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2015-16 Los Angeles Lakers Thread

I want Calipari or Luke!

Both are good fits with the young core potentially and will stick around for a few years to establish a system rather than a one to two year stint.
Originally posted by Arminini:
I want Calipari or Luke!

Both are good fits with the young core potentially and will stick around for a few years to establish a system rather than a one to two year stint.

Calipari isn't going anywhere. Lol every year the guy has to come out and say he isn't leaving. I respect him for that, the guy actually doesn't bull s**t when it comes to that.
Luke is a perfect fit. Young proven coach, should be able to relate to the young core. He's a SoCal guy with Laker ties. I think Walton would have a hard time passing this up to be honest. If the Lakers can pony up a 5+ year contract, that would give him time and the security to turn it around, and not have to worry about coaching for his life. Throw in a 10 million dollar house on the strand to seal the deal.
Anybody hear the interview with Jeanie Buss today on Jay Mohr's radio show?

Didn't catch the whole interview, but they played sound bites afterwards. Jeanie said that she had 0 decision in the firing or the hiring of Byron (even though the hiring question wasn't asked) It pretty much sounded like she found out about it just like we all did Also said that she wanted Phil here a couple of years ago, but "they" decided that "they had the situation under control without Phil".

Honestly sounded like she was bitter and throwing her brother and Mitch under the bus. I always wanted her to be the main owner of the Lakers since Jerry passed, but after what sounded like her letting the whole world know about the Lakers dirty laundry...idk anymore. Either way, doesn't look good.

49ers FO don't got s**t on the Lakers
[ Edited by TheHYDE49er on Apr 25, 2016 at 1:48 PM ]
Originally posted by TheHYDE49er:
Calipari isn't going anywhere. Lol every year the guy has to come out and say he isn't leaving. I respect him for that, the guy actually doesn't bull s**t when it comes to that.

You're probably right, plus the Lakers' job isn't very appealing at this point in time so no reason for him to leave now. I still think the Lakers should aggressively pursue him, it would be, at the very least, a sign that they're trying to hit the homerun instead of the last 3 b******t coaches they signed.

The Laker job becomes alot more appealing if Lakers keep the top 2 pick and get 2 solid FA signings, but the coach joining now would have to expect/hope that happens without much else guaranteed.
Originally posted by Arminini:
Originally posted by TheHYDE49er:
Calipari isn't going anywhere. Lol every year the guy has to come out and say he isn't leaving. I respect him for that, the guy actually doesn't bull s**t when it comes to that.

You're probably right, plus the Lakers' job isn't very appealing at this point in time so no reason for him to leave now. I still think the Lakers should aggressively pursue him, it would be, at the very least, a sign that they're trying to hit the homerun instead of the last 3 b******t coaches they signed.

The Laker job becomes alot more appealing if Lakers keep the top 2 pick and get 2 solid FA signings, but the coach joining now would have to expect/hope that happens without much else guaranteed.

We tried going after him 2 years ago as well, but he isn't going anywhere. He has full control there, he's the face of the state of KY, and he's getting payed just as much there as he would here. Unless he gets bored of winning at the college ranks, I don't see him as the Lakers coach, or the in the NBA anytime soon.
Originally posted by StOnEy333:

76ers should hire him.
Originally posted by nothing03:
Originally posted by StOnEy333:

76ers should hire him.

That makes no sense since they obviously don't need his help in running a s**tty or tanking. lol
Still on the Ollie bandwagon. Messina wouldn't be bad either. I would really prefer a young up and comer from the college ranks, though.
Originally posted by GameOver:
Still on the Ollie bandwagon. Messina wouldn't be bad either. I would really prefer a young up and comer from the college ranks, though.

No thanks on Ollie, he's Byron Scott 2.0. Not too familiar with Messina.

If we can't get Luke, I wouldn't mind a college coach that knows his X's and O's.
Originally posted by TheHYDE49er:
Originally posted by GameOver:
Still on the Ollie bandwagon. Messina wouldn't be bad either. I would really prefer a young up and comer from the college ranks, though.

No thanks on Ollie, he's Byron Scott 2.0. Not too familiar with Messina.

If we can't get Luke, I wouldn't mind a college coach that knows his X's and O's.

Byron 2.0? lol Jesus...we're all jaded. LOOK AT WHAT YOUVE DONE TO US BYRON
Originally posted by GameOver:
Originally posted by TheHYDE49er:
Originally posted by GameOver:
Still on the Ollie bandwagon. Messina wouldn't be bad either. I would really prefer a young up and comer from the college ranks, though.

No thanks on Ollie, he's Byron Scott 2.0. Not too familiar with Messina.

If we can't get Luke, I wouldn't mind a college coach that knows his X's and O's.

Byron 2.0? lol Jesus...we're all jaded. LOOK AT WHAT YOUVE DONE TO US BYRON

GO why are you on Ollie bw? Have you ever watched UCONN play?
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
Originally posted by GameOver:
Originally posted by TheHYDE49er:
Originally posted by GameOver:
Still on the Ollie bandwagon. Messina wouldn't be bad either. I would really prefer a young up and comer from the college ranks, though.

No thanks on Ollie, he's Byron Scott 2.0. Not too familiar with Messina.

If we can't get Luke, I wouldn't mind a college coach that knows his X's and O's.

Byron 2.0? lol Jesus...we're all jaded. LOOK AT WHAT YOUVE DONE TO US BYRON

GO why are you on Ollie bw? Have you ever watched UCONN play?

