Where to begin. I begin with this, I love you dudes. You are my dudes. You will always be my doods.
My thoughts expressed in a random rambling fashion:
99.9% of everything I hear from wrestlers, former or current, I believe to be "works"; especially when it involves something earth-shattering to the wrestling community. This, believe it or not, is the WWE using the IWC against itself. If I ran the WWE, I would disseminate so much false information to throw the so-called "smarks" off the trail of my story-lines that the CIA would ask me to join their propaganda division.
I would like to adjust my idea of bringing in older hands to "established hands". It fits the actual idea during the so-called "Attitude era"--WWE brought in the Nature Boy Ric Flair, Lex Luger, and the Road Warriors, WCW brought in Hogan, Nash, Hall and many others. Once the Monday Nite Wars ended, they brought back many of the established hands that went "south" along with many of the veteran hands of the WCW. As I have said this is not new. Go back to the era of territories, before my time, and you see the same thing. So, I was wrong. This is not just a WWE-thing, it is a wrestling thing. It will never change.
This goes into the idea of booking, which is preeminent. How matches are booked is everything. Why they are booked in the fashion they are is baffling, but revolve around the ideas, I imagine, of merch sales, story-lines, TV ratings, and ticket sales at "house shows" and live events (Raw/Smackdown); and of course, Vince, Steph, and HHH. As a result, you must remember "booking" for some events takes place, I venture, months in advance for basic matches revolving around certain story-lines. You HAVE to do this to sell tickets to the events--i.e., Wrestler X (Popular) faces Wrestler Y (Popular).
Involved in all of this is the return of "established hands". I imagine working to get Batista back took some time and effort and certain guarantees. Including, say, winning the Royal Rumble and headlining the 30th edition of Wrestlemania. Personally, I do not believe Batista to be in the same ballpark with the Rock, but they needed somebody big to bring back--this does not mean he wins. I really don't watch anymore, but you can bet your ass if I bring Batista back, I am running an Evolution Civil War angle to the max against Orton and HHH. To the max, baby. It could be done and include current up and comers not named Punk or Bryan.
- Stables, off topic, are a GREAT way to build doods
Never, ever, forget this is a business. And the top draws sell the most s**t. Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. All-time merch dudes. That doesn't mean guys that are not top merch dudes didn't do well: Edge (greatest example--what a career he had, I mean really. Have they really replaced him? Nope.), Jericho (never really liked him till late, but a solid performer.), Guerrero, Benoit, Bryan, Punk, and a few others I am sure I am forgetting.
- I really do not get the IWC on this thing with Punk and Bryan. WM is not even a done deal, but yet they feel so entitled to chant "Yes" during others matches because they believe that helps get Bryan over. It insults the performers doing their job. They get upset because Punk "jobbed" the Rumble. EVERYONE JOBS. It is part of the job. It is not real. It is not true sport. I believe it to be an athletic play--plays are conducted in three parts never forget that. What is today, is not what tomorrow is.
- This is not to say I do not get the IWC; oh, I get them all right. They are entitled, elitist, and at times impatient. They are also passionate, loyal, sometimes blindingly so, and descent folks that just want a release and want to see what they want. You must have them, good with the bad. They are not, though, the vast majority of the Wrestling fan base--they are the most hardcore, but WWE does not make all of its money off the hardcore fan. They need, much like nintendo, the casual fan--Batista rings true with the casual fan.
- As for the CM Punk chants, meh. I still find it insulting to those who are THERE and performing for YOU. Again, though, see my first comment. If this is "a work" it would be brilliant. Does creative have it in them? I doubt it. They play things pretty conservative--granted they did give you the supposed "pipe bomb". Remember that? Here is a real problem for you, though. As a CM Punk fan, I would be nervous that my favorite wrestler had to continually have these moments of manufactured drama to propel him forward. I suppose that that is what wrestling is, but I mean that each time has to get bigger and bigger. You can only get so big. Also, WWE has always censored its fan base. They can tape delay a show, edit that s**t out. They pipe s**t in, etc, etc.
- WWE is not a free country, it is an autocracy that deems what they want you to watch. Again, it is not a sport, it is an athletic play. It is a staged performance with heroes (faces) and villians (heels). It is constantly cannibalizing its "talent" and we get to watch people give, not freely, themselves for fame, fortune, childhood dreams, women or men or both, and US. They can make a helluva of a living. Personally, I have 12 years of higher education and I won't make even close to their top talent. I do not feel bad whatsoever for them. Nor do I despise them. You are entertainers. You will have moments of glory and failure. Deal with it. For those who made it, I am happy for you. Remember what got you there. You help nothing by quitting.
Do you know why I quit watching? I got tired of watching the same old WWE/WCW story lines being played out. I watched what I believe to be the "Golden Age"--1980-2000. What a run. No doubt there were times that drug on, but f**k me, dude. The matches Steamboat vs. Flair, Sting vs. Flair, Warrior and Hogan, Austin and the Rock, HBK and Undertaker (where HBK broke his back), Mankind and HHH, and many, many others. The stables, my god, the stables: Four Horsemen, DX, NWO, the Nation, the Corporation, the Varsity Club, and so many others.
And the more I think about it, perhaps, that is how it is meant to be. I went from five years of age to twenty-five. I went from being a child to being a man. When I finally stopped watching years ago, I was convinced, remain so, that I have seen it all. I think the WWE knows it. That is why Cena gets pushed, will break Flair's title record, and will continue to mesmerize the kid-o's. Old fans, who saw Hogan first, hate JOhn Cena. But he is not for them. Punk and Bryan are for you.
But be careful, my intrepid fan, because Daniel Bryan is horribly PG, and his "Yes" chants are NOTHING like the old hell yeah chants of one Texas Rattlesnake, Stunning, I mean, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Along those lines, and I admit this just came to me, but your desperate pursuit of Daniel Bryan is exactly what they want you to do. Embrace another
PG warrior--Bryan is closer to Cena, friends with him, than Stone Cold. s**t, if that is true, and I have no way of knowing if it is or not, all Punk leaving did was push you further into Daniel "PG YES chant" Bryan's arms.
I remain yours,
[ Edited by fropwns on Jan 31, 2014 at 7:03 PM ]