Originally posted by JustinMT:
For those wondering, Maria Kanellis is indeed pregnant. Apparently she informed WWE officials that she is expecting again after she and Mike Kanellis signed new multi-year contracts with the company.
Heavy play lol
500k a year for 5 years!!! By Gawd!
To just sit at home and breastfeed.
She should be put in the HOF just for being that business savvy.
Looks that way. I don't like quick turns like that either but my understanding was they wanted to give him a legit face run in the first place. They changed their plans when Daniel Bryan got hurt to give Kofi a contender.
I would be OK with the turn if the plan is for KO to be the next baby face champion after Kofi drops it to a heel. But he should not be winning it til at least the fall, so no need to commit to a face turn so soon.
Looks that way. I don't like quick turns like that either but my understanding was they wanted to give him a legit face run in the first place. They changed their plans when Daniel Bryan got hurt to give Kofi a contender.
And he honestly came off way more comfortable with this turn on Tuesday too then when he came back.
KO looks like some bum they found on a couch and signed to a WWE contract. But that's not nearly as cringeworthy as watching a near 50 yr old Shane come down to ring in skinny jeans and Air Jordan's skip, skipping away like he's high as a kite and we're supposed to take him seriously as a threat to anyone on the roster??
KO looks like some bum they found on a couch and signed to a WWE contract. But that's not nearly as cringeworthy as watching a near 50 yr old Shane come down to ring in skinny jeans and Air Jordan's skip, skipping away like he's high as a kite and we're supposed to take him seriously as a threat to anyone on the roster??
Originally posted by FL9er:
KO looks like some bum they found on a couch and signed to a WWE contract. But that's not nearly as cringeworthy as watching a near 50 yr old Shane come down to ring in skinny jeans and Air Jordan's skip, skipping away like he's high as a kite and we're supposed to take him seriously as a threat to anyone on the roster??