Originally posted by Rubberneck36:
Originally posted by MrNineSeven:
Casali is my MVP offseason acquisition (lol not MVP of the team just the move. Buster is the MVP so far )
He is a solid defensive Catcher and carries that needed presence. One that can control the pitchers, get them in their grove (he's a hell of a framer too). I really think adding his veteran presence in the squat has been a huge benefit to our rotation and pen.
last year it was painfully obvious Bart lacked that knowledge. When to talk to your pitch and get him reigned in.
I know Bauer has called him his favorite big league catcher that he's worked with too.
Another solid Farhan move! Wood would be my runner up. La Stella was just starting to heat up. But in other areas that get overlooked in the game I love that they brought in a good backup Catcher. He won't wow ya at the plate but he's a great defensive catcher.
I guess we watch the position differently. I dont think he's a very good defensive catcher. I dont think he's a good framer. Backhands a lot of balls which leads to scoots or passed balls. I am fine with him as a backup, but he is nowhere near the MVP acquisition for me. I don't think he handled Webb very good at all. In fact, I would suggest Posey catch him with all that movement and make his days off some other day.
Any of these SPs throwing gems out here, like Woods, is that guy for me.
I may have watched something else but after that mound visit with Webb when Webb was struggling out the gates, Webb was dialed in and lazar focused and killed it. Post game Kapler even praised Casali for how he handled Webb.
I've been reading and listening to Krukow and Estes both talk about how the Pen and staff love his presence back there and makes it easier for them to work on the mound.