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PGA Tour thread

Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Golf is a tough game. The putt on 17 was just as big as the one on 18. If that doesnt go in he has no chance on 18 anyway. I dont think he doesnt choke on 17 and then chokes on 18. Sorry but I dont buy it.

You still wont answer my question though on Speith. Why isnt his awful swing and 3 putt on 17 NOT a choke but DJs 3 putt a choke?

Oh no doubt had spieth lost we would be all over him for his mess on 17..however after his mess on 17 he had the poise to hit 2 awesome shots on 18 to setup a clutch TWO PUTT birdie to take out the outright lead
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Golf is a tough game. The putt on 17 was just as big as the one on 18. If that doesnt go in he has no chance on 18 anyway. I dont think he doesnt choke on 17 and then chokes on 18. Sorry but I dont buy it.

You still wont answer my question though on Speith. Why isnt his awful swing and 3 putt on 17 NOT a choke but DJs 3 putt a choke?

Oh no doubt had spieth lost we would be all over him for his mess on 17..however after his mess on 17 he had the poise to hit 2 awesome shots on 18 to setup a clutch TWO PUTT birdie to take out the outright lead

So Speith just made a "mess" out of 17. He made a terrible swing and 3 putted. Johnson on the other hand hit a beautiful shot and then made a clutch putt. Was Speith a choker and DJ clutch at this moment?

On 18 both hit great drives and great approach. Speith who had just 3 putted gets it down in 2. Johnson who had the much tougher downhill putt, 3 putts. Same two golfers.

Yet one is labeled clutch and the other is labeled a choker. LOL You readily call DJs a choke but Speiths just a "mess" Laughable
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by Bluesbro:
Speith probably shouldn't have won yesterday actually. He choked big time on that drive on 17, but the 3W approach on 18 was a redeemer. Johnson's 3 putt

So you agree with john? Spieth choked on 17 when it wasn't all on the line, but Johnson didn't when it was all on the line? Agree with all of it, some of it, or what?

Both choked, but Johnson did not have another hole left to recover like Speith did.
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Golf is a tough game. The putt on 17 was just as big as the one on 18. If that doesnt go in he has no chance on 18 anyway. I dont think he doesnt choke on 17 and then chokes on 18. Sorry but I dont buy it.

You still wont answer my question though on Speith. Why isnt his awful swing and 3 putt on 17 NOT a choke but DJs 3 putt a choke?

Oh no doubt had spieth lost we would be all over him for his mess on 17..however after his mess on 17 he had the poise to hit 2 awesome shots on 18 to setup a clutch TWO PUTT birdie to take out the outright lead

So Speith just made a "mess" out of 17. He made a terrible swing and 3 putted. Johnson on the other hand hit a beautiful shot and then made a clutch putt. Was Speith a choker and DJ clutch at this moment?

On 18 both hit great drives and great approach. Speith who had just 3 putted gets it down in 2. Johnson who had the much tougher downhill putt, 3 putts. Same two golfers.

Yet one is labeled clutch and the other is labeled a choker. LOL You readily call DJs a choke but Speiths just a "mess" Laughable

Because it's on 18 and it's the last shots. The last putts.

That's just the way it is.
Originally posted by Bluesbro:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by Bluesbro:
Speith probably shouldn't have won yesterday actually. He choked big time on that drive on 17, but the 3W approach on 18 was a redeemer. Johnson's 3 putt

So you agree with john? Spieth choked on 17 when it wasn't all on the line, but Johnson didn't when it was all on the line? Agree with all of it, some of it, or what?

Both choked, but Johnson did not have another hole left to recover like Speith did.

That's why it's the 18th. There are no more holes. So what happens on the last hole, the last shot's, that's it.

The recovery hole is the 19th. In the bar with beer and whiskey.
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by Bluesbro:
Speith probably shouldn't have won yesterday actually. He choked big time on that drive on 17, but the 3W approach on 18 was a redeemer. Johnson's 3 putt

So you agree with john? Spieth choked on 17 when it wasn't all on the line, but Johnson didn't when it was all on the line? Agree with all of it, some of it, or what?

Once again you need better reading comprehension. I didnt say one WAS a choke and the other wasnt. I said that Speith's swing was equally as much of a choke or even more than DJs. "Everyone is all over Jordan's nuts today (and the guy is amazing) but his swing on 17 could have and maybe should have cost him the tourney. IMO, that was just as big of a choke job as DJs putt. But it will be forgotton because he was able to 2 putt on 18 and DJ wasnt."

