Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:
Originally posted by JustinMT:
Originally posted by pdizo916:
Originally posted by JustinMT:
Could just be the star power she was facing too. Becky is the hottest thing in WWE and Charlotte is very popular as well. Everyone cheered her when she faced the Bellas and probably will during her rivalry with Nia.
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While I do agree with this, the fact that Ronda got the holy f**k beaten out of her and the crowd go ape s**t, tells me that star power is only a small reason behind this. The LA crowd turned on Ronda hard.
Just watched it and I see what you mean now. The fans were cheering, "Thank you Charlotte!" after her beatdown. Definitely a heel turn for Charlotte but she got a similar reaction to when Becky turned on her. lol Fans were all for it. I''m all for Ronda turning heel if it means we finally get the 4 Horsewomen vs 4 Horsewomen Match.
Also did Charlotte's boobs get even bigger?!?! Damn they looked amazing tonight.
She had surgery a few weeks ago. And they wont turn Ronda heel given that Nia has taken that role and she's Vince's new Cena/Reigns.
These are his second round of implants than right? Good for her I guess, I'm not complaining. haha
I don't think Ronda will turn heel. Not yet, I can see it happening at WM against Becky though. Her and the Horsewomen beat down Becky which leads to the Horsewomens match at Summerslam. Baszier should be on the main roster by then anyways.
[ Edited by JustinMT on Nov 18, 2018 at 10:20 PM ]