Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:Oh I didn't see that. I disagree with that.
Originally posted by Cisco0623:
Originally posted by NYniner85:The funny thing is you never said he has a bad arm. You said he doesn't have a plus arm (I interpreted that as a rocket arm etc) I didn't even think you were insulting him.
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Bottom tier arm strength but the guy has made several deep passes down the sideline, some throw from the opposite hash. Double
What passes are you talking about? I can and have shown passes downfield that were underthrown. Name me 5 starting NFL QBs that have weaker arms than him?
look a post above yours.. he says name 5 starters that have a weaker arm. he said his arm is bottom tier among starters
I posted it before. He doesn't have a cannon. He's not throwing a rope like mahomes or Allen. He's more like a tad weaker Brees imo. More of a classical arm if that makes sense. I would call it easily average more like above average. But again his accuracy, anticipation etc make up for it.
Not to harp on ball velocity, which obviously would make New York happy (or unhappy) but I looked some things up because I was curious about Colt McCoy in particular since New York mentioned him.
Actually on the first page of results it said Brees had a velocity of I believe 52 mph which is below Brock's. So who knows, maybe Brock has a stronger arm than Brees. Brees was never regarded to have a cannon and in fact, arm strength, size, and Joe Tiller's system were all question marks on him coming out of college. Which, if I recall he still went high second round in the draft.
I'll say this. Ball velocity is obviously not the be all end all. But what I believe it does so is the capability to make the throws necessary to succeed in the NFL. I can't throw a ball 56-57 mph (football) and probably none of you can. Not only because I'm 47 but I wasn't an athlete, was typically smaller, etc when I was younger. And that in and of itself isn't that important. What is a little more important is if Brock is above the median/average there, and he seems to be , than he isn't weak armed.
Jeff Blake, when he played, and he was pretty good, was known to have one of the prettiest and best/most accurate deep balls in the league. I don't think anyone thought he had a stronger arm than say, Dan Marino or Brett Favre. Which obviously both of them can complete a deep ball.
But it's just one of those things. People thought Jimmy had a "noodle arm", or weak arm because he wasn't very accurate with a deep ball. That's not really always the most accurate thing.