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Wrestling Thread (WWE, AEW, etc)

  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Originally posted by btthepunk:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Alright that is one card, someone else give me another.

I didn't bother with many undercard matches. I have no idea what to do with the Shield.

Ideally, I think fans are waiting for the Shield to blow up. So, you have to build from the Rumble match to some sort of six man tag match where they get pissed, someone attacks someone, and bewm!
I gotta agree that I'm not happy with the developments of the last couple of weeks, but you also gotta agree that it's generating a whole bunch of interest (even if it's not all positive).

Can't remember this thread being this active in a looooong time.

I try to watch RAW, but not Smackdown, so maybe I missed something.

I thought that the Wyatts were going to be going after Bryan after he turned on them. How did that get switched over to Cena? Did they just abandon the Wyatt/Bryan angle?

The Batista return has been bungled badly, but you know that most (almost all?) of these big returns happen only due to contracts that guarantee them a title shot and no clean loss. Look at Goldberg. He wouldn't sign due to money and the fact that he wasn't guaranteed a win (according to the various wrestling sites). When there is only one title now..........this is what happens. They should have written Batista's contract so that it included a "co-main event" type match.

Hope Punk's actions are part of a plan - he needs time off to figure out what's wrong and/or take a break to get away for awhile due to burnout. If he was planning on "retiring" after this contract expires and Corporate knew it, I can understand why they would hesitate to make Punk Champion if he were leaving that soon and was unhappy/unhealthy.
Originally posted by fropwns:
Alright that is one card, someone else give me another.

Cena vs Wyatt
Taker vs sting
Bryan vs orton vs Batista
Usos vs a tag team champs in some sort if gimmick match (ie ladders)
Lesnar vs Kane or shemaus
HHH vs Punk or shemaus

There's eight weeks between now and wrestlemania, it's very possible that cm punk can rest for 6 of those and do promos for two weeks. they've been building it with Kane and hhh can talk about it at upcoming raws
  • evil
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 46,369
Originally posted by btthepunk:
Punk was given the longest title reign in 25+ years. He wasn't going to get any more popular than he already is. They didn't drop the ball with him at all.
When Austin left he was pissed that Vince was going to have Lesnar beat him in a KOTR qualifying match with no build up on Raw. Vince came out on Raw and called him out in front of the fans and said he abandoned them. Shortly after that he returned. I hope he does the same thing this time but I don't think he will. If he was as big as Austin was maybe.

- 1 week after winning the World Title at MiTB and "leaving" the WWE, they bring Punk back to TV.
- he scores controversial win over Cena at SS (Cena's foot on the ropes). can't give him a clean win over Cena (his win over Cena at MiTB was not 100% clean as Cena got distracted by Laurinaitis approching the timekeeper) ?
- loses title at SS thanks to Kevin Nash, was set to begin program with Nash however Nash fails physical
- loses to Triple H at NOC thanks to clusterf**k finish (hottest guy in wrestling and Hunter doesn't put him over)
- finally wins back title at SS, rightfully main events TLC but WWE has all of zero heels booked strong or who garner good heel heat to face him for upcoming reign.
- opens Elimation Chamber PPV in EC match while Cena vs Kane main events it

- has 400+ days of a title run, in which they held well over a dozen PPV's and main events 2 PPV's where Cena was not on card and 2 others where Cena was booked in matchup vs Punk. Way to show confidence in your champion by putting Cena in majority of those main events. They booked Cena vs Laurinaitis as a PPV main event. Longest reign in 25 years and they blow the title change at the Royal Rumble where the Rumble match itself easily sells the PPV when they could have built towards Rock vs a heel Punk at Wrestlemania in favor of another face vs face matchup in Rock vs Cena 2 or done Punk vs Taker in a title vs streak match and at least making it seem a little more believable that Punk could actually go over

Again, why is it that the longest title reign in the last 25 years is not booked to main event Wrestlemania ? Or that said Champion fails to main event PPV after PPV...they make John Cena's matches more prestigious than the World Title matches.

But they didn't drop the ball ?
miss these girls

Shield vs the Wyatts...sall I got.

Bad time to unify titles lol.
You just know Vince is blowing another gasket.I hope he doesn't get a heartattack.
Btw at the Nxt show the crowd was told to stop chanting,"CM PUNK!" and Punk signs are being confiscated.

