Originally posted by DynastyChile:
Originally posted by IWASATTHECATCH:
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
Kobe has balls. As a rookie out of college shooting airballs in the playoffs against Utah, taking 35 shots in a game and making 5, guarding Jordan whenever possible. ..he doesnt give a f*ck about what anyone thinks, ever, and even though he is a d*ck, has no charisma, probably did rape a chick, and isnt a team player, he doesnt give a f*ck about anything but winning, and thats why people hate him. He tries to soften up his image with the olymmmpicccs and NBA cares community service, but he really doesnt care, and he keeps winning, and thats why hes #5. he wins, and will do pretty much anything to do it. I dont know why people dont respect that more, he isnt killing your mom to win, hes just a jerk? who cares?
Toss out the "people hate him because he wins" crap. "Winners" are on display every year in every sport, yet no one is disliked as much as this fool. The reasons are many, but "winning" is the least of it.
Im not sure about that. If he didnt win alot, he wouldnt be on this list, we wouldnt be talking about him, and he wouldnt even be hated at all. There are plenty of douchebag, no charisma, raping girl losers in sports that no one cares about...so i dont really understand your argument there.
Theres plenty reasons why people hate the Yankees, the most hated franchise there is...spending ridiculous amounts of money, being a red sox fan, etc. etc....but the main reason is because they have won the most world series-26. Winners are on display every day in every sport, but few win fkn 4 championships in less than a decade, and are pretty much the face of it...How can you possibly say that winning is the LEAST of it???
Your post displays how out of touch you are with the true reasons why many hate him. Also, you make it sound like winning is the only reason to dislike someone who plays a sport. Karl Malone didn't win sh!t and he's the only NBAer I'd put ahead of Kobe as far as most hated.
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
If he didnt win alot, he wouldnt be on this list
A snitch is a snitch regardless of the trophy case. Throwing the Yankees out there as an example of "people hate winners" is a big reach and does not pass as a parallel. Hating a team is nothing compared to hating a person - I'm not talking about Kobe the player, I'm talking about Kobe, the person.
There's an old saying about Barry Bonds: "He may be a pr!ck, but he's
our prick."
This means, we, his hometown fans, knew he was a big jerk, but loved him anyway. What Kobe defenders seem to not get is this objectivity. Just say it. Embrace it. "Kobe may be a phony, unlikable, snitch but he's
our phony, unlikable, snitch."
I'd be able to respect Kobe fans if they just acknowledge the lousy human behind the NBA skills that they're cheering for.
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
we wouldnt be talking about him
We (fans) have opinions about players on teams we like, dislike, and are indifferent to. Those opinions get stronger when the players are hated rivals (SEE: lakers/dodgers/cowboys/trojans). Everything about the person supersedes my dislike of all things lakers.
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
he wouldnt even be hated at all.
WRONG (SEE: A snitch is a snitch regardless of the trophy case.)
In 12/13 years, I have yet to see him exhibit any admirable human traits. If he has any, it's utterly undetectable.
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
"probably did rape a chick"
I'm sure he didn't rape that psychotic, disturbed, money-grubbing, star-struck, floozy. His stupid behavior was bad judgement (cheating on his wife). But hey, at least we got a good mug shot to remember him by.
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
few win fkn 4 championships in less than a decade, and are pretty much the face of it...How can you possibly say that winning is the LEAST of it??
Let's look at a few teams that have won more than 2 in a short span- '80s Lakers, '80s Celtics, '90s Bulls, '00s SA, and LA. Is there anyone from any of those other teams as universally hated? No? Why is that, you think?