Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
i was saying after 2020 we need to do something else at QB. you can't have QB1 missing every other season. not sustainable. those are really the only losing seasons with kyle, the ones jimmy was hurt. other than year 1 when the thing wasn't built yet and also, last season.
Absolutely Untrue
the posts are all there. i kept saying it's a reliability / durability issue. missing 2/3 seasons isn't something you can just roll with at QB1.
now they bungled the pivot from jimmy, to lance. that wasn't the right guy and it was too much draft cost. brock bailed them out, and being burned by the lance move is why they are done looking for QB. it's a question is brock good enough. i think he's good enough to point guard a loaded team. 2024 shows he may not be good enough to will a less loaded team to the playoffs.