Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I'm really hoping Purdy can repeat his performance from last season. Now more than ever since Trey is gone.I have to admit that I'm still not 100% convinced that he's a long term solution. His sample size is still pretty small.
If you look at JG's stats last year and compare them to Brock, they're nearly identical. The one area that Brock is better is TD%. He was 7.6% vs 5.2% for JG. If he ends up being a healthy version of JG then that's okay but he still wouldn't be the top 5 QB that many of us want. Still a healthier version of JG could win a SB.
I think Purdy's year depends on the running back. CMC, Mason, TDP, Elijah etc... If this team has to win on Purdy's arm alone (without CMC for example) that's a tall order for any QB, let alone a 2nd year player. Maybe after another couple of years, Kyle can get by with Brock and a subpar RB squad (unlikely as Kyle has a knack for picking RB's) due to Brock's QB development. A good runningback is a QB's best friend. Good news is that the 49er RB squad looks stacked.
This offense is going to struggle a lot more than we currently do if CMC goes down. He opens up so much because he is not only versatile, but excellent at everything. Not having a player like him on the field really changes how a team plays is and the play calls kyle has as his disposal. Need him to stay healthy.
im not 100% convinced about Brock yet either but I'm very confident. Need to see more lf him before I'm convinced but I feel really good about it. I haven't seen a reason to think otherwise. Jimmy isn't a good enough reason, regardless of the stats, Brock played the position better than jimmy ever had last year and he did while actually executing the offense. Not some dumb downed version that was essentially back yard football.
Agree on Jimmy taking a much longer time than Matt Ryan to absorb the Kyle offense. I think it took Jimmy till last year to really get down the passing offense then he goes to the Raiders. But that's OK, we got Purdy who's a much better version of Jimmy.
The RB is important to the WCO because it's predicated on touch timing and pasing. The short passing game tries to manipulate the Linebackers, and one big way to maniputate the LB's is through the run fakes. You have to have that touch, timing and anticipation for the play action pass to work. If you have a vertical attack, then you are going to be dealing with DB's and cover two type schemes rather than the linebackers in coverage. The WCO and Kyle's offense really stresses the LB's - and it's no wonder that our LB's are the best in the NFL because of the kind of offense they have to practice against every day. As long as Kyle has a good RB that can credibly sell the run fake, Purdy is going to burn a lot of defenses this year.
Everyone seems to agree that the RB is a QBs best friend and yet most aren't being paid very well. The guy that can help the QB as much or more than a WR because he can run, catch asses and block is under valued in this era.
If you look at Brocks skills and Jimmy's skills they are similar. Brock sees the whole field better but JG has a really quick release. They're both accurate on short to medium passes but not as good as some on the deep passes. Brock moves better in the pocket than JG but neither is a threat to run. As I said, if Brock can stay healthy that would make him a better version of JG and we got to a SB with him.
With regards to Brock's long ball accuracy, I don't think the long pass will be his strength, the way the long pass is with Trey and those types of rocket arms. Trey just has that natural arm strength to where Brock's 20 yard passes are like Trey's 40 yard passes. It's easy for Trey to gun those long ball throws. Kyles offense goes to Trey's weakness which is the short pass. Eventually Trey will be there, but unfortunately it's going to be with the hated Dallas team.
Personally, just my raw eyes, but I think Brock is much more accurate and has a much better arm than Jimmy. Now I know Jimmy has a stronger arm, but what good is a strong arm if it's not accurate outside the hash marks. I think Brock's release is on par with Jimmy's, wherea's Jimmy pays for his quicker release with crap long ball mechanics. Jimmy's feet aren't as quick as Brock's in setting up and hence I think Brock's better mechanics make up for his weaker arm with better long ball accuracy. Finally, it only took Brock one year to master Kyle's offense and whereas its taken Matt Ryan and Jimmy multiple years to do it. I think that's important because Kyle will start adding more complicated moving parts to make this offense really difficult to stop. Example: scramble drill and more multiple option routes instead of just one option route per play.
Originally posted by Giedi:
With regards to Brock's long ball accuracy, I don't think the long pass will be his strength, the way the long pass is with Trey and those types of rocket arms. Trey just has that natural arm strength to where Brock's 20 yard passes are like Trey's 40 yard passes. It's easy for Trey to gun those long ball throws. Kyles offense goes to Trey's weakness which is the short pass. Eventually Trey will be there, but unfortunately it's going to be with the hated Dallas team.
