Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:
Lol, Brock fined 10k for hurting the ref at RR though I am pretty sure it is kayfabe. My theory is that the writers are going to make him look so out of control that the only person left in the WWE that can stop him is Taker.
Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:
Lol, Brock fined 10k for hurting the ref at RR though I am pretty sure it is kayfabe. My theory is that the writers are going to make him look so out of control that the only person left in the WWE that can stop him is Taker.
CM Punk has apparently walked out and told Vince he was going home, he's been removed from all live events. If this is really legit then you gotta figure DB vs HHH at WM.
Originally posted by fropwns:
Plus, WWE is building serious heat on HHH. You guys are evening feeding it, I love it. HHH guys? lol, they are all HHH guys! He runs the company, bros! Look years and years ago, I got so fumed that they buried Sting forever against Flair--classic Face vs. Heel chase. They've done it time and time again. People fed the Vince thing with Stone Cold (aided greatly by the screwjob on the Hitman) or anyone else in his way. I have no doubt there are real beefs, but WWE has not failed, but only grown. s**t, they are launching their own network.
Bryan will get his, but headlining Wrestlemania XXX? Facing the Taker? If he does, Bryan had better win because his character GAINS NOTHING by losing. I mean really reexamine the idea of Bryan against Taker and winning. Also, what about Lesnar? Bryan is cool and all, but I just don't see it. I could be wrong, but s**t, Bryan over Taker?
Originally posted by pdizo916:
so no more cm punk?
Not sure, could be a work. But if not, it would be dumb for Vince to let him walk away and not convince him to come back with a contract extension. CM Punk is the #3 face in the company behind Cena and DB, and they will be losing a lot of money if his contract expires in July.
Bringing in Batista and still dragging on Bryans' later than sooner championship was probably CM's last draw. I guy with his attitude needs attention and it seems as if he's been put on the backburner.
TMZ are the latest outlet to pick up on the CM Punk quitting WWE rumour but they claim to have exclusive information regarding the story.
They are stating that it's firmly down to the fact that Batista managed to grab the Wrestlemania main event as opposed to himself. It should be made clear that Punk & Batista are good friends but the situation has irritated him. Punk has said on record he wants to main event Wrestlemania and feels that Batista has simply walked back in and taken the spot whilst he works house shows and day after day after day.
TMZ also say he was "furious" at the decision to have him face Triple H at Wrestlemania. TMZ sources are claiming he is "very serious" about the situation and has "no plans at all to return".
Originally posted by pdizo916:
so no more cm punk?
Not sure, could be a work. But if not, it would be dumb for Vince to let him walk away and not convince him to come back with a contract extension. CM Punk is the #3 face in the company behind Cena and DB, and they will be losing a lot of money if his contract expires in July.
CM Punk has been my favorite wrestler since his ROH days. So as much as it would suck to not see him wrestle for awhile if ever I understand how he feels. No way should Batista come right in after a 4 year hiatus and take the top spot. Daniel Bryan vs Punk should have main evented this years Wrestlemania. These two could do more with 15 minutes then Batista and Orton could with 30. Batista vs Orton was a money match on its own and doesn't need the title to validate it. WWE has pretty much already set Batista up to fail. He went from a couple quick top notch reactions to one of the current most hated men in the WWE.
The story that could have existed between Bryan and Punk could have really given that WrestleMania feel. Two career underdogs that constantly defied expectations of size and talent fighting for the biggest prize on the biggest stage had money all over it. There was a million things that Batista could have done. They could have kept that match non title between him and Orton if they wanted it so bad and it would have been just as big without the title. They could have put him against Lesnar. The match wouldn't have been great but there would have been money there. The two biggest bada$$es in the WWE before their departures. They could have had him join up with Orton and the authority and turned on the shield setting up the Shield vs Triple H, Orton, and Batista (evolution). They could have got Vince involved and put the power of the company on the line and had Vince in the Shield's corner and Flair in evolutions. Anything, now were stuck with Batista and Orton in the main event ugh.
[ Edited by Willisfn4life on Jan 29, 2014 at 10:38 AM ]
Originally posted by jrg:
TMZ are the latest outlet to pick up on the CM Punk quitting WWE rumour but they claim to have exclusive information regarding the story.
They are stating that it's firmly down to the fact that Batista managed to grab the Wrestlemania main event as opposed to himself. It should be made clear that Punk & Batista are good friends but the situation has irritated him. Punk has said on record he wants to main event Wrestlemania and feels that Batista has simply walked back in and taken the spot whilst he works house shows and day after day after day.
TMZ also say he was "furious" at the decision to have him face Triple H at Wrestlemania. TMZ sources are claiming he is "very serious" about the situation and has "no plans at all to return".
He'll be back. I met the guy while getting his autograph at WM 25 and I tried to clown around with him and he was dickish. I thought it was just me. The next day during a big breakfast event my wife and I were at a table with several others and they all said the same thing, "C.M. Punk is a dick." Now it could have been the day, but I wonder if he does not look at everybody as being below him.
