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Anyone else feel like this?

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For the first time since '94 , I feel 100% confident this team will win the super bowl (barring injuries of course).
They are playing beautiful football. I'm enjoying the ride tremendously. I've enjoyed the glory years too. I'm not going to let a fear of disappointment chill that fun.
Again, "It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all."
Originally posted by English:
Originally posted by BoldRedandGold:
My confidence in the team has always been there. My confidence in Kyle is growing to adapt and not be so stubborn. Possibly able to make the adjustments necessary to not choke.

My confidence in burford is still not there. I firmly believe if we don't win the SB this year it will be due strictly to burford and potentially Kyle if he regresses.

There really is no reason for them not to win this year. If we lose it will be to the ravens in the SB because harbaugh out coached shanahan with less talent and won. We are better than them in every facet so the only difference is coaching.

Eagles are not as good this year and the chiefs have no weapons for mahomes and kelce has lost a step. That makes us the most talented team in the NFL and Brock is the best QB outside of mahomes.

What excuses are left if we lose?

Take solace in that shanahan will not make it out of purdys rookie contract if he does not win one by then. So the max suffering can go on is 3 years.

No I don't agree. There are a number of reasons why we may lose between now and the final whistle of the superbowl and to pre emptively decide that it is down to Burford or Shanahan is just wrong. There could be a number of reasons why it might happen, the dreaded injury bug being just one. The tone of your post seems like you half want it to be Shanahan to give us an excuse to get rid of him. And what if it is?

For the record I think that Shanahan is the best offensive HC in the NFL right now. And that the Shanahan/Lynch combo is far and away the best. For years now posters have been moaning about him and calling for his head. It goes quiet when I ask who they will replace him with. And what makes you think that your "suffering " will then go away? It is highly likely that the team will take several backward steps as they adjust to a new coach and, likely, a new system. And no guarantee that this new coach will bring success.

What excuses will be left? That depends why we lose. I don't look for excuses and I would hope that the team would just announce, on the day we were beaten by a better team, but we will be back. Excuses are for Philadelphia fans. Lynch has shown that they are building a team which will be in the hunt year after year.

Your final paragraph, reassuring fans that Shanahan will get sacked, causes me to just shake my head. Hopefully, for most of the fans here, that would be a matter for great sadness rather than solace. Going the whole way to win the Super Bowl requires luck as well as all the other coaching qualities. Shanahan remains our best shot at the title, come what may.

Well said!
The irrational desire in some to see Shanahan go reminds me of the proverb, "A fool tears down his own house brick by brick." Capeche?
I've seen so much disappointment and downright losing since '94, I'm honestly pretty calm at this point. After annihilating the eagles, we should just enjoy the rest of the regular season, while hoping they stay injury free. Save the stress for the playoffs, and maybe lady luck will be on our side for once, because this team should be good enough to win it all otherwise.
Yeah, me too. First of all, I absolutely HATE trash talking. I'm a big believer in Karma and when we (especially Deebo) talks s**t it just gives me a superstitious negative feeling. Don't EVER give the other team or the football gods bulletin board material.

We all feel if everything goes right, it will be these same two teams in the NFC Championship game. I'm a little worried that we're going to go in overconfident now and Philly is gonna make a whole bunch of adjustments.
Originally posted by NineFourNiner:
Originally posted by English:
Originally posted by BoldRedandGold:
My confidence in the team has always been there. My confidence in Kyle is growing to adapt and not be so stubborn. Possibly able to make the adjustments necessary to not choke.

My confidence in burford is still not there. I firmly believe if we don't win the SB this year it will be due strictly to burford and potentially Kyle if he regresses.

There really is no reason for them not to win this year. If we lose it will be to the ravens in the SB because harbaugh out coached shanahan with less talent and won. We are better than them in every facet so the only difference is coaching.

