Originally posted by tankle104:
Wow a journalist admit he was wrong about Purdy!? The world must be coming to an end. Kudos to this journalist.
Not bad. But Lowell Cohn's apology to Joe Montana was one for the ages. Plus, Joe had to win two more Super Bowls before Cohn let go with his "I was wrong about him" mea culpa.
But that column, which Cohn penned in the late 1980's for the SF Chronicle, has stuck with me through the years. I've never forgotten it. Because it was a real slice of humble pie from a jerk who happened to write about sports. You think Cohn's son is bad? Not hardly. Not compared to dad, who had a much larger following than his son will ever command.
This isn't meant as any disrespect to Grant. It's just an admission that the world is a different place. There weren't many media outlets back in that day. The WWW was PARC wet dream. PRINT was KING. Lowell Cohn had an enormous audience. And people just like me were more than willing to plunk down fifty cents for a Monday morning copy of the Sporting Green, the reporting of Ira Miller, the scribe of Glenn Dickey and the biggest mouth of all, the jerk known as Lowell Cohn.