That swing by Speith was FAR more unusual than Johnsons putting stroke. He didnt have awful putting greens to contend with but had a pretty simple straightforward shot.

At least get what I say right if you are going to comment on what I say. I also said that people (especially those who havent played the game and dont understand) are too quick to just label someone as a choker when they dont succeed. It simply isnt always a choke job and I pointed out that DJ is 151st on tour in putts under 6 feet and just isnt a great putter. That showed throughout his round yesterday and not just on 18.

Yeah that's pretty much what you said. GFY if you think I give that much of a s**t about what you post to remember everything exactly perfect. If you weren't such a tight wad you'd know that's basically what you said. lol

And furthermore, You really have no clue what "choking" means. It means when the pressure is on in the big momment, when it all comes down to this and you fail. WhoTF is saying that DJ is a "choker" or labeling him as that's all he is? He choked in that moment. That one moment when he could have won it all or even taken a tie for a playoff with a 2 putt. That's what a choke is. Not anything before the final big moment a hole before or 2 or whatever. You don't get it. You sit there like you always do looking down your nose at people and give these long winded blah blah blah, WhoTF cares answers that makes perfect sense in your own twisted little mind, but you're not always right. I know you think you are, but you're not. This is one of the main reasons nobody likes you. And I don't expect a guy like you to give a s**t if people like him, because you're probably very used to it, but it's true.

Now please feel free to tell everybody how long you've played the game and how much more you know and how better you are than everybody at the game, like you always do.
[ Edited by StOnEy333 on Jun 22, 2015 at 10:21 PM ]
  • Jiks
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  • Posts: 29,220
I'd choke all day for $850,000+. He may have missed some pretty difficult puts ALL DAY, but it's not like he's going away a loser.
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
+ Show all quotes
So you agree with john? Spieth choked on 17 when it wasn't all on the line, but Johnson didn't when it was all on the line? Agree with all of it, some of it, or what?

Once again you need better reading comprehension. I didnt say one WAS a choke and the other wasnt. I said that Speith's swing was equally as much of a choke or even more than DJs. "Everyone is all over Jordan's nuts today (and the guy is amazing) but his swing on 17 could have and maybe should have cost him the tourney. IMO, that was just as big of a choke job as DJs putt. But it will be forgotton because he was able to 2 putt on 18 and DJ wasnt."

That swing by Speith was FAR more unusual than Johnsons putting stroke. He didnt have awful putting greens to contend with but had a pretty simple straightforward shot.

At least get what I say right if you are going to comment on what I say. I also said that people (especially those who havent played the game and dont understand) are too quick to just label someone as a choker when they dont succeed. It simply isnt always a choke job and I pointed out that DJ is 151st on tour in putts under 6 feet and just isnt a great putter. That showed throughout his round yesterday and not just on 18.

Yeah that's pretty much what you said. GFY if you think I give that much of a s**t about what you post to remember everything exactly perfect. If you weren't such a tight wad you'd know that's basically what you said. lol

And furthermore, You really have no clue what "choking" means. It means when the pressure is on in the big momment, when it all comes down to this and you fail. WhoTF is saying that DJ is a "choker" or labeling him as that's all he is? He choked in that moment. That one moment when he could have won it all or even taken a tie for a playoff with a 2 putt. That's what a choke is. Not anything before the final big moment a hole before or 2 or whatever. You don't get it. You sit there like you always do looking down your nose at people and give these long winded blah blah blah, WhoTF cares answers that makes perfect sense in your own twisted little mind, but you're not always right. I know you think you are, but you're not. This is one of the main reasons nobody likes you. And I don't expect a guy like you to give a s**t if people like him, because you're probably very used to it, but it's true.

Now please feel free to tell everybody how long you've played the game and how much more you know and how better you are than everybody at the game, like you always do.
Typical Stoney. When he is wrong he just attacks. Wrong not because of a different opinion but wrong because he cant be truthful about what was actually said. And.. attacks my posts even though he "doesnt give a s**t about what I post" Hey Stoney.. if you dont care why comment?

Maybe you are an expert at choking. Not sure. Oh.. and the no one likes me part.. You are right about one thing. I couldnt give a fuk if you like me. Totally and completely meaningless to me. As in zero f**ks given. I just post my opinion and really dont care if you agree or disagree.

You can think DJ choked. Dont care. I think golf is a tough game and there are lots of reasons that a putt can go in or not go in. And yes I think Jordan felt the pressure and messed up just as bad as DJ did. It just happened one hole earlier.