Admittedly, I have not watched Uconn play as of late. Only saw them in their championship run in 2014 and yes, I know the core guys there weren't guys that Ollie recruited. My biggest reason for wanting Ollie is to have someone who can recruit talent (you see the irony yet?). He has good relationships with guys in the league (we've all heard about the KD/Ollie thing) and is from LA. He can sell us and is much more charismatic than a guy like Byron Scott. He's also more aware of the change the league is going through in style of play and wouldn't pigeon hole us in that regard.

Honestly, my biggest thing with Kevin would be, "Can he bring KD?" If I'm Kupchak and Buss and I know I have this deadline of Western Conference contender by next year, that makes this year crucial. From their perspective, I don't want to sacrifice the future of the franchise but I have to go all out to make us a playoff team this offseason. The fastest way to do that would be to ship the pick (if we keep it) and go all out for KD. Ship the pick for a disgruntled star on a mediocre team (aka Jimmy Butler) and you now could try to sell KD on joining a roster of D-Lo, Clarkson, Butler, Randle. It would be a worst team than what he has in OKC and I still don't think he does it, but even if he didn't it wouldn't be a bad core to be left with on our end.

Even if you believe in keeping our pick then going into the regular season with Ollie as HC and a lineup of D'Angelo, Clarkson, KD, Randle, Whiteside and our pick is another decent chance of potentially getting into the playoffs and not sacrificing our future. The most ridiculous component to this is getting KD. Again, I'm not saying so much what I want as I am trying to put myself in the shoes of Buss and Kupchak and think about how they're handling this deadline they've put on their own heads.

If I had this my way, I'd get Messina or Luke, not ship the pick, go all out for Whiteside and bet on other young guys who might be able to grow here and just be patient with what we have. I think our current core + Whiteside + 1st round pick = contender in 3-4 years presuming everyone develops accordingly. I'm in favor of the long play, but I know our management can't think that way right now.

*Edit: There isn't a chance in hell that Lakers brass doesn't have Kobe recruit the s**t out of KD this summer. Especially as he's no longer a player and an employee, he should be buzzing KD and talking shop with him right now as he fights to win with OKC and after. The Kobe/KD relationship has always appeared to look strong to me and be one of admiration from Kevin to Kobe. We need to leverage that. That + Ollie + another veteran (or two? maybe we work some cap magic and can bring in Horford via S&T and Butler via trading the pick) could be a playoff team.
[ Edited by GameOver on Apr 27, 2016 at 12:38 PM ]
Originally posted by GameOver:
Originally posted by DynastyChile:
Originally posted by GameOver:
Originally posted by TheHYDE49er:
Originally posted by GameOver:
Still on the Ollie bandwagon. Messina wouldn't be bad either. I would really prefer a young up and comer from the college ranks, though.

No thanks on Ollie, he's Byron Scott 2.0. Not too familiar with Messina.

If we can't get Luke, I wouldn't mind a college coach that knows his X's and O's.

Byron 2.0? lol Jesus...we're all jaded. LOOK AT WHAT YOUVE DONE TO US BYRON

GO why are you on Ollie bw? Have you ever watched UCONN play?

Admittedly, I have not watched Uconn play as of late. Only saw them in their championship run in 2014 and yes, I know the core guys there weren't guys that Ollie recruited. My biggest reason for wanting Ollie is to have someone who can recruit talent (you see the irony yet?). He has good relationships with guys in the league (we've all heard about the KD/Ollie thing) and is from LA. He can sell us and is much more charismatic than a guy like Byron Scott. He's also more aware of the change the league is going through in style of play and wouldn't pigeon hole us in that regard.

Honestly, my biggest thing with Kevin would be, "Can he bring KD?" If I'm Kupchak and Buss and I know I have this deadline of Western Conference contender by next year, that makes this year crucial. From their perspective, I don't want to sacrifice the future of the franchise but I have to go all out to make us a playoff team this offseason. The fastest way to do that would be to ship the pick (if we keep it) and go all out for KD. Ship the pick for a disgruntled star on a mediocre team (aka Jimmy Butler) and you now could try to sell KD on joining a roster of D-Lo, Clarkson, Butler, Randle. It would be a worst team than what he has in OKC and I still don't think he does it, but even if he didn't it wouldn't be a bad core to be left with on our end.

Even if you believe in keeping our pick then going into the regular season with Ollie as HC and a lineup of D'Angelo, Clarkson, KD, Randle, Whiteside and our pick is another decent chance of potentially getting into the playoffs and not sacrificing our future. The most ridiculous component to this is getting KD. Again, I'm not saying so much what I want as I am trying to put myself in the shoes of Buss and Kupchak and think about how they're handling this deadline they've put on their own heads.

If I had this my way, I'd get Messina or Luke, not ship the pick, go all out for Whiteside and bet on other young guys who might be able to grow here and just be patient with what we have. I think our current core + Whiteside + 1st round pick = contender in 3-4 years presuming everyone develops accordingly. I'm in favor of the long play, but I know our management can't think that way right now.

*Edit: There isn't a chance in hell that Lakers brass doesn't have Kobe recruit the s**t out of KD this summer. Especially as he's no longer a player and an employee, he should be buzzing KD and talking shop with him right now as he fights to win with OKC and after. The Kobe/KD relationship has always appeared to look strong to me and be one of admiration from Kevin to Kobe. We need to leverage that. That + Ollie + another veteran (or two? maybe we work some cap magic and can bring in Horford via S&T and Butler via trading the pick) could be a playoff team.

Without getting too deep into detail on Ollie and his X&Os, I don't think he is the right guy for our team right now. We have so much youth, and basically not running an offense last year with Byron putting in his only offensive set in like February, we're kind of starting from square 1 as far as building an offense...I'd feel way more comfortable with Messina...even Luke now that he has been in the GS system, was a student of hte triangle etc. I am way less worried about how good of buddies Ollie is with players.
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