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Wrestling Thread (WWE, AEW, etc)

  • evil
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Originally posted by btthepunk:
None of that was dropping the ball. No matter what they did or didn't do for Punk he would NEVER be as big as Cena or the Rock to the fans. There were rumors halfway through Punk's reign that they were going to be giving the belt back to Cena because Punk was just never as big of a draw as Cena. There's even talks that at Wrestlemania that Cena vs Wyatt will close the show.

If all those things you listed had gone Punk's way then all the "Smarks" would be b***hing about him the same way they b***h about Cena/Rock/Batista.

Never said Punk could be as big as Rock or Cena nor did all those things need to go Punk's way. Some should have gone his way and some of those things should never have happened. But all of those things illustate a definite ball dropping. Instead of doing something unique with a unique character like Punk, they did the same ole same ole.

Creative shortcomings and managements lack of confidence in pushing and backing Punk hurt his ability as a draw. Punk'character has similarities to that of Austin, which required the WWE to not be afraid to push the envelope, to be edgy and unpredictable. Punk was an indy star for the same reasons his Vegas promo was so great and made the entire wrestling world take notice, because he was not creatively filtered, it was edgy, unpredictable and pushed the envelope.
  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by btthepunk:
None of that was dropping the ball. No matter what they did or didn't do for Punk he would NEVER be as big as Cena or the Rock to the fans. There were rumors halfway through Punk's reign that they were going to be giving the belt back to Cena because Punk was just never as big of a draw as Cena. There's even talks that at Wrestlemania that Cena vs Wyatt will close the show.

If all those things you listed had gone Punk's way then all the "Smarks" would be b***hing about him the same way they b***h about Cena/Rock/Batista.

Never said Punk could be as big as Rock or Cena nor did all those things need to go Punk's way. Some should have gone his way and some of those things should never have happened. But all of those things illustate a definite ball dropping. Instead of doing something unique with a unique character like Punk, they did the same ole same ole.

Creative shortcomings and managements lack of confidence in pushing and backing Punk hurt his ability as a draw. Punk'character has similarities to that of Austin, which required the WWE to not be afraid to push the envelope, to be edgy and unpredictable. Punk was an indy star for the same reasons his Vegas promo was so great and made the entire wrestling world take notice, because he was not creatively filtered, it was edgy, unpredictable and pushed the envelope.
But it was still a promo. It was part of the script. It seemed off script, but it was script. It was a work, but it seemed real. But it wasn't. Why give Punk the credit when WWE went along with it? That isn't dropping the ball. Is WWE inconsistent with its talent, hell yes! I just don't get those saying Punk was let down. I get the Bryan thing more than the Punk issue.
  • evil
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Originally posted by fropwns:
But it was still a promo. It was part of the script. It seemed off script, but it was script. It was a work, but it seemed real. But it wasn't. Why give Punk the credit when WWE went along with it? That isn't dropping the ball. Is WWE inconsistent with its talent, hell yes! I just don't get those saying Punk was let down. I get the Bryan thing more than the Punk issue.

That promo was a worked shoot. They had scripted him to end the show with a promo, but they didn't know what he was going to say, they gave him a live mic and told him to sell his upcoming match with Cena. He didn't care if they liked what he had to say or not given his contract was weeks away from expiring and let loose before getting cut off when he wanted to tell a Vince story. They need to try and do less PG Punk stuff and let him be CM Punk, and that doesn't require a live mic just allow for his character and the storylines he is involved with to have a little more edginess, and show less fear when it comes to pushing the envelope.

The storyline with Jericho was good stuff. It was a rip off of sorts of a story he did with Raven in ROH but that did not matter because 95% of the WWE audience had never even seen that feud. (feud with Raven was slightly better, but because the matches he had with Raven were bloody and far more brutal - very ECW-esque).
  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by fropwns:
But it was still a promo. It was part of the script. It seemed off script, but it was script. It was a work, but it seemed real. But it wasn't. Why give Punk the credit when WWE went along with it? That isn't dropping the ball. Is WWE inconsistent with its talent, hell yes! I just don't get those saying Punk was let down. I get the Bryan thing more than the Punk issue.

That promo was a worked shoot. They had scripted him to end the show with a promo, but they didn't know what he was going to say, they gave him a live mic and told him to sell his upcoming match with Cena. He didn't care if they liked what he had to say or not given his contract was weeks away from expiring and let loose before getting cut off when he wanted to tell a Vince story. They need to try and do less PG Punk stuff and let him be CM Punk, and that doesn't require a live mic just allow for his character and the storylines he is involved with to have a little more edginess, and show less fear when it comes to pushing the envelope.