Now. I am done with this completely idiotic debate with you that you let spiral into an attack once again.
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
+ Show all quotes
Once again you need better reading comprehension. I didnt say one WAS a choke and the other wasnt. I said that Speith's swing was equally as much of a choke or even more than DJs. "Everyone is all over Jordan's nuts today (and the guy is amazing) but his swing on 17 could have and maybe should have cost him the tourney. IMO, that was just as big of a choke job as DJs putt. But it will be forgotton because he was able to 2 putt on 18 and DJ wasnt."

That swing by Speith was FAR more unusual than Johnsons putting stroke. He didnt have awful putting greens to contend with but had a pretty simple straightforward shot.

At least get what I say right if you are going to comment on what I say. I also said that people (especially those who havent played the game and dont understand) are too quick to just label someone as a choker when they dont succeed. It simply isnt always a choke job and I pointed out that DJ is 151st on tour in putts under 6 feet and just isnt a great putter. That showed throughout his round yesterday and not just on 18.

Yeah that's pretty much what you said. GFY if you think I give that much of a s**t about what you post to remember everything exactly perfect. If you weren't such a tight wad you'd know that's basically what you said. lol

And furthermore, You really have no clue what "choking" means. It means when the pressure is on in the big momment, when it all comes down to this and you fail. WhoTF is saying that DJ is a "choker" or labeling him as that's all he is? He choked in that moment. That one moment when he could have won it all or even taken a tie for a playoff with a 2 putt. That's what a choke is. Not anything before the final big moment a hole before or 2 or whatever. You don't get it. You sit there like you always do looking down your nose at people and give these long winded blah blah blah, WhoTF cares answers that makes perfect sense in your own twisted little mind, but you're not always right. I know you think you are, but you're not. This is one of the main reasons nobody likes you. And I don't expect a guy like you to give a s**t if people like him, because you're probably very used to it, but it's true.

Now please feel free to tell everybody how long you've played the game and how much more you know and how better you are than everybody at the game, like you always do.
Typical Stoney. When he is wrong he just attacks. Wrong not because of a different opinion but wrong because he cant be truthful about what was actually said. And.. attacks my posts even though he "doesnt give a s**t about what I post" Hey Stoney.. if you dont care why comment?

Maybe you are an expert at choking. Not sure. Oh.. and the no one likes me part.. You are right about one thing. I couldnt give a fuk if you like me. Totally and completely meaningless to me. As in zero f**ks given. I just post my opinion and really dont care if you agree or disagree.

You can think DJ choked. Dont care. I think golf is a tough game and there are lots of reasons that a putt can go in or not go in. And yes I think Jordan felt the pressure and messed up just as bad as DJ did. It just happened one hole earlier.

Now. I am done with this completely idiotic debate with you that you let spiral into an attack once again.

Yeah, there's lot of reasons a putt can go in or not go in. One is the person putting choked with everything on the line. Just like what happened here. If a guy is about to catch a wide open TD and drops the ball for no reason what-so-ever other than he choked, you'd be saying "hey, there's lots of reasons a catch isn't made. Maybe the wind blew and changed the trajectory of the ball, or the QB threw it too hard."

"Choke is the most overused, and incorrectly used, word in sports. Is it a choke if a basketball player misses a jump shot that he usually only makes 40% of the time? Is it a choke if a quarterback throws a ball that's intercepted? The player doing the intercepting had a lot to do with that, no? There are plenty of chokes in sports, but most have to do with an opponent doing something to help along that process.

There was no one up against Dustin Johnson when he walked to the 18th green at Chambers Bay on Sunday, just himself, his putter and his past golfing demons. After hitting two brilliant shots on the par-5, the seventh-ranked golfer in the world had a 12-foot putt for his first major win, then four feet for a tie and missed both putts. It was a choke, plain and simple."

"Therein lies the definition of a choke: Taking something that's assumed, somehow getting people to realize it's not presumed and then blowing it with incredible panache."
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Golf is a tough game. The putt on 17 was just as big as the one on 18. If that doesnt go in he has no chance on 18 anyway. I dont think he doesnt choke on 17 and then chokes on 18. Sorry but I dont buy it.

You still wont answer my question though on Speith. Why isnt his awful swing and 3 putt on 17 NOT a choke but DJs 3 putt a choke?