Now for my biased, unvarnished comments:
So, here we go again. A wrestler whining because he isn't getting the push he believes he deserves. Does Punk deserve to headline a Wrestlemania? Yes. This Wrestlemania? Yeah, f**k it, sure why not. But, it ain't happening. Does he realize how long it took Eddie Guerro and Chris Benoit to headline a WM (they did it at Wrestlemania XX)? He would have gotten his. By the way, it is highly likely that HHH would have laid down for him at WM XXX--Paul lays down for EVERYBODY at Mania. It is not just about headlining a Wrestlemania, it is about this one. He wants, believes, he deserves to be at the pinnacle. What if he did headline it? No way they are going to repeat, at this stage in their careers, a Punk, Bryan moment. One of them gets buried. Plus, it would be so manufactured, so fake. True fans would sniff it out. Talking about buried, what about Kofi Kingston, who wrestles very well against Orton, but continues to be a fun loving West African sterotype.
Do you remember this:
So OVER with the fans! And what happens, politics, and buried.
It has been almost four years. f**king build this man already, WWE. Do you Bryan/Punk fans remember that? That, THAT, is being buried. Kofi could be the "black" Sting. He has the athleticism, the talent, but he must abandon that horrible gimmick. Somebody, the Rock, somebody, HHH, somebody, anybody, help this man.
You give me six months, I am confident I could build a hell of a program between Kingston and Orton. Because they have natural chemistry. I can tell they don't like each other, which makes it all the better.
Originally posted by jrg:
TMZ are the latest outlet to pick up on the CM Punk quitting WWE rumour but they claim to have exclusive information regarding the story.
They are stating that it's firmly down to the fact that Batista managed to grab the Wrestlemania main event as opposed to himself. It should be made clear that Punk & Batista are good friends but the situation has irritated him. Punk has said on record he wants to main event Wrestlemania and feels that Batista has simply walked back in and taken the spot whilst he works house shows and day after day after day.
TMZ also say he was "furious" at the decision to have him face Triple H at Wrestlemania. TMZ sources are claiming he is "very serious" about the situation and has "no plans at all to return".
He'll be back. I met the guy while getting his autograph at WM 25 and I tried to clown around with him and he was dickish. I thought it was just me. The next day during a big breakfast event my wife and I were at a table with several others and they all said the same thing, "C.M. Punk is a dick." Now it could have been the day, but I wonder if he does not look at everybody as being below him.
Now for my biased, unvarnished comments:
So, here we go again. A wrestler whining because he isn't getting the push he believes he deserves. Does Punk deserve to headline a Wrestlemania? Yes. This Wrestlemania? Yeah, f**k it, sure why not. But, it ain't happening. Does he realize how long it took Eddie Guerro and Chris Benoit to headline a WM (they did it at Wrestlemania XX)? He would have gotten his. By the way, it is highly likely that HHH would have laid down for him at WM XXX--Paul lays down for EVERYBODY at Mania. It is not just about headlining a Wrestlemania, it is about this one. He wants, believes, he deserves to be at the pinnacle. What if he did headline it? No way they are going to repeat, at this stage in their careers, a Punk, Bryan moment. One of them gets buried. Plus, it would be so manufactured, so fake. True fans would sniff it out. Talking about buried, what about Kofi Kingston, who wrestles very well against Orton, but continues to be a fun loving West African sterotype.
Do you remember this:
So OVER with the fans! And what happens, politics, and buried.
It has been almost four years. f**king build this man already, WWE. Do you Bryan/Punk fans remember that? That, THAT, is being buried. Kofi could be the "black" Sting. He has the athleticism, the talent, but he must abandon that horrible gimmick. Somebody, the Rock, somebody, HHH, somebody, anybody, help this man.
You give me six months, I am confident I could build a hell or a program between Kingston and Orton. Because they have natural chemistry. I can tell they don't like each other, which makes it all the better.
I'll give another example of being buried soon.
Kofi getting buried and the Mr. Kennedy getting fired are the two things that have almost made me give up wrestling all together because of the b******t politics in WWE especially involving Orton. Kofi should've been champ that year and it would have been an epic feud all the way to WM. Orton needs to change his "Legend Killer" nickname to the "Push Killer" cause that's all he does is bury potential stars.
Former WWE champion Matt Hardy was arrested at a motel in Virginia earlier this month ... after allegedly getting into a fight with his wrestler wife ... TMZ Sports has learned. Just look at the mug shots of Hardy and 27-year-old Reby Sky -- both appear bloody and scratched up. Hardy has multiple scratch marks all over his face and Sky -- real name Rebecca Hardy -- appears to be sporting a fat lip, black eye and several small cuts on her face. Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/29/matt-hardy-arrested-assault-and-battery-reby-sky-mug-shots-brawl/#ixzz2roqZRc38
I used to be one of this guy's biggest fans but man he has really gone down hill in the last few years.