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QB Brock Purdy Thread

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Originally posted by OwensRAC:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
That's making assumptions about the play that not even JD can know for sure.
The whole world knew that Brock played poorly those three games, and only racist fan boys like you think otherwise. He built up a lot of capital to get the benefit of the doubt, which is what he has with me. But I'm not going to turn a blind eye when he throws FOUR count em FOUR clutch interceptions in two games. I don't hide from reality, unlike you. He did not play well those games. But he gets the benefit of the doubt because he played like a top 10 QB all the other games.
And here you prove how utterly illiterate you are. I never thought Lance was good. I thought he had potential to BE good, over enough time, but I'm the guy who said, repeatedly, HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY QUARTERBACK AND HE CAN'T PASS THE DAMNED BALL. I said that. Over and over again. What I argued in his defense is that (a) he has the character to improve his passing (which he did, this off-season), and he has the intelligence and character to learn how to play QB (which he has not done yet).
I am the one who said Brock is like Patrick Mahomes in the 12 yard window, AGAIN AND AGAIN. As I said, you lack reading comprehension, or you make ASSumptions about people because you're a fan boy. I've repeatedly said Brock is better than your cousin and/or sexual fantasy Jimmy G. And I've repeatedly said he is a baller who is a lot like Mahomes in that 12-15 yard window.

This is the most asinine thing you've said, other than Steve Young had the weakest arm in NFL history. Over and over I said Lance can't even pass the damned ball. How is that "Lance is absolutely perfect."

And I showed your racist ass Steve dropping deep dimes in our PM argument. And Joe did it too. Neither one of those, and neither does Brock or Jimmy for that matter, have weak arms. Which I attempted numerous times to explain to your slow ass in our PM arguments. Jimmy's problem wasn't ARM STRENGTH, it was MECHANICS on deep passes.

MODS: What are you doing? Why do you keep letting this guy make accounts? IP ban his ass already.
JD knows the playbook. You made the assumption that Brock was just randomly that inaccurate.
IIRC, JD gets his playbook knowledge from an online available copy of the 2016 Atlanta Falcons.
Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Also, like most fans, you don't understand that Brock throws before receivers are even near their break. That takes another level of accuracy from other quarterbacks.
I fully understand anticipation, and that is one of the reasons I praised him so much before.

The problem with this interception, and why JD is wrong if he said which you claim (which I doubt), is that if Jennings ran the wrong route, and was supposed to run a post instead of a deep in, then he would have ran that route DIRECTLY into a defender. Which means CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY if the route was a post or in option, then JENNINGS ran the right route and Brock read it wrong.

Of course, I don't even see a full video from JD on the Vikings game on his channel, so what are you even talking about? The latest video is 6 days old and is titled "SF Defense has Issues;" the one before that is about the trade for Chase Young. And the one before that is about the Browns game.

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Not sure why you think Mahimes is some standard for 12 yard range. Burrow is the guy for that. Mahomes isn't especially accurate at any range. He's in the same system as Purdy, and Purdy's numbers are way better. Purdy's yards per pass attempt is two full yards better.
Smh. Maybe read what I say before deciding you know what I say? Mahomes is like Brett Favre. He can throw with his left hand. He can instantly react and throw when he turns and a rusher is in his face. He can buy time behind the pocket and throw. THAT IS WHAT BROCK PURDY DOES, AND THAT IS WHY I MAKE THE COMPARISON. That improvisation, that's what Mahomes is great at, and that's what Brock is great at. The only real differences between them to me is that Mahomes has more physical talent and is a bit thicker, and has more NFL experience. But Brock plays the same way when things break down, and it's pretty obvious to anyone who actually watches football (someone not like you, since you claimed Steve Young couldn't throw a ball fifty yards, so I showed you a video of him throwing over sixty at the QB competition). Brock is a gunslinger who can throw from a wide range of arm angles, just like Mahomes. Hence the comparison.

