Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Originally posted by NCommand:And in what way would he modify that play? THE ROUTE ALREADY EXISTS IN THE PLAY. The ONLY reason Kyle was surprised the throw was made is because THE COVERAGE WAS DEEP. That isn't a play where Aiyuk is off limites. Jesus f**king tapdancing Christ I cannot with you people. THE COVERAGE DICTATES WHERE THE f**kING BALL GOES IN THEORY. When your QB is so good that he can throw it deep even when the COVERAGE THE COVERAGE THE MOTHER f**kING GODDDAMNN COVERAGE tells you to throw short, then you have an elite QB. That does NOT MEAN IT ABSO f**kING LUTELY DOES NOT MEAN that the QB is not supposed to throw there in general, and that in order to incorporate that throw into the "real" offense it has to be changed. That is ASININE. The route is already there and is in the progression already, and is entirely dependent on the coverage. LITERALLY NOTHING in the scheme needs to change AT ALL to include that route because it is literally already there. The ONLY thing odd about this throw is that the COVERAGE in theory suggested the ball should have gone short. THE COVERAGE. Guess what? Teams do not actually run the same coverage every time. I don't know if you realized that, but believe it or not, sometimes the coverage CHANGES, which, again, believe it or not, generally changes where the QB should throw the ball.
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by thl408:
Oh hell yeah. Accurate, confident, playmaker.
Finally have one at QB. Been two decades. Beautiful thing.
To your other point, as long as he keeps being successful despite Kyle's mini stroke each time, Kyle might start modifying the offense more to highlight that moxy. Not sure.
The only thing that happened here is Brock took what he wanted because he could. He didn't violate the play design. He just made a throw that most guys can't. But the route is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT VALID AND PART OF THE PLAY. It's just that a lesser QB would take the open check down because the coverage had backed off.
God shoot me.
Psychooooooooooo. Wow.
Take a breath, sunshine. We haven't even played Philly yet.
This is years of frustration boiling over at the completely absurd takes Jimmy Club members will take to protect their emotional investment in him.