Eagles are not as good this year and the chiefs have no weapons for mahomes and kelce has lost a step. That makes us the most talented team in the NFL and Brock is the best QB outside of mahomes.

What excuses are left if we lose?

Take solace in that shanahan will not make it out of purdys rookie contract if he does not win one by then. So the max suffering can go on is 3 years.

No I don't agree. There are a number of reasons why we may lose between now and the final whistle of the superbowl and to pre emptively decide that it is down to Burford or Shanahan is just wrong. There could be a number of reasons why it might happen, the dreaded injury bug being just one. The tone of your post seems like you half want it to be Shanahan to give us an excuse to get rid of him. And what if it is?

For the record I think that Shanahan is the best offensive HC in the NFL right now. And that the Shanahan/Lynch combo is far and away the best. For years now posters have been moaning about him and calling for his head. It goes quiet when I ask who they will replace him with. And what makes you think that your "suffering " will then go away? It is highly likely that the team will take several backward steps as they adjust to a new coach and, likely, a new system. And no guarantee that this new coach will bring success.

What excuses will be left? That depends why we lose. I don't look for excuses and I would hope that the team would just announce, on the day we were beaten by a better team, but we will be back. Excuses are for Philadelphia fans. Lynch has shown that they are building a team which will be in the hunt year after year.

Your final paragraph, reassuring fans that Shanahan will get sacked, causes me to just shake my head. Hopefully, for most of the fans here, that would be a matter for great sadness rather than solace. Going the whole way to win the Super Bowl requires luck as well as all the other coaching qualities. Shanahan remains our best shot at the title, come what may.

Well said!

Agree with English. We all should be enjoying this era, it doesn't happen often.
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by blunt_probe:
I've seen so much disappointment and downright losing since '94, I'm honestly pretty calm at this point. After annihilating the eagles, we should just enjoy the rest of the regular season, while hoping they stay injury free. Save the stress for the playoffs, and maybe lady luck will be on our side for once, because this team should be good enough to win it all otherwise.

Thats a big part of winning Superbowl's for sure. Player durability is something you can't get from player film study. Its more a mindset or character aspect of a player and very hard to tease out of any scouting report. ShanaLynch has done much better than before, in getting more durable players (Brock for Jimmy, for example) but its still a huge concern for me.
Originally posted by TruNinerFan:
For the first time since '94 , I feel 100% confident this team will win the super bowl (barring injuries of course).

Dang I wish I was that confident that we wouldn't lose a key player(s) that could derail things

My list of vintage knockouts is long:

•Fake PI called on Lott in '83 giving Washington a gift.
•40+ point massacre at the hands of the Giants in '86
•Vikings coming out of nowhere in the '87 humiliation
•Roger Craig fumble killing a three peat

Enjoy the games. Nothing is guaranteed.
This will probably go down as the year where the team finally rose up to meet The Standard, set long ago by Jed
Originally posted by 5Jan2003:
My list of vintage knockouts is long:

•Fake PI called on Lott in '83 giving Washington a gift.
•40+ point massacre at the hands of the Giants in '86
•Vikings coming out of nowhere in the '87 humiliation
•Roger Craig fumble killing a three peat

Enjoy the games. Nothing is guaranteed.

Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
This will probably go down as the year where the team finally rose up to meet The Standard, set long ago by Jed

Originally posted by 5Jan2003:
My list of vintage knockouts is long:

•Fake PI called on Lott in '83 giving Washington a gift.
•40+ point massacre at the hands of the Giants in '86
•Vikings coming out of nowhere in the '87 humiliation
Roger Craig fumble killing a three peat

Enjoy the games. Nothing is guaranteed.

Still don't know why Craig gets the blame for that loss. I understand that's how it played out, but Joe getting injured is what really led to the loss, because Siefert went into immediate prevent mode. Even if we'd have won that game, there's no way we'd have won the SB. Additionally, losing that game wouldn't have mattered as much to me had we not lost Joe Cool forever.
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