The storyline with Jericho was good stuff. It was a rip off of sorts of a story he did with Raven in ROH but that did not matter because 95% of the WWE audience had never even seen that feud. (feud with Raven was slightly better, but because the matches he had with Raven were bloody and far more brutal - very ECW-esque).
Dude it was a work. Punk executed it well. http://grantland.com/features/an-interview-wwe-superstar-corporate-officer-triple-h/

"But I laugh, like, when writers say "Oh, CM Punk laid the pipe bomb and lifted the fourth wall in a promo."33 So let me get this straight, you think we put him out on TV, he broke f**king everything we were supposed to do, and then sat down Indian-style and started blistering everybody, and we didn't think Let's take him off the air? If that would've been a shoot, it would've been off the air the second he started."--Triple HHH on the Pipebomb for Grantland
  • evil
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Originally posted by fropwns:
Dude it was a work. Punk executed it well. http://grantland.com/features/an-interview-wwe-superstar-corporate-officer-triple-h/

"But I laugh, like, when writers say "Oh, CM Punk laid the pipe bomb and lifted the fourth wall in a promo."33 So let me get this straight, you think we put him out on TV, he broke f**king everything we were supposed to do, and then sat down Indian-style and started blistering everybody, and we didn't think Let's take him off the air? If that would've been a shoot, it would've been off the air the second he started."--Triple HHH on the Pipebomb for Grantland

Worked shoot my friend :

"When I cut the now-infamous promo in Las Vegas, I sat Indian-style wearing a 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin t-shirt. The only thing that was going through my mind was that I had about two to three weeks to be employed. Then, after that, my life was a clean slate. It was just blank, I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't have plans. I was leaving, though — 100%.

"What you saw, what you heard, was 100% me just being pissed off. That was a chip that had been growing on my shoulder for years. It was almost therapeutic to get it all out. Great experience, but that was 100% real.

"Did I think my life would change after that? Yeah. I thought that maybe I might get fired. I didn't think that it would happen the way it did, though. I thought that I might just be sitting on my couch, relaxing and regrouping, waiting for the next thing to come. Just having time off for the first time in my professional career. But, like Al Pacino in The Godfather III. 'Thought I was out but they pulled me back in.'


Hunter is a massive ego maniac who has a long history of burying others. He does not do what's best for business, he does what's best for his ego.
this topic is full of marks
  • evil
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Originally posted by TheNaitch:
this whole forum is full of marks

  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by fropwns:
Dude it was a work. Punk executed it well. http://grantland.com/features/an-interview-wwe-superstar-corporate-officer-triple-h/

"But I laugh, like, when writers say "Oh, CM Punk laid the pipe bomb and lifted the fourth wall in a promo."33 So let me get this straight, you think we put him out on TV, he broke f**king everything we were supposed to do, and then sat down Indian-style and started blistering everybody, and we didn't think Let's take him off the air? If that would've been a shoot, it would've been off the air the second he started."--Triple HHH on the Pipebomb for Grantland

Worked shoot my friend :

"When I cut the now-infamous promo in Las Vegas, I sat Indian-style wearing a 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin t-shirt. The only thing that was going through my mind was that I had about two to three weeks to be employed. Then, after that, my life was a clean slate. It was just blank, I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't have plans. I was leaving, though — 100%.

"What you saw, what you heard, was 100% me just being pissed off. That was a chip that had been growing on my shoulder for years. It was almost therapeutic to get it all out. Great experience, but that was 100% real.

"Did I think my life would change after that? Yeah. I thought that maybe I might get fired. I didn't think that it would happen the way it did, though. I thought that I might just be sitting on my couch, relaxing and regrouping, waiting for the next thing to come. Just having time off for the first time in my professional career. But, like Al Pacino in The Godfather III. 'Thought I was out but they pulled me back in.'


Hunter is a massive ego maniac who has a long history of burying others. He does not do what's best for business, he does what's best for his ego.
Okay, I'll give you that, but whether you like it or not HHH has a point, they let Punk have the time. They could have pulled the plug at any point. Maybe they did it to help coddle him? Why do I believe that? "The Screwjob." WWE will never willing let a talent take them down as long they have a say.
  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Originally posted by KRS-1:
Originally posted by TheNaitch:
this whole forum is full of marks


  • jrg
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John Cena Apparently Injured, Replaced At WWE Live Event In Kansas City

Originally posted by jrg:
John Cena Apparently Injured, Replaced At WWE Live Event In Kansas City


  • fropwns
  • The Last Fronin
  • Posts: 27,139
Originally posted by ads_2006:
Originally posted by jrg:
John Cena Apparently Injured, Replaced At WWE Live Event In Kansas City


Don't hate on the man, damn.
[ Edited by fropwns on Feb 2, 2014 at 3:04 PM ]
Originally posted by fropwns:
Originally posted by ads_2006:
Originally posted by jrg:
John Cena Apparently Injured, Replaced At WWE Live Event In Kansas City


Don't hate on the man, damn.

He'll be back in two weeks from his "major" injury.
  • jrg
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  • jrg
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