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Thanks, I gotta say damn brotha (EVIL), ur like an OG of this site with over 10000 posts.

thanks for the info again
  • evil
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 46,365
Originally posted by Jersey9er:
Thanks, I gotta say damn brotha (EVIL), ur like an OG of this site with over 10000 posts.

thanks for the info again

Yeah....there are few who have more than me and a couple who have nearly double my count. You'll be up there in no time I bet (especially if you start posting in the Parking Lot).
Understood 100%
I just created a Day 8 Thread, put in more than a few words even tho vets have started some threads with like a five word sentence. I just want to know who can make the thread official being that one had not been created yet.
Added to the user agreement...

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Any member who occupies a majority of admin or moderator time unnecessarily will be shown the door.
Originally posted by Oscar:
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Basically, use common sense. Don't intentionally irritate people, don't retaliate and if you have a gut feeling that you should not be saying something, don't. "He started it" and "I didn't know that was a rule" will not get your warning level reduced.

We just want to make sure that everyone can post without fear of attack or ridicule.

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Please use the "contact moderator" feature or send the moderators a private message. Posting a thread to ask questions only clutters the board and is not necessary.

(Updated 8/12/08)


Originally posted by SunnyD1182:
During games, there will be a Game Day thread where users who do not feel like entering the chat can still post. The thread is for all game day related comments. Please do not start new threads that are just comments as they will be deleted and the user warned. Analysis, though, can be in it's own thread.

This is entirely too vague.

If you're going to make this a warnable offense on top of deleting the post, you need to set forth what exactly constitutes "comment" and what constitutes "analysis."

It is entirely possible for a comment to be analysis and for an analysis to be a comment.

This is exactly the type of thing I was talking about in our huge debate a few days ago. The vaguery is what leads to moderator abuse of power and miscommunication with the members. The mere act of posting the rules, by itself, does not constitute fairness or good policy. The act of setting forth rules that are easily understandable and easily interpreted, as well as easily applied, is good policy.

What ever happened to Sunny? He was a Mod when I joined this site,then a few posters started an uprising,and the man went crazy,and now he's banned...

[ Edited by King49er on Nov 10, 2008 at 02:37:24 ]
Originally posted by evil:
Originally posted by kidash98:

- 98


sounds good
  • sjdave
  • Info N/A
signed by me the one and only sjdave
I recently re-registered after being away for several months. As a person who reads a lot of forums, I understand why you like to limit posts. However, having just one thread allowed for Offensive Coordinator seems not to be super efficient when you have over 2340 posts. Couldn't we have organized the Offensive Coordinator threads into sub-threads like Martz, Lineham, Reeves, etc? I apologize if I am speaking out of line, but its just a suggestion.


haha. sound familiar?

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