I used to be the ultimate Kobe fan. I defended him against the "Jordan lovers"; I defended him when the Lakers "dynasty" fell apart in the early 00s; I defended him when he was accused of raping that woman in Colorado.
With that being said, Ive seen what the "true" Kobe is all about. You cant really deal with Laker fans cause they're wearing the purple shades and all they see is one of the best players in this game. And there's no doubt about that. However, to say that Kobe was/is a "team" player..........yeah sure, considering he almost cried his way out of LA at least 3 times post-Shaq era. Even Phil Jackson has labeled him as the reason that the Lakers dynasty fell apart. And truth be told, the man couldnt accomplish squat in LA until a former employee from Lakerland practically gave his teamss franchise player to the Lakers for free.
Kobe acts lke a tough guy when he's playing a weaker opponent ala Orlando. But I dont see him wagging his fingers or touting that grin when he plays the likes of superior opponents.
And least Jordan held his own.....winning or losing. Your team could be up by 20, and you still eyed Jordan thinking that this guy could bring the Bulls back any minute. Whens the last time Kobe pulled off a "miracle" of his own in Lakerland ?
Oh thats right. In 2005, when he hit the gamewinner against a Stoudemire-less Suns, putting the Lakers in a 3-1 lead in the playoffs. Boy, he sure showed those Suns right ?
Would Jordan have caved like that.............?