Raw is going to have to be taped lol
I'm hoping this Punk thing is the biggest work since the Summer of Punk. This can really turn into something big. Also, considering how massively the WWE f'ed up in 2011, they can really capitalize this time around considering we are heading into WrestleMania with this controversy.
Originally posted by LifelongNiner:
I'm hoping this Punk thing is the biggest work since the Summer of Punk. This can really turn into something big. Also, considering how massively the WWE f'ed up in 2011, they can really capitalize this time around considering we are heading into WrestleMania with this controversy.

yea im hoping its a work too.

this will be the first time in a few years i wont be ordering WM, unless the lineup drastcally changes. And i was going to order WWE network when it goes live but i think im going to wait.
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
Originally posted by KRS-1:
+ Show all quotes
I bet there is more to the story than meets the eye. Do you think he forgot how badly they dropped the ball with his Summer of Punk story from the moment after he won the title ? WWE creative dropped the ball with CM Punk's direction, he could have been a bigger star. I'd bet seeing the white hot Daniel Bryan get passed over for a returning Batista does not sit well with him either, and rightfully so. A blind and deaf man could tell you that Daniel Bryan should have won the Rumble and went on to main event and win the title at Wrestlemania, it's what the people want and you have had them waiting 6 months for that moment, instead you piss that all away to resign Batista, a man who is a slightly above average talent at best with some name value to the fanbase. Even Batista should know that Daniel Bryan is the guy they should be pushing to the moon right now.

All anyone knows right now is all these rumored reasons why Punk left, but no one knows what the actual truth is, so I fail to see how he is a b***h at this point.

Ya...they really dropped the ball with him last summer. However, word is that Punk was gonna leave this July (when his contract was up, no matter what). So if that was true (as much I like punk) he shouldn't have the main event spot for WM.

Either way fropwns, I respect your opinion when it comes to wrestling, but I don't agree with it right here. Plenty of other guys did right now what punk is doing. Most notably stone cold left the WWE back around 2000 when he got pissed at the creative and didn't show up to Raw that night.

What the WWE is doing right now with guys like hogan, sting, batista, I don't blame Punk for leaving. If DB doesn't get to be in the ME for Wrestlemania, I wouldn't blame him for leaving either. hell, I wouldn't blame most the WWE superstars for wanting to leave. Freaking el torito got a spot in the royal rumble...
This isn't new. They have always done it. They will always do it. And they will take an up and comer, a long time indie guy, and build them; and when some long lost legend finally comes to the WWE, they will do it again. Sting is a legend. This is the twilight for him. The end. A job well done for a career that never included the WWE and that has made him just as big as some of the brightest the company has ever produced.

Originally posted by btthepunk:
Punk was given the longest title reign in 25+ years. He wasn't going to get any more popular than he already is. They didn't drop the ball with him at all.
When Austin left he was pissed that Vince was going to have Lesnar beat him in a KOTR qualifying match with no build up on Raw. Vince came out on Raw and called him out in front of the fans and said he abandoned them. Shortly after that he returned. I hope he does the same thing this time but I don't think he will. If he was as big as Austin was maybe.

And might I add that Daniel Bryan beat CENA CLEAN. The f**k you want people? I mean s**t that was pretty big. Do I have to bring back the Kofi post? I'll do it. I'm f**king crazy.

I love your passion my dudes, but this is how WWE, whether it is Vince, HHH and Steph, does business. This will continue until real competition comes. TNA never had a chance. Only NWA/WCW had the chance and they blew it. ECW benefited as much from its brutality as it did the Monday nite wars.

on the first, i don't think they have always done this. yes there has been times where they brought back legends and gave them a title run, but that seemed to happen when the company wasn't doing that well. during the 80s, their golden era, you didn't need to bring guys back from the 60s or 70s, since you had guys like hogan, savage, piper, andre, and the list goes on. and the same can be said during the attitude era, they didn't need to bring in some of those guys from 80s, they had the star power then. i think the problem is that, cena/db/punk just can't compete or compare to hogan/savage/piper or austin/rock or even hhh/undertaker/foley, so they have to bring in these old timers. if the company was solid right now and had some great characters, they wouldn't need to bring back hogan or sting or batista.

