Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by BOI49er:
Naa. That was the problem with Martyball. You win in the regular season playing conservatively, but when there's no tomorrow, teams pull out all the stops and take chances. You just can't get through the playoffs if you don't let it rip too, and he wouldn't.
I think his rap was very well earned.
He was snakebit. He once lost a playoff game 10-7 where his otherwise reliable kicker missed three FGs under 45 yards. There was always some ridiculous turnover, a bad call or something else that happened. I always felt bad for the guy because he seemed like a genuinely great coach.
Marty was (I think) a Great coach, great motivator, but he could never draft that franchise QB, and always had to get other team's castoffs (an aging Joe and Steve Bono, Elvis Grbac for example).
I hate to dump on a great coach, and to be fair to him, I wasn't old enough to see his Browns and Chiefs team and admittedly don't know what his rosters and gameday decisions looked like... but even though he was able to take multiple teams to the playoffs, I do question his 5-13 playoff records with three different franchises that he was the head coach of for 5+ years each stop. He was tenured enough at all three stops that he could've built each team to what he needed. If he failed to franchise QB, I can sympathize, because Shanahan took a couple years to find Purdy, but it does show the difference between a perennial playoff team and a Super Bowl winner. For him to not find that guy in all those years, so unfortunate.
But yeah... 13 playoff exits. Different teams, different personnel... but commentators would always make note of his conservatism in playoff games, to the point that he's known for Martyball. His career was a large enough sample size that something just didn't work.