Originally posted by pasodoc9er:
Brock's struggle with a wet ball, again was problematic. Don't know if a dry leather glove will help but anyone who has played golf in central CA in August, with no golf glove will surely recognize how having a dry hand helps immensely with holding onto the club. For Brock with a R hand golf glove I believe with some practice he will get accustomed to it, and will enable him to hold onto a wet ball much , much easier. I know , I know he has tried but just can't get the feel of a glove , and his passes agree with that. But yesterday, with the wet ball he was throwing high and behind , low and in front, plus other variations….none of them good.
Honestly, if he just stays with it, (a glove) and uses a wet ball, who knows what an entire off year of practice like that will do. There is one thing , however, that he can't continue and that is to be unable to get a wet ball to go where he wants it. So, no, it probably won't help for the one or two remaining gams this yr, but a full off season throwing a wet ball wearing a DRY golf glove… i think it is his only answer. There is no question , the ball just comes out different than Brock wants it to when thrown wet. This is just being patient and taking the time to learn throwing a wet ball using a Dry glove.
Agree 💯%, I like the idea myself. The equipment manager shouldn't limit the gloves to football gloves but any gloves (Golf, Tennis, whatever...) that Purdy feels comfortable with and will help him with gripping wet Balls!