I literally had the same thing happen to me in Northen California when I had Montana plates and a Montana license. I was getting into Eureka around 1am after leaving the Bay earlier that day. I was literally pulling into the motel when all of a sudden blue and red lights start flashing behind me. My eyes were dilated since I had been driving in pitch black for hours but these redneck morons thought I was high on something. Next thing I know, there's 3 more cop cars surrounding my vehicle. One guy is playing bad cop, another is playing good cop. They ask me to get out of the car so I do and then they proceed to tear my car apart trying to find anything they could. Of course there's nothing but the whole situation took 2 hours and was completely asinine. I stopped giving cops the benefit of the doubt after that.
[ Edited by JustinMT on Apr 10, 2019 at 11:58 AM ]