Personally, just my raw eyes, but I think Brock is much more accurate and has a much better arm than Jimmy. Now I know Jimmy has a stronger arm, but what good is a strong arm if it's not accurate outside the hash marks. I think Brock's release is on par with Jimmy's, wherea's Jimmy pays for his quicker release with crap long ball mechanics. Jimmy's feet aren't as quick as Brock's in setting up and hence I think Brock's better mechanics make up for his weaker arm with better long ball accuracy. Finally, it only took Brock one year to master Kyle's offense and whereas its taken Matt Ryan and Jimmy multiple years to do it. I think that's important because Kyle will start adding more complicated moving parts to make this offense really difficult to stop. Example: scramble drill and more multiple option routes instead of just one option route per play.
I don't think Brock is inaccurate on his deep balls at all, I just think he needs better timing - which hopefully he got this off season with training camp reps. Obviously he doesn't have a cannon, which gives him less room for error timing wise in comparison to someone with a cannon, but I don't think he's bad at them.
what's really exciting to me is that this season, the offense is tailored to Brock. Last season it wasn't, Kyle has designed the playbook around Brock's strengths and what he does well. I'm amped because I expect to see a ton of efficiency this year (like we saw in his drives in the pre season hopefully) and then couple that with how good Brock is in the redzone, I anticipate we will take off right where we left off last season. Muahahah
we just have a much harder schedule this year (currently, let's see how those teams go).
Originally posted by tankle104:
I don't think Brock is inaccurate on his deep balls at all, I just think he needs better timing - which hopefully he got this off season with training camp reps. Obviously he doesn't have a cannon, which gives him less room for error timing wise in comparison to someone with a cannon, but I don't think he's bad at them.
what's really exciting to me is that this season, the offense is tailored to Brock. Last season it wasn't, Kyle has designed the playbook around Brock's strengths and what he does well. I'm amped because I expect to see a ton of efficiency this year (like we saw in his drives in the pre season hopefully) and then couple that with how good Brock is in the redzone, I anticipate we will take off right where we left off last season. Muahahah
we just have a much harder schedule this year (currently, let's see how those teams go).
I remember when folks were using his throw to BA vs Tampa as a sort of gotcha point. I saw posts like Trey would have not underthrown this one, on social media. He threw that TD pass deep down field with his ribs broke earlier in the game.
[ Edited by 49erFaithful6 on Aug 28, 2023 at 9:49 AM ]
Originally posted by tankle104:
I don't think Brock is inaccurate on his deep balls at all, I just think he needs better timing - which hopefully he got this off season with training camp reps. Obviously he doesn't have a cannon, which gives him less room for error timing wise in comparison to someone with a cannon, but I don't think he's bad at them.
what's really exciting to me is that this season, the offense is tailored to Brock. Last season it wasn't, Kyle has designed the playbook around Brock's strengths and what he does well. I'm amped because I expect to see a ton of efficiency this year (like we saw in his drives in the pre season hopefully) and then couple that with how good Brock is in the redzone, I anticipate we will take off right where we left off last season. Muahahah
we just have a much harder schedule this year (currently, let's see how those teams go).
I remember when folks were using his throw to BA vs Tampa as a sort of gotcha point. I saw posts like Trey would have not underthrown this one, on social media. He threw that TD pass deep down field with his ribs broke earlier in the game.
The one to CMC down the sideline was a dime. Literally couldn't of been better. I just view it as his accuracy has never been an issue
Also, Maybe I'm mistaken but doesn't look to me like he was able to step into the throw.
Originally posted by tankle104:
The one to CMC down the sideline was a dime. Literally couldn't of been better. I just view it as his accuracy has never been an issue
Also, Maybe I'm mistaken but doesn't look to me like he was able to step into the throw.
Originally posted by Giedi:
With regards to Brock's long ball accuracy, I don't think the long pass will be his strength, the way the long pass is with Trey and those types of rocket arms. Trey just has that natural arm strength to where Brock's 20 yard passes are like Trey's 40 yard passes. It's easy for Trey to gun those long ball throws. Kyles offense goes to Trey's weakness which is the short pass. Eventually Trey will be there, but unfortunately it's going to be with the hated Dallas team.
Personally, just my raw eyes, but I think Brock is much more accurate and has a much better arm than Jimmy. Now I know Jimmy has a stronger arm, but what good is a strong arm if it's not accurate outside the hash marks. I think Brock's release is on par with Jimmy's, wherea's Jimmy pays for his quicker release with crap long ball mechanics. Jimmy's feet aren't as quick as Brock's in setting up and hence I think Brock's better mechanics make up for his weaker arm with better long ball accuracy. Finally, it only took Brock one year to master Kyle's offense and whereas its taken Matt Ryan and Jimmy multiple years to do it. I think that's important because Kyle will start adding more complicated moving parts to make this offense really difficult to stop. Example: scramble drill and more multiple option routes instead of just one option route per play.