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Purdy's accuracy is most impressive in the 18-25 yard range, That's where he's throwing dimes.

Brock is pretty accurate at all three levels. He's dominating mid-range because that's where Kyle likes to attack, but he'd dominate at any depth with respect to his peers because he's accurate at all three levels. Unlike your cousin and/or dream lover Jimmy, who is inaccurate on deep balls. Brock just has random balls that are off from time to time (but sometimes that is because he throws super early and the timing is a bit off consequently).

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Those interceptions were only "clutch" because the defense was terrible. Purdy was the only thing allowing those interceptions to be clutch. He kept the team in the games. He carved up the Vikings and Bengals aside from those picks...most of them not his fault anyway.
They were clutch because we needed him to lead us to victory in those moments. There's not enough data to know if Brock can't thrive in crunch time, or if even the Vikings and Bengals picks were the aftereffects of concussions (entirely possible), but hopefully there will be no need for that going forward.

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

The team punted just as much in this game, yet scored 34 points and had a chance for more when they tried to force CMC to get the record. That's because the defense didn't suck today and allow the opponent to play keepaway.

Punts are your measure of offensive efficiency? How about INTERCEPTIONS. 2 in both games compared to 0 against the Jaguars. How about TD%? 10.7% vs the Jaguars, versus 6.7 against the Vikings and 3.2% against the Bengals.

Acting like Brock played at the same level in the Vikings and Bengals games as he did against the Jaguars is beggars belief. Brock's Total QBR Sunday was 87.8. Extremely high—third in the NFL and one of the best in the leauge—that week. His Total QBR against the Vikings 70.5 (better than average) and Bengals and 54.8 (around average), respectively. He played down to Jimmy G's level those games, which is just good enough to get to the playoffs and lose. If we want to win the Super Bowl, we need Brock to be like he was against the Jags.

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

You were militantly pro-Lance. You were defending Lance against the true statement that he didn't throw with touch, linking to meaningless college clips.
You are militantly dumb if you think that. Given the choice between continuing with Jimmy's eternal mediocrity and throwing Lance to the fire, I mused that in the long run we may be better getting Lance his bumps and bruises and wasting a season for that. But that is not being "pro-Lance," it's being anti-Jimmy. Not because I though Jimmy sucked. But because I knew, not thought, knew, that he was at his ceiling and his ceiling was a draft pick in the 20s and no hardware.

Brock changed the entire calculus last year, and turned the page to cautiously optimistic we have our long term QB. The last three games gave the REASONABLE question as to whether or not he was playing above his mean early on due to the NFL not quite having a bead on him. But by this late in the game, his strengths and weaknesses are pretty well known, and the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. As I've said repeatedly, AT WORST Brock will be just a bit better than Jimmy. The WORST CASE SCENARIO is he will be BETTER than Jimmy, thus our TEAM will be better so long as we can keep our guys.

Back to Lance, he DID throw with touch and you and your friends were proven wrong multiple times on that—including clips from NFL games.

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Nkt only did Lance not know how to throw,
I'M THE ONE WHO SAID HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO THROW, GENIUS. I'm pretty sure I'm the first person on this forum to use that exact phrasing. How is that "militantly pro-Lance?"

Originally posted by OwensRAC:
but he's a horrible runner.
No he's not, and I proved that multiple times with NFL clips. He's not Justin Fields, but he could pick up yards on designed runs up the middle—which he did repeatedly, for example:

Originally posted by OwensRAC:
Slower than many offensive lineman.
This is even more retarded than your claim that Steve Young had the weakest arm in NFL history.
Originally posted by OwensRAC:
Purdy is much quicker and faster than Lance. Lance skipped the 40 during no combine covid year, and he and his trainer lied to the 49ers and made up GPS claims. I think the 49ers wanted to believe them.
Lance has better top speed, Brock has better quickness. And Lance essentially duplicated the same scramble behind the line and throw that Purdy showed against Seattle last year that everyone loved (including me).

