Originally posted by btthepunk:None of that was dropping the ball. No matter what they did or didn't do for Punk he would NEVER be as big as Cena or the Rock to the fans. There were rumors halfway through Punk's reign that they were going to be giving the belt back to Cena because Punk was just never as big of a draw as Cena. There's even talks that at Wrestlemania that Cena vs Wyatt will close the show.
If all those things you listed had gone Punk's way then all the "Smarks" would be b***hing about him the same way they b***h about Cena/Rock/Batista.
Never said Punk could be as big as Rock or Cena nor did all those things need to go Punk's way. Some should have gone his way and some of those things should never have happened. But all of those things illustate a definite ball dropping. Instead of doing something unique with a unique character like Punk, they did the same ole same ole.
Creative shortcomings and managements lack of confidence in pushing and backing Punk hurt his ability as a draw. Punk'character has similarities to that of Austin, which required the WWE to not be afraid to push the envelope, to be edgy and unpredictable. Punk was an indy star for the same reasons his Vegas promo was so great and made the entire wrestling world take notice, because he was not creatively filtered, it was edgy, unpredictable and pushed the envelope.