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Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by JTB1974:
Originally posted by captveg:
Then you should stop watching the regular season entirely.

Just stop watching the NFL altogether unless the 49ers are in the SB if the only thing worth watching are 49er SB wins. 49ers, in your view, have had 5 successful seasons since 1946. That's a terrible %, so why bother watching at all? Bill Walsh had more failed seasons (7) than he did successful ones (3).

Cynicism is so petty.

Isn't the whole reason why the Jimmy fans say they want him to start is because this is a SB roster> But now that he is starting, Winning the SB is not everything?

Winning the SB is everything. I truly hope Jimmy ups his play and wins it all. I was hoping Lance would continue to improve because I figured he had a better chance than Jimmy does to have those big QB plays in the playoffs a team usually needs to win the SB.

All that in mind, I also watch this game to be entertained weekly. Like, what is the point if you can't enjoy the ride? Some of my favorite teams I've watched didn't win it all, the 2019 49er team among them. That season was a joy to watch, even if the very end was a terrible disappointment. Same goes for the 2011 team. Or, in baseball, the 2002 and 2012 A's were two of my favorite teams to watch.

It doesn't need to be a dour, scared, cynical, b***h-fest outlook until they win the SB.

I have fond memories of 1998, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2019, 2021. all season I enjoyed for different reasons. Just because they didn't win it do any make them a complete failure.
Originally posted by 9erred:
I could not believe my eyes. Nick Bosa, the heart of the DL and the best player on the team was in during garbage time. The team was up 27-7 with under 2 minutes to play. No way in heck a come back can happen. So why why why would Nick Bosa be on the field??? Makes zero sense to me.

DPOY stat padding. Honestly, read this thread... half the fans thought we were going to blow a 20-7 lead, gotta keep your guys in or get criticized.
Originally posted by RDB4216:
Random thought - but Sean Payton was kinda dogging Lance the other day. Maybe he put a Bounty on him???? And if so, is it Shanny that gets to collect it....?

This has to be one of the worst takes I've even seen on the Webzone.
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by Ninerforever:
Originally posted by Niners99:
lol karma? Jimmy cant stay healthy. He throws dumb picks regularly. He is awful in playoff games. Moving on from him wasn't grounds for "karma". We gave him 4.5 years and he peaked below the necessary level to win championships.

But yet, all he does is win..strange huh?

What do we have to show for all those wins?

A couple legit shots to win the SB.

Can't win the SB if you don't win some games in the regular season.

The goal is to win the SB. The regular season wins don't mean anything if he is awful in the playoffs. You need elite QB play to win a SB. Jimmy doesn't give us that.

The goal is to win the SB, but you have to be pretty cynical and a truly debbie downer person to watch regular season wins and get zero enjoyment out of them. "I'll enjoy these regular season wins and playoff wins ONLY if they win the SB. Otherwise I've wasted my time and would have rather cut myself" - perpetually unhappy whiner fans.


Ive seen plenty of winning seasons. This franchise is supposed to be SB or the season is a failure. Were not the Lions, just happy to win 9 games.

Then you should stop watching the regular season entirely.

Just stop watching the NFL altogether unless the 49ers are in the SB if the only thing worth watching are 49er SB wins. 49ers, in your view, have had 5 successful seasons since 1946. That's a terrible %, so why bother watching at all? Bill Walsh had more failed seasons (7) than he did successful ones (3).

Cynicism is so petty.


My point is, we've seen this show before. It ends the same way. Obviously I enjoy football all season long, but I'm not satisfied with the way the Jimmy show ends every year. Shanahan agrees, because he drafted Lance.

If you already know how it ends and it's too much for you, then just check out now and come back next year. Nobody wants to hear b***hing and moaning every week, even after wins.
I'm here for the shanny roasting
Originally posted by billbird2111:
The Jimmy Haters get another year to hate, hate, and hate a little more.

To tell the facts facts facts.. Jimmy isn't a good qb
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by captveg:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by Ninerforever:
Originally posted by Niners99:
lol karma? Jimmy cant stay healthy. He throws dumb picks regularly. He is awful in playoff games. Moving on from him wasn't grounds for "karma". We gave him 4.5 years and he peaked below the necessary level to win championships.

But yet, all he does is win..strange huh?

What do we have to show for all those wins?

A couple legit shots to win the SB.

Can't win the SB if you don't win some games in the regular season.

The goal is to win the SB. The regular season wins don't mean anything if he is awful in the playoffs. You need elite QB play to win a SB. Jimmy doesn't give us that.

The goal is to win the SB, but you have to be pretty cynical and a truly debbie downer person to watch regular season wins and get zero enjoyment out of them. "I'll enjoy these regular season wins and playoff wins ONLY if they win the SB. Otherwise I've wasted my time and would have rather cut myself" - perpetually unhappy whiner fans.


Ive seen plenty of winning seasons. This franchise is supposed to be SB or the season is a failure. Were not the Lions, just happy to win 9 games.

Then you should stop watching the regular season entirely.

Just stop watching the NFL altogether unless the 49ers are in the SB if the only thing worth watching are 49er SB wins. 49ers, in your view, have had 5 successful seasons since 1946. That's a terrible %, so why bother watching at all? Bill Walsh had more failed seasons (7) than he did successful ones (3).

Cynicism is so petty.


My point is, we've seen this show before. It ends the same way. Obviously I enjoy football all season long, but I'm not satisfied with the way the Jimmy show ends every year. Shanahan agrees, because he drafted Lance.
So using your criteria Arron Rodgers is not worthy, along with EVERY OTHER QB IN THE LEAGUE not named Brady. LOL. Silly takes by unhappy fans on the webzone. Who'da thunk it.
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by Niners99:
Why didn't Jimmy get it done in 2019 and 2021 then? I was a big Jimmy supporter until last year. I'd seen enough. He's not good enough to win a Super Bowl. He can't stay healthy and he repeatedly makes bonehead mistakes. We know what Jimmy is at this point.

He's the QB now, whether you like it or not. Personally I'm hoping that he's incredibly successful and balls out like crazy, especially with him being in a contract year. If he does well, the 49ers do well and if the 49ers do well, most 49ers fans will be very happy.

This. I want a Super Bowl and a 3rd round comp pick.
Originally posted by LifelongNiner:
This. I want a Super Bowl and a 3rd round comp pick.

Not happening with Jimmy at the helm he's not good enough.
I didn't guess a win and a NT meltdown... the NFL never ceases to amaze and surprise.. prayers up to TL get well you can overcome all things

  • Andra
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 2,920
I avoid this place as long as I could. How crazy is this place right now?
Love beating the hawks. Let's get Wilson now next week
Originally posted by Andra:
I avoid this place as long as I could. How crazy is this place right now?

Honestly? Pretty average for this place.
Originally posted by Andra:
I avoid this place as long as I could. How crazy is this place right now?

10/10 crazy, but then again this place in mild times is easily 6/10 crazy as a baseline.
i agree, lets burn the midget next week in part 2 of the Jimmy Gesus revenge tour
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