The narrative that Lance can't move is stupid. His biggest issue with respect to running is the same one with respect to passing: hesitation. Possibly due to slow processing, possibly due to the fact that he never played at a high level of competition and was simply frozen by the speed of the NFL game. He was never a Mike Vick clone, but he could be effective in a similar way to Newton: draws, QB power, etc.
Originally posted by OwensRAC:

He didn't improve anything. He looks the same as he did as a rookie.
Meanwhile multitudes of experts and beatwriters concluded he improved his passing mechanics and consequently his accuracy. Lombardi for example, who you guys tend to love. I think even JD mentioned that. All after working with Christiansen. This was actually a fairly big story this summer, and it showed in the pre-season. But there is more to quarterbacking than throwing, and Lance has yet to learn the rest of it even if he got a little better at throwing (which he did).
Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Who has a weaker arm than Steve Young?
Plenty of people. The most obvious good QB with a weaker arm is Chad Pennington. Thank you for making sure the whole forum knows I wasn't lying when I said you made this incredibly retarded argument about Steve's arm, that he literally had the weakest arm in NFL history. Had you merely said his arm was weaker than Jimmy's or something like that, maybe you wouldn't have looks quite as stupid. But no. You said weakest in NFL history. NFL HISTORY. The ludicrousness is beyond compare.
Originally posted by OwensRAC:
The guy got laughed at in the quarterback competition distance contests.
You mean the same one where you said he couldn't throw 50 yards and I showed you his second throw going 63?

Originally posted by OwensRAC:
He couldn't even get the ball to the end zone on that last pick versus the Packers in the 95-96 divisional playoff game.
No one was coming up for the ball on that pass. They were still running towards the end zone, and it was thrown about 50 yards down the field, which isn't even Steve's max distance, which I showed you from the QB competition film when you claimed he couldn't throw it 45-50 yards and he threw it over 60. He was beat up and pressing because of the constant pressure, the guard got destroyed, and consequently he threw it early and didn't step into the throw.

Here is the same gif I already posted for you, where Steve throws from about the 45 to just before the goal line, about 55 yards through the air. This is a longer distance than that hail marry, so the claim that it didn't pass the goal line because his arm was too weak is disproved.

Originally posted by OwensRAC:

Keep whining to the mods to ban me. You have to snitch because I keep showing how clueless you are.

The only thing you keep showing is that your IQ is room temperature.
  • Furlow
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  • Posts: 21,482
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by Furlow:
This. These dude's acting like they were upset when the play happened. Lol stop it.

upset is a strong word, it was clearly not what you want to see..
it was a literal no no no no.. yessss type play..
so that's live reaction as the play is going down

JTO calls that living on the edge. Thing about living on the edge, is sometimes you fall off. So the cross body soft toss over the middle into a crowd of defenders, isn't a thing you want to see every week. Ppl had the reaction to the play live. I think NY in real time posted on it in the gameday thread, correctly. I think most fball fans know cross body into traffic over the middle is in general a no no.

now when ppl call his game yesterday elite, let's just pretend for a sec, that ball is picked, Jags are celebrating the pick as a team, as teams do... is the game still elite?

i'm trying not to judge on results or stats, but on how is he playing the position, how is he executing, what kind of decisions is he making, are they the correct decisions, and so forth.. I thought he had very good moments, and some head scratchers. Overall, he played okay / good imo.

If I give a gameball, it's not to BP, how about to Wilks. You go into Jax and allow 3? And that FG was a knuckler, very nearly a shutout. After the heat he took, coming down to the sideline, he deserves a recognition. And CMC, not so much for yesterday, but in honor and recognition, of his streak.

Guys that take chances and throw TD's can be called elite. Guys that take chances and throw INT's cannot. Purdy has been much more the former than the latter. I guess some of you just need to see it more and for longer to call him elite. I don't, most don't.
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
You guys are complaining about a dime throw touchdown. We have seen players on the 49ers throw it out of bounds and into the stands. A few risks to be aggressive is OK.