2nd point...the title reign was great, i thought it was good for the WWE at the time, and punk was a good heel. when myself and krs1 said that they dropped the ball, it was referring to how it went down

That's the bottom line though.

Rock generates more money. More publicity. More ratings. More ratings gets more guys noticed on TV. It's their chance to shine.

Thats what people don't understand. The Rock having the belt is better for EVERYBODY involved with WWE, even Punk. Better for short term and better for long term. This loss hurt nobody except for whiny Punk fans.
Also Cena winning hurt nobody either. Ziggler didn't need as he already has the MITB. The only one that could have used it other than Cena was Ryback and people would've b***hed even more about that.

i could've cared less who the champ that lost to the rock. the point is that they are taking out any shock, any "i didnt see that coming moment" that the WWE used to be full of. you didnt even have to go to insider wrestling sites to know that this was in the plans for a long time. this s**t just doesn't make sense:

take for example ryback. they've been building him up for about 6 months now? put a lot of work into him, they've been featuring him every week in main even status promos or matches. then they tried to bring that "prestige" back to the WWE belt for over a year now; making punk do some stale and boring promos at times, about how much the belt means to him, how important it is, ect. which made good sense with the storyline and into building the cm punk heel character up some more.

so here's cm punk, a fully established heel, he has brought the "respect" back to the title, he's the best in the world. now here comes this animal in ryback, the person the WWE has spent a lot of time into making him look legit - time for him to show that he's the best in world, right? no... let's go back to ruining the "prestige" that has been put back into the title, lets let a former WWE superstar, now actor, come in the WWE cut a couple promos, and then win the title.

i'm sure everybody in the back, including cm punk, are just full of joy about the rock winning the title. all these people that have jobbed for punk (on top of all the guys that jobbed for ryback), helping him as a heel and also making the championship belt not look like such a joke anymore, i bet they are glad that the guy who wrestles a match once a year and hasn't done s**t for the company up until a month ago, go on and wins the belt.

and why is this so much better "everybody"? this isnt TNA...people know what the WWE is! it's not breaking news! the company has already been put on the map, it's time to put the people who help make the company what it is on the map.

man that copy and paste came out all messed out. mines the 3rd long rant.

also, while trying to find my old posts, i came across some classics. like jrg saying how del rio was his 2nd favorite wrestler and how great he is, of course this was back around 2010 lol
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by TheG0RE49er:
+ Show all quotes
Ya...they really dropped the ball with him last summer. However, word is that Punk was gonna leave this July (when his contract was up, no matter what). So if that was true (as much I like punk) he shouldn't have the main event spot for WM.

Either way fropwns, I respect your opinion when it comes to wrestling, but I don't agree with it right here. Plenty of other guys did right now what punk is doing. Most notably stone cold left the WWE back around 2000 when he got pissed at the creative and didn't show up to Raw that night.

What the WWE is doing right now with guys like hogan, sting, batista, I don't blame Punk for leaving. If DB doesn't get to be in the ME for Wrestlemania, I wouldn't blame him for leaving either. hell, I wouldn't blame most the WWE superstars for wanting to leave. Freaking el torito got a spot in the royal rumble...
This isn't new. They have always done it. They will always do it. And they will take an up and comer, a long time indie guy, and build them; and when some long lost legend finally comes to the WWE, they will do it again. Sting is a legend. This is the twilight for him. The end. A job well done for a career that never included the WWE and that has made him just as big as some of the brightest the company has ever produced.

Originally posted by btthepunk:
Punk was given the longest title reign in 25+ years. He wasn't going to get any more popular than he already is. They didn't drop the ball with him at all.
When Austin left he was pissed that Vince was going to have Lesnar beat him in a KOTR qualifying match with no build up on Raw. Vince came out on Raw and called him out in front of the fans and said he abandoned them. Shortly after that he returned. I hope he does the same thing this time but I don't think he will. If he was as big as Austin was maybe.

And might I add that Daniel Bryan beat CENA CLEAN. The f**k you want people? I mean s**t that was pretty big. Do I have to bring back the Kofi post? I'll do it. I'm f**king crazy.

