Originally posted by NinerFanMT:
No asses
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Originally posted by NinerFanMT:
Originally posted by fropwns:
So CM Punk left because Batista and Sting? Batista and the Rumble I understand, but Sting?!??! Bthepunk had it right, Jrg. Punk is being a b***h. He is not honoring his contract, he knew it would put them in a bind and he did it anyway. Honor your f**king contract and then leave.
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by fropwns:
So CM Punk left because Batista and Sting? Batista and the Rumble I understand, but Sting?!??! Bthepunk had it right, Jrg. Punk is being a b***h. He is not honoring his contract, he knew it would put them in a bind and he did it anyway. Honor your f**king contract and then leave.
I bet there is more to the story than meets the eye. Do you think he forgot how badly they dropped the ball with his Summer of Punk story from the moment after he won the title ? WWE creative dropped the ball with CM Punk's direction, he could have been a bigger star. I'd bet seeing the white hot Daniel Bryan get passed over for a returning Batista does not sit well with him either, and rightfully so. A blind and deaf man could tell you that Daniel Bryan should have won the Rumble and went on to main event and win the title at Wrestlemania, it's what the people want and you have had them waiting 6 months for that moment, instead you piss that all away to resign Batista, a man who is a slightly above average talent at best with some name value to the fanbase. Even Batista should know that Daniel Bryan is the guy they should be pushing to the moon right now.
All anyone knows right now is all these rumored reasons why Punk left, but no one knows what the actual truth is, so I fail to see how he is a b***h at this point.
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by fropwns:
So CM Punk left because Batista and Sting? Batista and the Rumble I understand, but Sting?!??! Bthepunk had it right, Jrg. Punk is being a b***h. He is not honoring his contract, he knew it would put them in a bind and he did it anyway. Honor your f**king contract and then leave.
I bet there is more to the story than meets the eye. Do you think he forgot how badly they dropped the ball with his Summer of Punk story from the moment after he won the title ? WWE creative dropped the ball with CM Punk's direction, he could have been a bigger star. I'd bet seeing the white hot Daniel Bryan get passed over for a returning Batista does not sit well with him either, and rightfully so. A blind and deaf man could tell you that Daniel Bryan should have won the Rumble and went on to main event and win the title at Wrestlemania, it's what the people want and you have had them waiting 6 months for that moment, instead you piss that all away to resign Batista, a man who is a slightly above average talent at best with some name value to the fanbase. Even Batista should know that Daniel Bryan is the guy they should be pushing to the moon right now.
All anyone knows right now is all these rumored reasons why Punk left, but no one knows what the actual truth is, so I fail to see how he is a b***h at this point.
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by fropwns:
So CM Punk left because Batista and Sting? Batista and the Rumble I understand, but Sting?!??! Bthepunk had it right, Jrg. Punk is being a b***h. He is not honoring his contract, he knew it would put them in a bind and he did it anyway. Honor your f**king contract and then leave.
I bet there is more to the story than meets the eye. Do you think he forgot how badly they dropped the ball with his Summer of Punk story from the moment after he won the title ? WWE creative dropped the ball with CM Punk's direction, he could have been a bigger star. I'd bet seeing the white hot Daniel Bryan get passed over for a returning Batista does not sit well with him either, and rightfully so. A blind and deaf man could tell you that Daniel Bryan should have won the Rumble and went on to main event and win the title at Wrestlemania, it's what the people want and you have had them waiting 6 months for that moment, instead you piss that all away to resign Batista, a man who is a slightly above average talent at best with some name value to the fanbase. Even Batista should know that Daniel Bryan is the guy they should be pushing to the moon right now.
All anyone knows right now is all these rumored reasons why Punk left, but no one knows what the actual truth is, so I fail to see how he is a b***h at this point.
Ya...they really dropped the ball with him last summer. However, word is that Punk was gonna leave this July (when his contract was up, no matter what). So if that was true (as much I like punk) he shouldn't have the main event spot for WM.
Either way fropwns, I respect your opinion when it comes to wrestling, but I don't agree with it right here. Plenty of other guys did right now what punk is doing. Most notably stone cold left the WWE back around 2000 when he got pissed at the creative and didn't show up to Raw that night.
