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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, 2007-08

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11 - 5.
We're the NINERS and they're NOT!!
10 - 6
10-6 and dominate the NFC West second place 8-8. We can be 11-5 if we get a few lucky bounces.
11-5, guaranteed
Seeing what we have now in upgrades from last year, and what other teams we play this year have done to their teams, we go 10-6. We have upgraded better than any team in our division. We beat out the Cards for division crown, while the Rams and Hawks sink in the ranks. 10-6, with some missed opportunities for more, because we are still young.
Originally posted by kidash98:
So it seems like the old thread disappeared on us but here it is...

Last year, Joecool started a thread on this so might as well continue it and make it a tradition of sort...

y'all know the drill.... What do you think our records this year will be???

Only the regular season, please....

- 98

I will go with 9 wins and

FYI, this thread has been going for TWO years. Kid, you just couldn't wait! LOL. Thanks for getting it going man, I am WAY too busy at work around this time as you may have noticed with my lack of posts.

Are you keeping the totals in an excel sheet? Let me know and maybe we can make another graph out of it. Let me know if you need help also.
10-6 and the NFC West Division Champs

14 and 2. Gore goes over 2,000. Niners beat San Diego in Super Bowl 31-28. Join me people.
9-7, but hoping I'm wrong on the lowside.
  • cciowa
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9-7 and i think we can win one playoff game.
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