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Golden State Warriors Talk

moar turnovers
Steph just flat out sucks tonight
  • DRnSFw
  • BlessUp
  • Posts: 67,826
16-5 in turnovers
Im not sure Steph is better than Jeremy Lin right now
Originally posted by DRnSFw:
16-5 in turnovers

That says it all right there. They aren't shooting well enough to overcome it so if they don't find a way to clean it up in the 4th an L is on deck
  • Deebo
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 1,206
We got this!

until we don't
Poole is just so bad right now
  • Deebo
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 1,206
Better to lose this round, next round, or the finals?

I say no, no losing
Poole and Curry with a real stinker.
Steph and Poole just watching Brooks sinking shots left and right and deciding to not join the party at all has me so damn frustrated

they sure are gassed tonight from that marathon effort they put in game 5
oh wow Steph with a lucky 3
Memphis is going to be a serious problem for years to come
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