- Be respectful of our online community. Contribute to an engaging conversation rather than resort to personal attacks, threats, or anything that may be considered offensive.
- Keep it clean. This is a PG-13 site. No profanity, nudity, thongs, strategically covered nudity, sheer or see-through clothing, lewd or provocative poses, close-ups of private body areas, or other non-PG-13 material is allowed. You also agree not to post any abusive, obscene, violent, gruesome, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, racist, sexually-orientated, or any other material that may violate any applicable laws.
- Above all, we value quality over quantity. We do not allow spam and instead, rather you put your efforts into quality posts.
- Any and all infractions can result in a warning or ban.
- Infractions, warnings, and bannings are determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the moderating staff.
- Personal information that could lead to the identification of a poster shall not be posted without their specific permission.
- We recommend that you protect your privacy and avoid sharing your own personal or sensitive information.
- The forum cannot be used by non-staff members for financial gain (asking for donations, clicking on my paid link, etc). Any attempt to raise money by way of this forum must be cleared by a moderator or an official representative of this site.
Private Information
The IP addresses of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the administrators and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close ANY topic at any time should they see fit. As a user, you agree to allow any information you have entered to be stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, administrators and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
This forum system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. They serve only to improve your viewing pleasure. You agree to remember the username and password (case sensitive) you create. Administrators and Moderators will not be responsible for your lost or forgotten information.
By accessing this website, you agree that its owners and moderators have the right to access and review the information provided on this website. This includes accessing and reviewing so-called "private messages" for investigations related to moderation issues.
All original content that you create on this site is the property of the site and not the property of the individual that created it. You have no rights to any original content once it appears on the site.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) is intended to protect the privacy of children using the Internet. As of April 21, 2000, many Web sites are required to obtain parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13. If you agree to these terms, you state that you are over the age of 13. We do not allow anyone under the age of 13 to register, therefore we do not have parental forms available.
Account Deletion
We have the right to remove any users who have not been active on the board after a certain amount of time. This time frame can change at any point without notice.
By signing up as a member, you forfeit your right to take any legal action against this site or those involved in the running of this site. These terms and conditions can change at any time and all users are bound by the rules of this forum. By registering and/or posting on this forum, you agree to be bound by these conditions.
The use of this site also means you agree to our Terms of Service.
Please use the "contact moderator" feature or send the moderators a private message.
The Report Feature
49erswebzone.com now features a "Report" button, which is located at the bottom of each post, next to the quote and PM buttons. This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising messages, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
The report button should not be used just because you don't get along with someone or you disagree with them, unless within the dialogue there has been a blatant disregard for the rules.
Please refrain from using the report button as a joke. On our end the report does show who made the report, at what time, etc. and any abuse of the report system may result in a warning and/or banning.
The Blocking Feature
You will be permitted to block posts of up to 20 members.
To access this feature, access a user's profile page by clicking on their name. When you arrive on their profile page, there will be a button on the left hand side labeled, "Hide Posts by". Once clicked it will have hidden that users posts for you.
To take someone off of the Hidden Users list, access the Members Area which can be found near the top of the page. Once in the Members Area, on the left hand side under Sections, you will see a "Hide Posts by Users" link, if you click this it will bring up a list of users currently being hidden. Select the user or users that you wish to remove from your Hidden list, click "Remove from Hidden List", and that user's posts will no longer be hidden.
Listed below are instructions for using some of the functions in the toolbar at the top of the Reply section
- Insert a Link
1. Select and Copy the link (URL) of the webpage to be linked. (Control+C for PC, Command+C for Mac)

2. In the Reply section, type the text that will contain the link i. It can be a single word or a text string.
3. Select the text created in Step 2.

4. Press the 'Insert/edit link' button.

5. Paste the link from Step 1 into the pop up window. (Control+V for PC, Command+V for Mac).
Click 'OK'.

- Post an image from the web
1. Right click the image to be posted.
2. Select the option, 'Copy image address'. This will copy the link of the image to the clipboard (not seen).

3. In the Reply section, press the button 'Insert/edit image'.

4. Paste the URL of the image into the pop up window. Click 'OK'.

- Post a YouTube clip
1. Select and Copy the URL of the clip.

2. In the Reply section, press the 'YouTube' button.

3. Copy the link into the pop up window. Click 'OK'.

- Embed a tweet
1. Click the '...' button on the feed. Select 'Copy link to Tweet'.

2. Select and Copy the link.

3. In the Reply section, type:
4. Paste the link that was copied in Step 1. Close bracket. (See format below). Tweet will be seen once Reply is posted.

Please use the "contact moderator" feature or send the moderators a private message.
(Updated 3 March 2020)