I love your passion my dudes, but this is how WWE, whether it is Vince, HHH and Steph, does business. This will continue until real competition comes. TNA never had a chance. Only NWA/WCW had the chance and they blew it. ECW benefited as much from its brutality as it did the Monday nite wars.

on the first, i don't think they have always done this. yes there has been times where they brought back legends and gave them a title run, but that seemed to happen when the company wasn't doing that well. during the 80s, their golden era, you didn't need to bring guys back from the 60s or 70s, since you had guys like hogan, savage, piper, andre, and the list goes on. and the same can be said during the attitude era, they didn't need to bring in some of those guys from 80s, they had the star power then. i think the problem is that, cena/db/punk just can't compete or compare to hogan/savage/piper or austin/rock or even hhh/undertaker/foley, so they have to bring in these old timers. if the company was solid right now and had some great characters, they wouldn't need to bring back hogan or sting or batista.

2nd point...the title reign was great, i thought it was good for the WWE at the time, and punk was a good heel. when myself and krs1 said that they dropped the ball, it was referring to how it went down

+ Show all quotes
Thats what people don't understand. The Rock having the belt is better for EVERYBODY involved with WWE, even Punk. Better for short term and better for long term. This loss hurt nobody except for whiny Punk fans.
Also Cena winning hurt nobody either. Ziggler didn't need as he already has the MITB. The only one that could have used it other than Cena was Ryback and people would've b***hed even more about that.

i could've cared less who the champ that lost to the rock. the point is that they are taking out any shock, any "i didnt see that coming moment" that the WWE used to be full of. you didnt even have to go to insider wrestling sites to know that this was in the plans for a long time. this s**t just doesn't make sense:

take for example ryback. they've been building him up for about 6 months now? put a lot of work into him, they've been featuring him every week in main even status promos or matches. then they tried to bring that "prestige" back to the WWE belt for over a year now; making punk do some stale and boring promos at times, about how much the belt means to him, how important it is, ect. which made good sense with the storyline and into building the cm punk heel character up some more.

so here's cm punk, a fully established heel, he has brought the "respect" back to the title, he's the best in the world. now here comes this animal in ryback, the person the WWE has spent a lot of time into making him look legit - time for him to show that he's the best in world, right? no... let's go back to ruining the "prestige" that has been put back into the title, lets let a former WWE superstar, now actor, come in the WWE cut a couple promos, and then win the title.

i'm sure everybody in the back, including cm punk, are just full of joy about the rock winning the title. all these people that have jobbed for punk (on top of all the guys that jobbed for ryback), helping him as a heel and also making the championship belt not look like such a joke anymore, i bet they are glad that the guy who wrestles a match once a year and hasn't done s**t for the company up until a month ago, go on and wins the belt.

and why is this so much better "everybody"? this isnt TNA...people know what the WWE is! it's not breaking news! the company has already been put on the map, it's time to put the people who help make the company what it is on the map.

i dont believe this at all. Punk on the mic can hang with just about anyone, and DB is beyond over with the crowd. Both of them are very very good in the ring. WWE just cant get out of their own way. They really are out of touch with the IWC. Everyone has been clamoring for months for DB to get his due. When he went over Cena clean and then immediately lost to Orton people said "oh just wait they have big plans for DB." And months later when DB is still way over with the crowd he gets boned at WM and people are still saying "oh just wait they have big plans for DB." lol when are these plans going to happen. It reminds me of how they botched the summer of punk, that storyline could have been so much better.

And Punk and DB are STILL crowd favorites even though their story lines are continuosly botched by management. Its not that Punk and Bryan cant hang with the older guys its that WWE doesnt think they can, even though the IWC is screaming at them that this is who they want up there besides Cena.

I understand giving the belt to the Rock, dude is one of the 3 biggest stars in the history of the company, and helped push WWE over the top during the attitude era. And i even like Lesnar back, even though i dont care about him too much, but at least he mostly loses. But to give Batista a main event spot in WM like that? Its a slap in the face.
Originally posted by TonyStarks:
Btw at the Nxt show the crowd was told to stop chanting,"CM PUNK!" and Punk signs are being confiscated.

