Originally posted by TonyStarks:
Orton is in CRAZY shape right now. no homo.
The title is a alot of responsibility , let alone the undisputed title. Like Flair once said, the man makes the title, the title doesn't make the man.
BTW HHH's Thy Kingdom Come on Netflix is actually...pretty...good. It tells how the Clique liked HHH because DDP introduced him to Nash as the non drinker.
It also shows alot of behind the scene stuff like when Vince saw the whole Clique hug at MSG , HHH got buried and drilled at by vince.
Vince told him,''You're going to eat shti for a while. Plates and plates of it....and you will learn to love the taste.''
I can't imagine having Vince as my boss, let alone my Father in Law lol wtf.
he really is in good shape right now. i couldn't stop starring at his abs and wishing those were mine lmao.
enjoyed the doc about HHH as well. a lot of people complain about all the belts HHH got to win (including myself) but looking back at it now, the rock was pretty much gone during that time, austin was pretty much gone, and jericho was also off and on. HHH was a great heel and pretty much the last proven star during that time that was going on a full time schedule.