He has a little Brock Favre in him.

Drew Brees made a living off throwing that same ball to Jimmy graham in the back of the endzone and his head coach was never crying about it...

You had giant arms ayuik and kittle both there. The throw was perfect. Even if the DB times it perfect kittle or ayuik should still come down with it ...
Originally posted by Furlow:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by Furlow:
This. These dude's acting like they were upset when the play happened. Lol stop it.

upset is a strong word, it was clearly not what you want to see..
it was a literal no no no no.. yessss type play..
so that's live reaction as the play is going down

JTO calls that living on the edge. Thing about living on the edge, is sometimes you fall off. So the cross body soft toss over the middle into a crowd of defenders, isn't a thing you want to see every week. Ppl had the reaction to the play live. I think NY in real time posted on it in the gameday thread, correctly. I think most fball fans know cross body into traffic over the middle is in general a no no.

now when ppl call his game yesterday elite, let's just pretend for a sec, that ball is picked, Jags are celebrating the pick as a team, as teams do... is the game still elite?

i'm trying not to judge on results or stats, but on how is he playing the position, how is he executing, what kind of decisions is he making, are they the correct decisions, and so forth.. I thought he had very good moments, and some head scratchers. Overall, he played okay / good imo.

If I give a gameball, it's not to BP, how about to Wilks. You go into Jax and allow 3? And that FG was a knuckler, very nearly a shutout. After the heat he took, coming down to the sideline, he deserves a recognition. And CMC, not so much for yesterday, but in honor and recognition, of his streak.

Guys that take chances and throw TD's can be called elite. Guys that take chances and throw INT's cannot. Purdy has been much more the former than the latter. I guess some of you just need to see it more and for longer to call him elite. I don't, most don't.
just like alex smith was elite or jimmy g was elite .. maybe you use the elite label too soon.

nothing is wrong with waiting and just enjoying the game without the labeling or sensitivity
[ Edited by 49AllTheTime on Nov 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM ]
Originally posted by Furlow:
My how the tables have turned. 49erFaithful was my guy in the Jimmy G thread lol. Now I'm shoulder to shoulder with SWH (who I've battled with for years regarding Alex and Jimmy) defending Purdy. Very interesting.

Funny how that works huh?

Let me try to explain why IMO, its very different. I will give you a couple of examples.

1) The Cowboy playoff game. We were comfortably ahead, and then Jimmy threw a bonehead pick that spearheaded the Cowboys comeback. That comeback ultimately fell short, but the pick was instrumental in that comeback. I criticized Jimmy for that interception and for keeping the Cowboys in the game. My criticism was met with "we won the game" and similar type replies.

2) The Superbowl. Jimmy left a ton of plays on the field (not even counting the Sanders overthrow). My criticism for that was met with "we had a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter" and the blame shifted to the defense.

Fast forward to yesterday. The same poster who was staunchly defending everything Jimmy (including the two examples above), is criticizing Brock Purdy for leaving a couple of plays on the field in a 34-3 blowout over a team that rattled off 5 straight games at their house.

Ultimately, it seems as if that poster gives the benefit of the doubt to the veteran with many years in our system, and is overly critical to the young guy who is very early on in his career. I think that is as ass-backwards as humanly possible.
Originally posted by BoldRedandGold:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
You guys are complaining about a dime throw touchdown. We have seen players on the 49ers throw it out of bounds and into the stands. A few risks to be aggressive is OK.

He has a little Brock Favre in him.

Drew Brees made a living off throwing that same ball to Jimmy graham in the back of the endzone and his head coach was never crying about it...

You had giant arms ayuik and kittle both there. The throw was perfect. Even if the DB times it perfect kittle or ayuik should still come down with it ...

