Originally posted by suckafree17:
Originally posted by AB83Rules:
Originally posted by suckafree17:
With Davis and Iupati due at the end of 2014 as well as Kaep and a few others, in addtion to the acceleration of PW, Bowman, Staley's contracts....how will we be able to sign Goldson this year and retain a few other guys??? It seems like we're gunna be in some tough spots.....and who knows what will happen with Crabtree
It helps that they will clear Alex Smith's contract off the payroll, plus the structure is key, the way they structured Bowman and Brooks' deals wee pure genius. If they can do the same, then Goldson will be retained.
We may have to decide on Iupati or Davis, Crabtree may be a tough one, he may not want an extension until time is right for him. Kap and Aldon wont until end of 2013 per CBA rules.
Do top ten Tackles make around 10-12 mil?
Oh yeah, usually in the 10-13M a yr range for a Top flight LT, and some RTs that could play LT but the team already has a premier LT.