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My thread Richard Sherman was locked. Just curious why it got locked? Was it the language or the fact that he is not a 49er? Just curious so I don't make the same mistake. I was just venting and wanted to share my displeasure of the man.
Originally posted by ninerfan29:
My thread Richard Sherman was locked. Just curious why it got locked? Was it the language or the fact that he is not a 49er? Just curious so I don't make the same mistake. I was just venting and wanted to share my displeasure of the man.

Because you posted it in NINER TALK. He is not a Niner.

IIRC, there is an existing Sherman thread in NFL talk. Using the search function will help.

Originally posted by mojave45:
I sine and cosine.

I hste math bruh
Originally posted by Oscar:

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(Updated 08/10/2010)

Its a great time to be a 49er fan. Just a couple of quick notes.1) I wish Jim H. would not wear black all the time, I mean a little red is required, especially when facing a deadly opponent. We want them to know that this team is serious and out for blood, because we have come too close so many times just to be disappointed. 2) The teams locker room motto, "Who has it better than us", well until we win another Super Bowl, everybody has it better. 3) I know Colin K. is young, but if he remain humble in his talent, he would be amazed on what the team can do. How I love this team and like all of you nothing would be more pleasing than to end this season with a 5th Super Bowl.
Give our defense credit for holding up so far since we are missing so many key members. Hopefully, when they return the team can be more of a threat and be recognize as defensive team of old. I do hope whatever Aldon S. is going through he has overcome those demons and play like the great player we know and love. The team need a pass rusher like him on the front line, because as you can see we are giving up too many points. Lets get it together fellows and havean outstanding remaining season. Good Luck!!
Originally posted by dbell3-7:
Its a great time to be a 49er fan. Just a couple of quick notes.1) I wish Jim H. would not wear black all the time, I mean a little red is required, especially when facing a deadly opponent. We want them to know that this team is serious and out for blood, because we have come too close so many times just to be disappointed. 2) The teams locker room motto, "Who has it better than us", well until we win another Super Bowl, everybody has it better. 3) I know Colin K. is young, but if he remain humble in his talent, he would be amazed on what the team can do. How I love this team and like all of you nothing would be more pleasing than to end this season with a 5th Super Bowl.

"Everybody has it better than us"? What, Raiders fans? Really? Like, Jaguar fan (can't be more than one)? He has it better? Skins? Better? Really? Browns? Come on, it's Cleveland! Detroit? Ok team is doing ok but they live in Detroit! St Louis got it better than us? That would be ridiculous!

Panthers fans? Vikes?!!! Bears fans? Jets? Jets!!! And so on. So no. Wrongo.
I hope you are watching this Monday Night football game and you will see why my last quote was true to form.
Have read and understand the rules.

After I broke my third wineglass and publicly wished death upon Peyton Manning to my husband's entire office, he suggested I channel some of this energy here amongst other fans.

Hello to all my fellow niner fans,

My name is Alex, niner fan since age 7 (1984) from Mexico, i have been reading the webzone everyday for a while and have this profile since 2010 but never used it; i'm looking forward to be more active in the topics and hoping that soon I can travel to Levis Stadium for a game an meet some of you tailgaters there.

Best regards to All

Alex, PM the user Valrod33. He is also from Mexico and travels to every game.
[ Edited by Rubberneck36 on May 7, 2015 at 9:18 AM ]
  • 9moon
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 20,827

I just posted a topic in regards to RG3 possible trade (idea)..

after 2 posts, it got locked.. can someone tell me why it wasn't even given a chance for any other posters to read it and give their opinion??

This is like the 2nd or 3rd time I posted something and it gets locked in a hurry.. can someone at least explain why??
Originally posted by 9moon:

I just posted a topic in regards to RG3 possible trade (idea)..

after 2 posts, it got locked.. can someone tell me why it wasn't even given a chance for any other posters to read it and give their opinion??

This is like the 2nd or 3rd time I posted something and it gets locked in a hurry.. can someone at least explain why??

Answer ....

as there is already an RG3 thread in NFL Talk, which is the correct forum for it ......................
Rules updated. See post #1.
Please have a look at the rules which incorporate a minor change in wording.
What's up fellow Niner fans!

Glad to be on board here but I admit it's because the other forum is down, where I've been a member since forever. Does anyone know what happened over there?

Looks like same rules apply here, cool!
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