Yes I agree.
  • Furlow
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  • Posts: 21,482
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Furlow:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by Furlow:
This. These dude's acting like they were upset when the play happened. Lol stop it.

upset is a strong word, it was clearly not what you want to see..
it was a literal no no no no.. yessss type play..
so that's live reaction as the play is going down

JTO calls that living on the edge. Thing about living on the edge, is sometimes you fall off. So the cross body soft toss over the middle into a crowd of defenders, isn't a thing you want to see every week. Ppl had the reaction to the play live. I think NY in real time posted on it in the gameday thread, correctly. I think most fball fans know cross body into traffic over the middle is in general a no no.

now when ppl call his game yesterday elite, let's just pretend for a sec, that ball is picked, Jags are celebrating the pick as a team, as teams do... is the game still elite?

i'm trying not to judge on results or stats, but on how is he playing the position, how is he executing, what kind of decisions is he making, are they the correct decisions, and so forth.. I thought he had very good moments, and some head scratchers. Overall, he played okay / good imo.

If I give a gameball, it's not to BP, how about to Wilks. You go into Jax and allow 3? And that FG was a knuckler, very nearly a shutout. After the heat he took, coming down to the sideline, he deserves a recognition. And CMC, not so much for yesterday, but in honor and recognition, of his streak.

Guys that take chances and throw TD's can be called elite. Guys that take chances and throw INT's cannot. Purdy has been much more the former than the latter. I guess some of you just need to see it more and for longer to call him elite. I don't, most don't.
just like alex smith was elite or jimmy g was elite .. maybe you use the elite label too soon.

nothing is wrong with waiting and just enjoying the game without the labeling or sensitivity

I never ever called Alex nor Jimmy elite lol. And please stop with the feminine "sensitivity" argument. The only ones being sensitive in here are those of you who keep accusing others of it. We're on a football forum discussing football. Do that or stay out of threads if it's too much to handle.
Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Originally posted by SD49er:
If Mahomes, Allen, or Burrow make that Aiyuk TD throw they are praised for their greatness, while Brock is critiqued for making a bad decision. Now the other three have certainly proven their greatness over a longer period of time, but Brock regularly shows us wow plays. See the kittle TD for another example.

Has Allen proved greatness?

He's proved he can make stupid great throws, like this, jumping out of bounds and throwing a TD.

But as SD49er said, Brock has made his own great plays too. At some point this season I think the narrative on Brock's weaknesses will change from the perception that he doesn't have a good arm to the fact that he takes a lot of risks. No one will every confuse him for having elite arm strength, but I think by the end of the year it will be pretty clear to the nation wide pundits that he can make every single throw, and that physical talent is not going to be any real limiting factor for him, any more than it was for Drew Brees or Tom Brady.
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
He's proved he can make stupid great throws, like this, jumping out of bounds and throwing a TD.

But as SD49er said, Brock has made his own great plays too. At some point this season I think the narrative on Brock's weaknesses will change from the perception that he doesn't have a good arm to the fact that he takes a lot of risks. No one will every confuse him for having elite arm strength, but I think by the end of the year it will be pretty clear to the nation wide pundits that he can make every single throw, and that physical talent is not going to be any real limiting factor for him, any more than it was for Drew Brees or Tom Brady.

Nationwide pundits aside, welcome to this forum for the entire past offseason, lol.
Originally posted by Chance:
Originally posted by BOI49er:
Originally posted by Chance:
Originally posted by BOI49er:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by qnnhan7:
If you're Brock Purdy, that's a bad decision. If you're Pat Mahomes, it's masterful MVP type play. With Kyle's reaction after the game, we know now why he didn't think much of Mahomes during the draft lol

I mean it's a QB no no regardless of who's the QB. We got the TD so that's all that matters

He threw it over and deeper than every defender. I think it looked worse because there were so many defenders there. It was a tight window, but when do NFL quarterbacks ever make throws defenders can almost touch?

Bottom line, he threw it deep enough to be out of reach of every Jag, Brock is aggressive, he takes what he thinks he can make in the red zone as they're always tight down there, and he's pretty good at it. No problem.

