Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Originally posted by blizzuntz:
Originally posted by jvangeystel:
Originally posted by blizzuntz:
Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:
Originally posted by GoreGoreGore:
Originally posted by blizzuntz:
I don't know about risking dying for a watch.
We don't know enough of what exactly happened here tho. Too many people commenting on this and don't know the facts at all yet.
And whatever comes out, end of the day this isn't a situation you encounter often and are trained for. Everyone is gonna handle it differently, and most in here haven't been in this kind of situation, so it's pointless to say he should've done this or that.
People here acting like they would know what to do when someone points a loaded weapon at them point blank.
Originally posted by Dshearn:
Lol...the victim blaming in here is crazy....whole posts saying what should be done, and no one knows what happened ..lol
You guys will just have to cope with people saying it's stupid to risk your life for a watch .
I have had guns pointed at me. Once just to scare me and it worked. The other time in a kidnapping when I was 14. I did wtf they told me to do. Ended up just letting me go. It is stupid to get shot over a watch. We don't know that's what happened here though, like people have said. This guy may have been on one and didn't even give him time to process or comply. Could've been give me that s**t, boom. These guys that are doing the stickups are amped up to. Just gotta wait for the whole story to come out.
The typical stick up routine in public isn't to shoot first and rob second .
but you are correct in that if he was shot first and then fought back , his life was his primary concern .
This is what some of us are saying...we don't know what happened so jumping to conclusions and making an assumption based and what you believe happened makes no sense. My OP and this post isn't to single you out btw or saying this what you said. Just speaking in general.
People in general will jump to conclusions and I see how some will dismiss it for the birds . You are right , but to think the birds wont stop chirping until more information comes out also makes no sense to fight that fight .
I grew up in a 3rd world country where if you are unarmed , you give up the material things to live another day . And even if you are armed , you have to have situational awareness of when to engage and not engage the robbers . I'm generalizing, but most of the time a robber shoots its bc the victim played super hero .