Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Originally posted by SLCNiner:
It isn't scheme, it's philosophy. Every game it gets mentioned that this team is the most physical in the league. Remember last year when every team we played lost the following week? It's because they got so beat up and the flip side of that coin is that the Niners get pretty beat up too.
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Which hs a completely different concept that takes more nuance then blaming it on scheme.
LOL. Philosophy is the heart and foundation of scheme.
YAC guys on astro-turf, the good is that those YAC guys will able to cut sharper and have good traction in their route running and ability to break tackles. The Bad is that the surface causes so much ligament injuries because the traction is so grippy and good.
Meh. It's not philosophy and it's not scheme. Yes we are more physical....but the context is lacking on this one. I mean you just dont get to this level, nor do you stay at this level, without being a physical football player. Football is a game of inches so in THIS context, we are more physical than many other teams.
But if we're talking legit tackling and competition and the likelihood of injuries,...I think we're reducing our opponents to Division II opponents when we suggest that it has ANYTHING to do with injuries. In that context, we're not any more physical than any other NFL team and such a thought . And I'd be willing to bet that half-a$$ing against other NFL-level players can get you injured even more than playing with a chip on your shoulder.
So then why do we discuss it? One part is simply trying to fit that square peg into a round hole year after year. As fans we want to "control" luck that we're in all honestly hopeless when it comes to having anything to do with it.
And beyond that,... a certain previous poster probably just want to prove to people on a message board that they could actually be hired by an NFL team and improve their chances of winning the SB,...lol. I can't blame the poster because who here wouldn't dare to dream such? Now for this dream to fill up thread after thread, however,...is another story.
I think it's a given that nothing beats natural grass, and everyone knows such. I've never seen an NFL player prefer artificial turf to play on. But How does artificial turf currently enter the discussion when we've been nothing but luckily healthy all year and the 1st time 3 of our All-Pro had to leave the game due to injuries,
it was on a natural grass field in Cleveland. I'm not replying to you personally as much as as reinforcing key point, which is you can't predict or prevent the injuries that happen in NFL games that you're actually trying to win. It's really just a wasted effort.
it probably hurts someone's heart and soul that we don't have a major one yet (with so many star players we eventually probably will) that they can make their case for why they deserve to replace John Lynch,...but Deebo, Trent, and CMac are all currently listed as day-to-day.
[ Edited by random49er on Oct 17, 2023 at 9:38 PM ]