I think a better DB would have been able to at least break it up. If you look at the video from the back of the end zone, one of the DBs is in good position to make a play on the ball, but then moves up to defend Kittle instead of trying to meet the ball in the air. I don't think the DB knew Aiyuk was there, or perhaps thought that Kittle had the best shot at the ball. If I'm going to nitpick the throw, I think it could have been higher and more out of reach. The decision was suspect, but I don't mind it as long as Purdy puts enough on it to keep it out of harm's way. In the end it all worked out and Purdy had an otherwise stellar outing.

O'Connell just scored up high over a defender's hand by an inch. I don't see the difference, except it was one and not several defenders in front, but over and beyond the reach of all of them.

Brock Purdy made the team because he didn't play it safe, and aggressively made plays. Kyle Shanahan said he much prefers that to the alternative. People claimed in the off season that he can't set the league on fire with his touchdown pass percentage again this year, and that "stat" will revert to mean. He's pretty good at it. Yeah, he can. But you can't do it without throwing into tight windows. And you don't win playing it safe. You overcome mistakes by staying aggressive and scoring. If he thinks he can make the play, he's going to take it It's what we've got.

Yeah, I understand the mindset and support aggressive play. And again I am one of Purdy's biggest supporters on this board.

My opinion is that it wasn't a great decision because a better, or more aware DB, could have easily made a play on the ball (just watch the back of the endzone video that was posted earlier and go frame by frame. The DB was in perfect position to play the ball, but then decided to move forward to defend Kittle, a fortuitous decision for our team). But I'm just critiquing one decision Purdy made, which should be fair play since I have fully supported Purdy, and still do as much as ever, and believe that he is a franchise QB. Let's stop setting the expectations of perfection, because that's how slumps become unmanageable in peoples' minds.

I think the real issue is when he chose to throw it. Early in the game, in the red zone, not even third down, etc. That's more of a thing you do when you have a bit of a cushion or it's right before the half or late in the game and you have to get TDs.

It's definitely great to be aggressive, you just can't do it all the time. Got to pick your spots. But he's young and will find that balance.

  • Furlow
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  • Posts: 21,482
Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:
Originally posted by Furlow:
My how the tables have turned. 49erFaithful was my guy in the Jimmy G thread lol. Now I'm shoulder to shoulder with SWH (who I've battled with for years regarding Alex and Jimmy) defending Purdy. Very interesting.

Funny how that works huh?

Let me try to explain why IMO, its very different. I will give you a couple of examples.

1) The Cowboy playoff game. We were comfortably ahead, and then Jimmy threw a bonehead pick that spearheaded the Cowboys comeback. That comeback ultimately fell short, but the pick was instrumental in that comeback. I criticized Jimmy for that interception and for keeping the Cowboys in the game. My criticism was met with "we won the game" and similar type replies.

2) The Superbowl. Jimmy left a ton of plays on the field (not even counting the Sanders overthrow). My criticism for that was met with "we had a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter" and the blame shifted to the defense.

Fast forward to yesterday. The same poster who was staunchly defending everything Jimmy (including the two examples above), is criticizing Brock Purdy for leaving a couple of plays on the field in a 34-3 blowout over a team that rattled off 5 straight games at their house.

Ultimately, it seems as if that poster gives the benefit of the doubt to the veteran with many years in our system, and is overly critical to the young guy who is very early on in his career. I think that is as ass-backwards as humanly possible.

I'm not a big fan of critiquing any QB in a win, and as you know I defended Jimmy a lot for those exact games/throws. I think he did enough to beat the Cowboys and even the Chiefs in the Super Bowl; plenty of blame to go around there.

What Purdy has revealed though, is that Jimmy's limitations (whether they are physical or mental) were holding back the potential of Kyle's system. Kyle NEEDS a QB like Purdy who is willing and able to push the limits of the structure and know when to operate outside of it. The offense is unlocked, clearly. To then criticize that very aspect of his game, and say that he should eliminate it - is insane to me. As that is the very thing that was missing from Jimmy's game.

