt better than ever. Again he has no reason to lie.

And for the millionth time, I have never said to rush Brock back.

QBs are lucky to be on a team at 38. Lmaoo

Yea, that statement from me was a little toungue in cheek lol
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Yea that's hard to tell, to me he just needs to keep playing within the offense and try his hardest to keep improvisation as his last resort. Keep building as a player.

I think Griese did a great job of honing him in and keeping the mistakes down. Jimmys ints we're down too, could be a correlation. Brock would get a little squirrely in college and you could see it come out sometimes in games. He was really good at not making a dumb mistake though like in college. He's really taken well to this system and the coaching.

Griese to me has been a very surprising and welcome addition to our team. I think he's done a wonderful job. He makes me more optimistic in regards to Trey having a lot of improvement this upcoming camp.

darnold needs him badly. If he can improve on his TWP - then coming here was a great career move him. He's never really been on a staff with great offensive minds - he's probably so excited
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
QBs tend to decline around 38, I'm not surprised an injury might have accelerated that. He was still considering playing for us, so it's not like he thinks he can't throw. Delhomme literally said his arm felt better than ever. Again he has no reason to lie.

And for the millionth time, I have never said to rush Brock back.

Big Ben went from leading the league in passing to a shell of himself…basically instantly after his surgery. Decline QB play is not the main reason for that dude. He couldn't throw a football anymore. The film backs it up. It was bubble screens and 5 yard slants over and over. Pitt has to mask the lack of arm a year after he tossed for over 5,000 yards and they gave him a big extension. Philip rivers thought he could still play lol. Who cares what they think. It's what is put out on the field that matters.

again it's just one example and the age difference matters. It's not like Brock had some elite arm to begin with. I'm sure he will be fine. I think they said it was like 85% success rate or something. The first 8 weeks are crucial to determine the actual recovery timeline.

you keep repeating the same crap with JD. I'm sure his arm didn't hurt after being recovered. Not a single person is talking about pain tolerance. We're talking about play on the field after the fact. Those are two totally separate things. TJ is not the same thing either. Not sure if I have to breakdown the difference in surgeries again.

You sure sound like you want to rush him back. You hear the TL of 6 months and then you starting talking about 5 months lol. Again if he's fully recovered and gets to legit practice, sweet. You're hoping though, which is fine but no need to be ignorant about the situation.
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by CharlieSheen:
QBs tend to decline around 38, I'm not surprised an injury might have accelerated that. He was still considering playing for us, so it's not like he thinks he can't throw. Delhomme literally said his arm felt better than ever. Again he has no reason to lie.

And for the millionth time, I have never said to rush Brock back.

QBs are lucky to be on a team at 38. Lmaoo

Yea, that statement from me was a little toungue in cheek lol

I know. Lol I just thought it was funny. I'm confident Brock will be just fine and possibly improved (fingers crossed) -
I think we all agree that we shouldn't play Purdy until he's absolutely 100%. I think just some of us on here are skeptical of the 6 months and some of us are more confident - which is fair, since we have no real data/comps.
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