What the WWE is doing right now with guys like hogan, sting, batista, I don't blame Punk for leaving. If DB doesn't get to be in the ME for Wrestlemania, I wouldn't blame him for leaving either. hell, I wouldn't blame most the WWE superstars for wanting to leave. Freaking el torito got a spot in the royal rumble...
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:This isn't new. They have always done it. They will always do it. And they will take an up and comer, a long time indie guy, and build them; and when some long lost legend finally comes to the WWE, they will do it again. Sting is a legend. This is the twilight for him. The end. A job well done for a career that never included the WWE and that has made him just as big as some of the brightest the company has ever produced.
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by fropwns:
So CM Punk left because Batista and Sting? Batista and the Rumble I understand, but Sting?!??! Bthepunk had it right, Jrg. Punk is being a b***h. He is not honoring his contract, he knew it would put them in a bind and he did it anyway. Honor your f**king contract and then leave.
I bet there is more to the story than meets the eye. Do you think he forgot how badly they dropped the ball with his Summer of Punk story from the moment after he won the title ? WWE creative dropped the ball with CM Punk's direction, he could have been a bigger star. I'd bet seeing the white hot Daniel Bryan get passed over for a returning Batista does not sit well with him either, and rightfully so. A blind and deaf man could tell you that Daniel Bryan should have won the Rumble and went on to main event and win the title at Wrestlemania, it's what the people want and you have had them waiting 6 months for that moment, instead you piss that all away to resign Batista, a man who is a slightly above average talent at best with some name value to the fanbase. Even Batista should know that Daniel Bryan is the guy they should be pushing to the moon right now.
All anyone knows right now is all these rumored reasons why Punk left, but no one knows what the actual truth is, so I fail to see how he is a b***h at this point.
Ya...they really dropped the ball with him last summer. However, word is that Punk was gonna leave this July (when his contract was up, no matter what). So if that was true (as much I like punk) he shouldn't have the main event spot for WM.
Either way fropwns, I respect your opinion when it comes to wrestling, but I don't agree with it right here. Plenty of other guys did right now what punk is doing. Most notably stone cold left the WWE back around 2000 when he got pissed at the creative and didn't show up to Raw that night.
What the WWE is doing right now with guys like hogan, sting, batista, I don't blame Punk for leaving. If DB doesn't get to be in the ME for Wrestlemania, I wouldn't blame him for leaving either. hell, I wouldn't blame most the WWE superstars for wanting to leave. Freaking el torito got a spot in the royal rumble...
Originally posted by btthepunk:This.
Punk was given the longest title reign in 25+ years. He wasn't going to get any more popular than he already is. They didn't drop the ball with him at all.
When Austin left he was pissed that Vince was going to have Lesnar beat him in a KOTR qualifying match with no build up on Raw. Vince came out on Raw and called him out in front of the fans and said he abandoned them. Shortly after that he returned. I hope he does the same thing this time but I don't think he will. If he was as big as Austin was maybe.
Originally posted by fropwns:I asked earlier, but I'll try again. Please give me your card for WM XXX.
Originally posted by TonyStarks:
btw MVP is the new ''investor.''
Originally posted by fropwns:
I asked earlier, but I'll try again. Please give me your card for WM XXX.
Originally posted by btthepunk:
Originally posted by fropwns:
I asked earlier, but I'll try again. Please give me your card for WM XXX.
Lesnar vs Undertaker
Bryan vs Batista vs Orton
Cena vs Wyatt
Uso's vs Rowan and Harper - unless the NAO are still champs then Uso's vs them.
With Punk leaving it really throws a curve. It was going to be HHH vs Punk now there's rumors of HHH vs Bryan but there's also the rumor of Bryan winning the title at EC, then Orton invoking his rematch clause making WM and triple threat. I think I'd almost like to see Bryan beat HHH cleanly at WM than to be in the title match. They could add some stipulation like no more title shots if he loses or something.
Originally posted by fropwns:
Alright that is one card, someone else give me another.