Originally posted by DaBum:
Take the Warriors homerism to the Warriors thread lol
Steph penetrates a lot but he rarely tries to finish because he has neither the vertical nor the strength to complete it. He knows and passes out. He takes the shots when help doesn't come so it is an open shot.
How is it homerism to say that the guy who finishes roughly 10% higher at the rim is a better finisher than the guy who finishes roughly 10% lower?
Are you really saying 2 additional drives a game makes that big of a difference here? I am seriously asking. Because you can take the names completely out of the picture and you will never get me to say the guy who makes 10% less of his shots is better at finishing.
Saying Curry only attempts wide open layups is absolutely absurd.
[ Edited by SteveWallacesHelmet on Aug 12, 2020 at 5:22 PM ]