Originally posted by LottDMontanaO:
Originally posted by FredFlintstone:
Originally posted by frankieuc68:
Originally posted by ads_2006:
Originally posted by hondakillerzx:
Originally posted by ads_2006:
Originally posted by nothing03:
What do you guys think of David Lee coming back? I doubt it would happen I think he is looking for more playing time and money. I think if no one signs him he might consider coming back?
I think he'd take a pay cut, but if the dubs resign speights, you pretty much have the same player.
Speights can hit three's and lee can board
lee is too slow for this team
need bodies at this point to celebrate all the scoring everyone else will do
He's perfect when the game gets into a grind out. especially in the playoffs.He has a good inside game, rebounder and passer. I think he will flourish when he's surrounded with great shooters. We need to have some inside game to free up our shooters too. Hes a ring chaser and should come cheaper.
This, the team needs some inside game. Lee can still play
This - these last two in bold. Warriors could use Lee's active inside game - scoring and rebounding - to compliment all the offense they have coming from the perimeter. I may be in the minority but I feel Lee and his energy was missed this year in the Finals...his hustle/ability to get to rebounds could have somewhat offset the Cavs' T. Thompson (kind of like what he did in last year's Finals).
Yup. Felt the same way. It made a difference last year when he got inserted in spots. Help changed the tide when he scrapped and battled Tristan T. This year's finals, we leaned on Varejao, Festus in the 4th quarter when our shooters didn't have a day light to shoot and the game just slowed down.Once we missed open shots, Cavs was able to get into their transition game.Lee would have been more valuable than those two and Mcadoo.