Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by Waterbear:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
let's discuss ball, not ad homs, which you do frequently, I'm talking ball and MM who was on the nose about Lance, and likely about BP tho I haven't viewed his BP take yet
Which is exactly the point of my first post, you agreed with MM's take because it was negative about Lance, not because it was an accurate summary of Trey's issues.... and now you know you will admittingly agree with his BP take before you see it, just because you know it will be positive.
i agreed with it cuz it was accurate, the better question is why did you argue against it?
perhaps you argued against it (even tho it was true) cuz it went against your narrative at the time.. and you assume I am doing what you are, cuz you're doing it to begin with. This is known as projection...
my only agenda is reality, watching games and providing my opinion of what I am viewing, and NFL can change week to week. I'm not afraid of changing my opinion, as the facts / play dictates..
you may notice, I'm not blindly praising BP, I was a lil critical of his game including the ball floated into a crowd. and eating a couple losses vs blitz, instead of recognizing blitz, and ball out of his hands.
You've never cared to accurately portray my narrative, or anyone else's mind you.
You're the one that called me a hater on multiple occasions with no evidence, show me where I did the same.
There's a reason so many people come at you like I do, and it's not because of those people, it's because of YOU.