I don't think Brock is inaccurate on his deep balls at all, I just think he needs better timing - which hopefully he got this off season with training camp reps. Obviously he doesn't have a cannon, which gives him less room for error timing wise in comparison to someone with a cannon, but I don't think he's bad at them.
what's really exciting to me is that this season, the offense is tailored to Brock. Last season it wasn't, Kyle has designed the playbook around Brock's strengths and what he does well. I'm amped because I expect to see a ton of efficiency this year (like we saw in his drives in the pre season hopefully) and then couple that with how good Brock is in the redzone, I anticipate we will take off right where we left off last season. Muahahah
we just have a much harder schedule this year (currently, let's see how those teams go).
The reason the NFL is in love with Aaron is that rocket arm. But he's only won - one super bowl. Whereas Tom and Joe have won mulitiple super bowls, so that's what I think of rocket arms. Having said that, I'd rather have a rocket arm (all other things being equal) than not.
To a certain extent, a stronger arm is built for passing systems that emphasizes the long pass. A weak arm that needs more arc and timing to hit the deep pass introduces a lot more variables than a strong arm with a much flatter trajectory and less time in the air for the DB to react. But the great thing about it is that ball control passing offenses have had a ton of success in super bowls. So there's that.
The Brock offense is going to emphasize the TE, and I love that. It's going to make Kyle's positionless offense that much more potent.
Originally posted by tankle104:
The one to CMC down the sideline was a dime. Literally couldn't of been better. I just view it as his accuracy has never been an issue
Also, Maybe I'm mistaken but doesn't look to me like he was able to step into the throw.
When you got the broken ribs, and you're gutting it out, just putting it on a Tom Brady led team, I don't question the accuracy. I applaud the grit.
Yeah, same here. I just like where he places the ball on his deep throws. I liked jimmy but his deep accuracy was awful. They were rarely on target and the ball placement was always dangerous and unlikely going to be caught.
i don't really remember Lance throwing deep, so idk if he's good at it or not. Some claim he is awesome at it but I think I only saw one deep pass from him and it was in pre season.
Originally posted by Giedi:
The reason the NFL is in love with Aaron is that rocket arm. But he's only won - one super bowl. Whereas Tom and Joe have won mulitiple super bowls, so that's what I think of rocket arms. Having said that, I'd rather have a rocket arm (all other things being equal) than not.
To a certain extent, a stronger arm is built for passing systems that emphasizes the long pass. A weak arm that needs more arc and timing to hit the deep pass introduces a lot more variables than a strong arm with a much flatter trajectory and less time in the air for the DB to react. But the great thing about it is that ball control passing offenses have had a ton of success in super bowls. So there's that.
The Brock offense is going to emphasize the TE, and I love that. It's going to make Kyle's positionless offense that much more potent.
Pretty much every qb in the league can throw 50-60 yards relatively easy. It's the 70+ stuff that is rare but what is that, 1% or less of the plays every year? So I've always looked at it ridiculous to concern yourself with.
i also think it's just important to understand your arm and how you need to make throws, Russell Wilson is a great example - he was amazing at deep passes and his always had ridiculous arc on them but were accurate and made them often. He doesn't have a particularly strong arm - he just understands what he has to do and the timing on it. I think that goes for every qb.
Only difference to me between a really strong arm and an average arm is the room for error on timing.
all things equal, strong arm with great velocity is ideal but this is the real world and not all things are equal. I think there is much much more to playing qb than how hard/far you can throw the ball. Can you move guys with your eyes? How's your timing? Accuracy? Leadership? Nerves? Anticipation? Spatial awareness? Etc etc
Originally posted by Giedi:
The reason the NFL is in love with Aaron is that rocket arm. But he's only won - one super bowl. Whereas Tom and Joe have won mulitiple super bowls, so that's what I think of rocket arms. Having said that, I'd rather have a rocket arm (all other things being equal) than not.
To a certain extent, a stronger arm is built for passing systems that emphasizes the long pass. A weak arm that needs more arc and timing to hit the deep pass introduces a lot more variables than a strong arm with a much flatter trajectory and less time in the air for the DB to react. But the great thing about it is that ball control passing offenses have had a ton of success in super bowls. So there's that.
The Brock offense is going to emphasize the TE, and I love that. It's going to make Kyle's positionless offense that much more potent.
