Originally posted by Monsterniner:
Originally posted by KeepRabbitsOut:
Extrapolate please. It's not exactly apples to apples with that comparison.
And your point regarding 3rd round would be based on scouts analysis and team desire and many million other factoids and guess work. Why on earth are you questioning a specialists draft position when so many first rounders are duds and walmart employees become stars. It's all fugasi.
Stop making excuses.
We drafted this guy in the 3rd round.
Justin Tucker had 83% in college and he went undrafted.
A 3rd round pick for 82% is stupid and even a homer like you know it.
LOL Homer eh? I liked the one we had. But he also did not kick the long ones that someone in HO must have wanted.
But a question on the % you speak of - Do the number of games/altitude of locations/team situations/length of attempt/ offensive number of plays etc. compare equally? Just like any stat, they are subjective and not entirely in the control of the player. They are not robots on some simple Madden computer program.
To be fair though as a fan I am probably like most that were a little nervous when they pinned high hopes on him in a team that had a shot at the big time. That's either balls of steel or as some folks like you in here say is a reach.
I would like to know if they picked him up undrafted would there be as much expectation from the fans and would they be saying it's time to cut this fool and check out the local retail staff his replacement or chant bring back the bald one?