Oh no doubt had spieth lost we would be all over him for his mess on 17..however after his mess on 17 he had the poise to hit 2 awesome shots on 18 to setup a clutch TWO PUTT birdie to take out the outright lead

So Speith just made a "mess" out of 17. He made a terrible swing and 3 putted. Johnson on the other hand hit a beautiful shot and then made a clutch putt. Was Speith a choker and DJ clutch at this moment?

On 18 both hit great drives and great approach. Speith who had just 3 putted gets it down in 2. Johnson who had the much tougher downhill putt, 3 putts. Same two golfers.

Yet one is labeled clutch and the other is labeled a choker. LOL You readily call DJs a choke but Speiths just a "mess" Laughable

Do you have any idea how many tough downhill putts professional golfers hit every week, in practice or in tournaments? Spieth hit a shank, so did Grace. You call those shanks in golf, you call 3 putts from 12 feet on 18 to win the entire thing chokes. This is golf, damnit.
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
+ Show all quotes
Oh no doubt had spieth lost we would be all over him for his mess on 17..however after his mess on 17 he had the poise to hit 2 awesome shots on 18 to setup a clutch TWO PUTT birdie to take out the outright lead

So Speith just made a "mess" out of 17. He made a terrible swing and 3 putted. Johnson on the other hand hit a beautiful shot and then made a clutch putt. Was Speith a choker and DJ clutch at this moment?

On 18 both hit great drives and great approach. Speith who had just 3 putted gets it down in 2. Johnson who had the much tougher downhill putt, 3 putts. Same two golfers.

Yet one is labeled clutch and the other is labeled a choker. LOL You readily call DJs a choke but Speiths just a "mess" Laughable

Do you have any idea how many tough downhill putts professional golfers hit every week, in practice or in tournaments? Spieth hit a shank, so did Grace. You call those shanks in golf, you call 3 putts from 12 feet on 18 to win the entire thing chokes. This is golf, damnit.

First of all neither shot that Speith or Grace hit was a shank. Obviously you dont know what a shank is. Secondly, both shots were completely out of the norm and done at a time of great pressure. So, in my opinion, if DJ's missed putt is a choke than so certainly is the shot from Grace on 16 and the horrible shot and 3 putt from Speith on 17. In the case of Grace it took him out of the tourney. In Speith's case it almost resulted in the biggest collapse of a major since Michelson at Winged Foot.
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
First of all neither shot that Speith or Grace hit was a shank. Obviously you dont know what a shank is. Secondly, both shots were completely out of the norm and done at a time of great pressure. So, in my opinion, if DJ's missed putt is a choke than so certainly is the shot from Grace on 16 and the horrible shot and 3 putt from Speith on 17. In the case of Grace it took him out of the tourney. In Speith's case it almost resulted in the biggest collapse of a major since Michelson at Winged Foot.

even though he still had the lead while Mickelson missed the playoff by 2 shots
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
First of all neither shot that Speith or Grace hit was a shank. Obviously you dont know what a shank is. Secondly, both shots were completely out of the norm and done at a time of great pressure. So, in my opinion, if DJ's missed putt is a choke than so certainly is the shot from Grace on 16 and the horrible shot and 3 putt from Speith on 17. In the case of Grace it took him out of the tourney. In Speith's case it almost resulted in the biggest collapse of a major since Michelson at Winged Foot.

even though he still had the lead while Mickelson missed the playoff by 2 shots

Like I said.. almost. He went from having a 3 shot lead to blowing it all if Johnsons putt goes down. Having a 3 shot lead into 18 is sure victory. Instead, he needed a lot of luck to at least avoid a playoff.
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
Originally posted by sincalfaithful:
Originally posted by Ninerjohn:
First of all neither shot that Speith or Grace hit was a shank. Obviously you dont know what a shank is. Secondly, both shots were completely out of the norm and done at a time of great pressure. So, in my opinion, if DJ's missed putt is a choke than so certainly is the shot from Grace on 16 and the horrible shot and 3 putt from Speith on 17. In the case of Grace it took him out of the tourney. In Speith's case it almost resulted in the biggest collapse of a major since Michelson at Winged Foot.

even though he still had the lead while Mickelson missed the playoff by 2 shots

Like I said.. almost. He went from having a 3 shot lead to blowing it all if Johnsons putt goes down. Having a 3 shot lead into 18 is sure victory. Instead, he needed a lot of luck to at least avoid a playoff.

A ton of luck...except for you know birding the last hole and having the biggest choke 3 putt from 12 feet that apprently wasnt a choke but yea logic is flawless
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