And yes, when you add in the fact that he's young and much less experienced than Jimmy, should afford him that much more leeway to make mistakes and see just how far he can push the limits that I described.

This group must be 100% lawyers in real life because it seems like you guys love to argue
Originally posted by qnnhan7:
After the Ambry Thomas TD taken away. It was 3rd and 9 about to be 3&out, Brock dropped a dime to Aiyuk on the right sideline with 2 defenders on him. No margin for errors. Most underrated throw by Brock of the game.

Feel kind of bad for Ambry though.
Originally posted by Furlow:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Furlow:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by Furlow:
This. These dude's acting like they were upset when the play happened. Lol stop it.

upset is a strong word, it was clearly not what you want to see..
it was a literal no no no no.. yessss type play..
so that's live reaction as the play is going down

JTO calls that living on the edge. Thing about living on the edge, is sometimes you fall off. So the cross body soft toss over the middle into a crowd of defenders, isn't a thing you want to see every week. Ppl had the reaction to the play live. I think NY in real time posted on it in the gameday thread, correctly. I think most fball fans know cross body into traffic over the middle is in general a no no.

now when ppl call his game yesterday elite, let's just pretend for a sec, that ball is picked, Jags are celebrating the pick as a team, as teams do... is the game still elite?

i'm trying not to judge on results or stats, but on how is he playing the position, how is he executing, what kind of decisions is he making, are they the correct decisions, and so forth.. I thought he had very good moments, and some head scratchers. Overall, he played okay / good imo.

If I give a gameball, it's not to BP, how about to Wilks. You go into Jax and allow 3? And that FG was a knuckler, very nearly a shutout. After the heat he took, coming down to the sideline, he deserves a recognition. And CMC, not so much for yesterday, but in honor and recognition, of his streak.

Guys that take chances and throw TD's can be called elite. Guys that take chances and throw INT's cannot. Purdy has been much more the former than the latter. I guess some of you just need to see it more and for longer to call him elite. I don't, most don't.
just like alex smith was elite or jimmy g was elite .. maybe you use the elite label too soon.

nothing is wrong with waiting and just enjoying the game without the labeling or sensitivity

I never ever called Alex nor Jimmy elite lol. And please stop with the feminine "sensitivity" argument. The only ones being sensitive in here are those of you who keep accusing others of it. We're on a football forum discussing football. Do that or stay out of threads if it's too much to handle.
never? oh geez the denial sets in now.. lol

calling you out on being sensitive is not being sensitive, it's just calling you out on it lol
Originally posted by Furlow:
I'm not a big fan of critiquing any QB in a win, and as you know I defended Jimmy a lot for those exact games/throws. I think he did enough to beat the Cowboys and even the Chiefs in the Super Bowl; plenty of blame to go around there.

What Purdy has revealed though, is that Jimmy's limitations (whether they are physical or mental) were holding back the potential of Kyle's system. Kyle NEEDS a QB like Purdy who is willing and able to push the limits of the structure and know when to operate outside of it. The offense is unlocked, clearly. To then criticize that very aspect of his game, and say that he should eliminate it - is insane to me. As that is the very thing that was missing from Jimmy's game.

And yes, when you add in the fact that he's young and much less experienced than Jimmy, should afford him that much more leeway to make mistakes and see just how far he can push the limits that I described.

It wasn't just a lack of out of structure ability or scrambling ability that limited the offense here under Jimmy. It was failure to read and process defenses, poor field vision, spotty accuracy, bad decision making… within the structure of the offense.

We want Brock to bring playmaking elements outside of structure in this offense. There's a hell of a lot more than just the example of yesterday, which we generally, in almost every case, do not want. Got away with it and got a good result. Let's not do it again outside of necessity.
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