Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:
Can you explain this?
I agree with everything else. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Just curious how they are getting around the fact that one team wanted to play and one didnt.
Easily (and I'm going to go on something of a tangent, so my apologies ahead of time).
To TPTB this boycott is cute, but it won't move the needle anywhere. TPTB don't give a s**t about the little people or our troubles, plain and simple.
This boycott, while coming from a good place from good hearted people, is a joke to TPTB.
Change needs to happen, but TPTB are not about change or anything that affects their world. You're living in fantasyland if you think it matters to them.
They're too busy working on their exit strategy to care about the s**t that is coming, and will come down on the little people (all of us).
Our militarized police are essentially the muscle and do the bidding of TPTB. We'd have to go French Revolution on their asses to change anything.