Pretty much every qb in the league can throw 50-60 yards relatively easy. It's the 70+ stuff that is rare but what is that, 1% or less of the plays every year? So I've always looked at it ridiculous to concern yourself with.
i also think it's just important to understand your arm and how you need to make throws, Russell Wilson is a great example - he was amazing at deep passes and his always had ridiculous arc on them but were accurate and made them often. He doesn't have a particularly strong arm - he just understands what he has to do and the timing on it. I think that goes for every qb.
Only difference to me between a really strong arm and an average arm is the room for error on timing.
all things equal, strong arm with great velocity is ideal but this is the real world and not all things are equal. I think there is much much more to playing qb than how hard/far you can throw the ball. Can you move guys with your eyes? How's your timing? Accuracy? Leadership? Nerves? Anticipation? Spatial awareness? Etc etc
Well systems that emphasize strong arms are - in a sense - much simpler. You will have WR's that match that systems needs. In a Coryell system, you'll have very fast agile WR's that can separate and if married with a strong accurate arm, they are very tough to stop. You'll get a lot of deep coverage and big cushins from the DBs (Tyreek hill comes to mind). Lynn Swan, Stallworth, Bob Hays... etc...are other examples. A strong accurate arm would eat that up just like the short passes in a WCO. Steelers with the Air Coryell offense have won multiple super bowls too, don't forget.
The problem with Russel Wilson is that he sucks at the short game needed for a WCO that Pete wants to implement. At least that's my observation. Russel never really, in my opinion, fit with the WCO really well. It's a matter of what the HC wants to implement on his team because how he preferes his system is how he's going to draft. I like a QB with a strong arm because that forces the defense to defend a lot more ground than a QB with a average arm. Having said that - Purdy's arm is plenty strong for Kyle's offense. It's not a limiter for Kyles offense at all. It's just that to a certain degree Trey's arm is so much stronger and more accurate in the longer ranges than Brock's arm - but again that's not what Kyle really wants in a QB.
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
Everyone seems to agree that the RB is a QBs best friend and yet most aren't being paid very well. The guy that can help the QB as much or more than a WR because he can run, catch asses and block is under valued in this era.
If you look at Brocks skills and Jimmy's skills they are similar. Brock sees the whole field better but JG has a really quick release. They're both accurate on short to medium passes but not as good as some on the deep passes. Brock moves better in the pocket than JG but neither is a threat to run. As I said, if Brock can stay healthy that would make him a better version of JG and we got to a SB with him.
IMO, Brock is exceptional with evasion runs. I think he's working hard to stifle the impulse to run, but he should convert more than his share of third downs with his legs.
I hope Kyle doesn't turn Brock into a statue this year. Let Brock move around and make plays on his own. Maybe limit the running to the left so much but don't take away his mobility
Originally posted by eric_anthony:
I hope Kyle doesn't turn Brock into a statue this year. Let Brock move around and make plays on his own. Maybe limit the running to the left so much but don't take away his mobility
The preseason playcalling suggests there is no intention to make him a statue.
Originally posted by eric_anthony:
I hope Kyle doesn't turn Brock into a statue this year. Let Brock move around and make plays on his own. Maybe limit the running to the left so much but don't take away his mobility
The preseason playcalling suggests there is no intention to make him a statue.
I'm not concerned about that. My concern is health. We really didn't improve our line, the line that lead to three season ending QB injuries.
And then we traded away QB insurance.
But for Brock, I think he'll be fine. Borderline pro bowler level, and a good shot to win it all if he stays healthy.
Originally posted by eric_anthony:
I hope Kyle doesn't turn Brock into a statue this year. Let Brock move around and make plays on his own. Maybe limit the running to the left so much but don't take away his mobility
The preseason playcalling suggests there is no intention to make him a statue.
I'm not concerned about that. My concern is health. We really didn't improve our line, the line that lead to three season ending QB injuries.
And then we traded away QB insurance.
But for Brock, I think he'll be fine. Borderline pro bowler level, and a good shot to win it all if he stays healthy.
Originally posted by eric_anthony:
I hope Kyle doesn't turn Brock into a statue this year. Let Brock move around and make plays on his own. Maybe limit the running to the left so much but don't take away his mobility
The preseason playcalling suggests there is no intention to make him a statue.
I'm not concerned about that. My concern is health. We really didn't improve our line, the line that lead to three season ending QB injuries.
And then we traded away QB insurance.
But for Brock, I think he'll be fine. Borderline pro bowler level, and a good shot to win it all if he stays healthy.
Not true.
What do you mean? Lance, Jimmy, and Brock all out for season. They all played behind the same line. I mean, you can argue that the line wasn't responsible for Lance's. Jimmy should have gone down earlier. And it was a TE who blew the block. But is the conversation that there are lots of extenuating circumstances, or that there is at least two consistent factors: KS play calling and our o-line.