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Wrestling Thread (WWE, AEW, etc)

Originally posted by fropwns:
It has been almost four years. f**king build this man already, WWE. Do you Bryan/Punk fans remember that? That, THAT, is being buried. Kofi could be the "black" Sting. He has the athleticism, the talent, but he must abandon that horrible gimmick. Somebody, the Rock, somebody, HHH, somebody, anybody, help this man.

You give me six months, I am confident I could build a hell or a program between Kingston and Orton. Because they have natural chemistry. I can tell they don't like each other, which makes it all the better.

I'll give another example of being buried soon.

lul....but Kofi's black.
well, CM Punk is officially gone from WWE. i hope batista was worth it.
  • jrg
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  • Posts: 166,549
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
well, CM Punk is officially gone from WWE. i hope batista was worth it.

got pissed and quit

[ Edited by jrg on Jan 29, 2014 at 4:41 PM ]
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
well, CM Punk is officially gone from WWE. i hope batista was worth it.

He's a giant meat head of course he is in Vince's eyes. True talent is ignored and overlooked all the time in WWE for these big, roided freaks.
Punk was on his way out anyways. He's said for years he wanted to hang it up around 35 and his contract expired in July. Sucks that he never got his WrestleMania Main Event though.

On the positive side it frees HHH up for Bryan and WWE can go ahead with the Main Event no one wants to see without the crowd going bezerk.
  • jrg
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  • Posts: 166,549
yeah...really sucks.

i wish it was just part of a storyline...but i don't think it is
  • Hopper
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It doesn't take much to irritate Punk, not surprised at all.
  • Go Raiders
  • Posts: 23,820
Good for punk. Wwe f**ked up bring back batista.. dude was never nothing and doesn't deserve the contact or push they are giving him
Pretty chicken s**t for Punk to do that. I understand being fed up and all but what a whiny b***h.
  • jrg
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  • Posts: 166,549
Originally posted by btthepunk:
Pretty chicken s**t for Punk to do that. I understand being fed up and all but what a whiny b***h.

You understand it but he is still a whiny b***h? Haha
Originally posted by jrg:
Originally posted by btthepunk:
Pretty chicken s**t for Punk to do that. I understand being fed up and all but what a whiny b***h.

You understand it but he is still a whiny b***h? Haha

I understand being fed up but he's still a whiny b***h to just walk out like that. From all accounts Batista is a real good guy and CM Punk is a dick. I'm pissed because he is awesome to watch.
[ Edited by btthepunk on Jan 29, 2014 at 6:29 PM ]
Originally posted by NinerFanMT:
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
well, CM Punk is officially gone from WWE. i hope batista was worth it.

He's a giant meat head of course he is in Vince's eyes. True talent is ignored and overlooked all the time in WWE for these big, roided freaks.

As Gregory Shane Helms tweeted earlier, the Vince loves his muscle marks. I dont blame CM Punk one bit for leaving.
Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:
As Gregory Shane Helms tweeted earlier, the Vince loves his muscle marks. I dont blame CM Punk one bit for leaving.

But he also said no one should be mad at Batista because he's an amazing person.
Originally posted by btthepunk:
Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:
As Gregory Shane Helms tweeted earlier, the Vince loves his muscle marks. I dont blame CM Punk one bit for leaving.

But he also said no one should be mad at Batista because he's an amazing person.

I don't blame Batista, I blame the higher ups in the WWE, Vince and HHH, for causing this by making Batista win the RR when he was back for a week. Guys like him, Lesnar, and The Rock can come back all the time but only if they're not in major title situations. Jericho returns and is fine being Intercontinental Champion or just putting a guy over but when it comes to these other guys they need to be in the spotlight and feel relevant. Punk and Bryan should be headlining WM not Batista, Orton, or Lesnar.
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