Raw is going to have to be taped lol

bunch of bs. I'm not sure how NXT works, if they give tickets away, but if you pay, you should be able to chant whatever you want. Free country,the WWE doesn't own the fans. I would chant HHH sold out, or f**k you vince. Or YES YES YES, or DB's Name, or Punk. Screw Management. The taking signs away is also bs, if it isn't swearing, then who the hell cares. WWE trys to control the WWE fans, but it won't work at WM30. They better boo the ME if no Bryan. And if Bryan, they better boo if Batista or Orton wins.
Originally posted by KRS-1:
- 1 week after winning the World Title at MiTB and "leaving" the WWE, they bring Punk back to TV.
- he scores controversial win over Cena at SS (Cena's foot on the ropes). can't give him a clean win over Cena (his win over Cena at MiTB was not 100% clean as Cena got distracted by Laurinaitis approching the timekeeper) ?
- loses title at SS thanks to Kevin Nash, was set to begin program with Nash however Nash fails physical
- loses to Triple H at NOC thanks to clusterf**k finish (hottest guy in wrestling and Hunter doesn't put him over)
- finally wins back title at SS, rightfully main events TLC but WWE has all of zero heels booked strong or who garner good heel heat to face him for upcoming reign.
- opens Elimation Chamber PPV in EC match while Cena vs Kane main events it

- has 400+ days of a title run, in which they held well over a dozen PPV's and main events 2 PPV's where Cena was not on card and 2 others where Cena was booked in matchup vs Punk. Way to show confidence in your champion by putting Cena in majority of those main events. They booked Cena vs Laurinaitis as a PPV main event. Longest reign in 25 years and they blow the title change at the Royal Rumble where the Rumble match itself easily sells the PPV when they could have built towards Rock vs a heel Punk at Wrestlemania in favor of another face vs face matchup in Rock vs Cena 2 or done Punk vs Taker in a title vs streak match and at least making it seem a little more believable that Punk could actually go over

Again, why is it that the longest title reign in the last 25 years is not booked to main event Wrestlemania ? Or that said Champion fails to main event PPV after PPV...they make John Cena's matches more prestigious than the World Title matches.

But they didn't drop the ball ?

None of that was dropping the ball. No matter what they did or didn't do for Punk he would NEVER be as big as Cena or the Rock to the fans. There were rumors halfway through Punk's reign that they were going to be giving the belt back to Cena because Punk was just never as big of a draw as Cena. There's even talks that at Wrestlemania that Cena vs Wyatt will close the show.

If all those things you listed had gone Punk's way then all the "Smarks" would be b***hing about him the same way they b***h about Cena/Rock/Batista.
  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Where to begin. I begin with this, I love you dudes. You are my dudes. You will always be my doods.

My thoughts expressed in a random rambling fashion:

99.9% of everything I hear from wrestlers, former or current, I believe to be "works"; especially when it involves something earth-shattering to the wrestling community. This, believe it or not, is the WWE using the IWC against itself. If I ran the WWE, I would disseminate so much false information to throw the so-called "smarks" off the trail of my story-lines that the CIA would ask me to join their propaganda division.

I would like to adjust my idea of bringing in older hands to "established hands". It fits the actual idea during the so-called "Attitude era"--WWE brought in the Nature Boy Ric Flair, Lex Luger, and the Road Warriors, WCW brought in Hogan, Nash, Hall and many others. Once the Monday Nite Wars ended, they brought back many of the established hands that went "south" along with many of the veteran hands of the WCW. As I have said this is not new. Go back to the era of territories, before my time, and you see the same thing. So, I was wrong. This is not just a WWE-thing, it is a wrestling thing. It will never change.

This goes into the idea of booking, which is preeminent. How matches are booked is everything. Why they are booked in the fashion they are is baffling, but revolve around the ideas, I imagine, of merch sales, story-lines, TV ratings, and ticket sales at "house shows" and live events (Raw/Smackdown); and of course, Vince, Steph, and HHH. As a result, you must remember "booking" for some events takes place, I venture, months in advance for basic matches revolving around certain story-lines. You HAVE to do this to sell tickets to the events--i.e., Wrestler X (Popular) faces Wrestler Y (Popular).

