Originally posted by tankle104:
Lol idk if I agree with everytbing you're saying but I see what you're saying.
i blame college programs, TBH. A lot of them just don't teach the fundamentals and rely on just the raw talent. Outside of Alabama, Michigan, and Georgia - I feel most players are super underdeveloped.
look at USC. I mean do they even coach on defense? It's insane
I've been watching sports for around 50 years so I can speak on experience. There are only so many hours in a day, and today's athletes spend more time in the weight room than they do practicing the craft that got them where they are today. As as result, the athleticism is through the roof and the fundamentals have fallen off. It's just far more accepted because first and foremost, the sports industry has grown by leaps and bounds to what it was in the early/mid 1970's. The $ is the bottom line.