Involved in all of this is the return of "established hands". I imagine working to get Batista back took some time and effort and certain guarantees. Including, say, winning the Royal Rumble and headlining the 30th edition of Wrestlemania. Personally, I do not believe Batista to be in the same ballpark with the Rock, but they needed somebody big to bring back--this does not mean he wins. I really don't watch anymore, but you can bet your ass if I bring Batista back, I am running an Evolution Civil War angle to the max against Orton and HHH. To the max, baby. It could be done and include current up and comers not named Punk or Bryan.
  • Stables, off topic, are a GREAT way to build doods

Never, ever, forget this is a business. And the top draws sell the most s**t. Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Cena. All-time merch dudes. That doesn't mean guys that are not top merch dudes didn't do well: Edge (greatest example--what a career he had, I mean really. Have they really replaced him? Nope.), Jericho (never really liked him till late, but a solid performer.), Guerrero, Benoit, Bryan, Punk, and a few others I am sure I am forgetting.
  • I really do not get the IWC on this thing with Punk and Bryan. WM is not even a done deal, but yet they feel so entitled to chant "Yes" during others matches because they believe that helps get Bryan over. It insults the performers doing their job. They get upset because Punk "jobbed" the Rumble. EVERYONE JOBS. It is part of the job. It is not real. It is not true sport. I believe it to be an athletic play--plays are conducted in three parts never forget that. What is today, is not what tomorrow is.
  • This is not to say I do not get the IWC; oh, I get them all right. They are entitled, elitist, and at times impatient. They are also passionate, loyal, sometimes blindingly so, and descent folks that just want a release and want to see what they want. You must have them, good with the bad. They are not, though, the vast majority of the Wrestling fan base--they are the most hardcore, but WWE does not make all of its money off the hardcore fan. They need, much like nintendo, the casual fan--Batista rings true with the casual fan.
  • As for the CM Punk chants, meh. I still find it insulting to those who are THERE and performing for YOU. Again, though, see my first comment. If this is "a work" it would be brilliant. Does creative have it in them? I doubt it. They play things pretty conservative--granted they did give you the supposed "pipe bomb". Remember that? Here is a real problem for you, though. As a CM Punk fan, I would be nervous that my favorite wrestler had to continually have these moments of manufactured drama to propel him forward. I suppose that that is what wrestling is, but I mean that each time has to get bigger and bigger. You can only get so big. Also, WWE has always censored its fan base. They can tape delay a show, edit that s**t out. They pipe s**t in, etc, etc.
  • WWE is not a free country, it is an autocracy that deems what they want you to watch. Again, it is not a sport, it is an athletic play. It is a staged performance with heroes (faces) and villians (heels). It is constantly cannibalizing its "talent" and we get to watch people give, not freely, themselves for fame, fortune, childhood dreams, women or men or both, and US. They can make a helluva of a living. Personally, I have 12 years of higher education and I won't make even close to their top talent. I do not feel bad whatsoever for them. Nor do I despise them. You are entertainers. You will have moments of glory and failure. Deal with it. For those who made it, I am happy for you. Remember what got you there. You help nothing by quitting.

Do you know why I quit watching? I got tired of watching the same old WWE/WCW story lines being played out. I watched what I believe to be the "Golden Age"--1980-2000. What a run. No doubt there were times that drug on, but f**k me, dude. The matches Steamboat vs. Flair, Sting vs. Flair, Warrior and Hogan, Austin and the Rock, HBK and Undertaker (where HBK broke his back), Mankind and HHH, and many, many others. The stables, my god, the stables: Four Horsemen, DX, NWO, the Nation, the Corporation, the Varsity Club, and so many others.

And the more I think about it, perhaps, that is how it is meant to be. I went from five years of age to twenty-five. I went from being a child to being a man. When I finally stopped watching years ago, I was convinced, remain so, that I have seen it all. I think the WWE knows it. That is why Cena gets pushed, will break Flair's title record, and will continue to mesmerize the kid-o's. Old fans, who saw Hogan first, hate JOhn Cena. But he is not for them. Punk and Bryan are for you.

But be careful, my intrepid fan, because Daniel Bryan is horribly PG, and his "Yes" chants are NOTHING like the old hell yeah chants of one Texas Rattlesnake, Stunning, I mean, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Along those lines, and I admit this just came to me, but your desperate pursuit of Daniel Bryan is exactly what they want you to do. Embrace another
PG warrior--Bryan is closer to Cena, friends with him, than Stone Cold. s**t, if that is true, and I have no way of knowing if it is or not, all Punk leaving did was push you further into Daniel "PG YES chant" Bryan's arms.

I remain yours,

[ Edited by fropwns on Jan 31, 2014 at 7:03 PM ]
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