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Wrestling Thread (WWE, AEW, etc)

Originally posted by TonyStarks:
No wonder Banks was furious.
Via Uproxxx;

The Bella Twins were supposed to return to challenge the IIconics on the Smackdown after WrestleMania. WWE had the IIconics win the belts at Mania because they wanted heels to feud with the Bellas, who would obviously return as faces. When the Bellas had to pull out at the last minute after Nikki realized the seriousness of her medical issues(herniated disk and a brain cyst), WWE was left without anything for the IIconics to do. For that matter, the lack of the Bella Twins' star power probably made the whole division seem less valuable to the company, hence the sudden lack of booking.

Lol. Bellas are awful, cant blame Banks now.
Originally posted by TheGore49er:
Originally posted by TonyStarks:
No wonder Banks was furious.
Via Uproxxx;

The Bella Twins were supposed to return to challenge the IIconics on the Smackdown after WrestleMania. WWE had the IIconics win the belts at Mania because they wanted heels to feud with the Bellas, who would obviously return as faces. When the Bellas had to pull out at the last minute after Nikki realized the seriousness of her medical issues(herniated disk and a brain cyst), WWE was left without anything for the IIconics to do. For that matter, the lack of the Bella Twins' star power probably made the whole division seem less valuable to the company, hence the sudden lack of booking.

Lol. Bellas are awful, cant blame Banks now.
That is so stupid. To hell with the Bellas.
  • dmax
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Damn that bayley booty
I'm in love with sarah logan
Paul Heyman's return to a booking role has peaked my interest a bit in the product. I watched on and off last week and felt the product showed some signs of promise. I decided to watch the whole show last night, but I felt a little bit underwhelmed.

I wouldn't have been happy at all if I had paid to see that show live. Three squash matches in a row. The concept of the mixed tag elimination match was stupid to me. So Becky Lynch eliminates Vega then she basically becomes irrelevant. It seems pointless that it didn't really matter who got the first fall, it wouldn't have much of a bearing on the outcome because the match then just simply turns into a one on one affair.

Then the main event was short and rushed. Just felt like last week's progress went the opposite direction to me. I don't know how much involvement Heyman had last night, as it was originally stated he would be eased into the role, but WWE needs alot of work on their booking imo. Last night was a reminder why I have been one foot invested into the product for some time now. How did you guys feel about the show?
[ Edited by Willisfn4life on Jul 9, 2019 at 4:41 AM ]
  • jrg
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  • Posts: 166,549
didn't watch

main even of shane and drew vs roman and "janitor"/cedric alexander?

Originally posted by jrg:
didn't watch

main even of shane and drew vs roman and "janitor"/cedric alexander?

I don't mind the old stacking the odds concept against the face, as long as it's somewhat compelling. You saw that type of main event all the time in the attitude era. I remember Stone Cold having to team with jobbers like the Brooklyn Brawler to face teams the like of Kane and Mankind, etc.

I mean last night though you invest three segments into this with Shane and Drew trying to find a partner to handicap Roman with just to make it like 5 mins long. Then nothing of merit happens after the match like The Undertaker showing up and that's the final build up to their ppv match.

That's the problem nowadays. Many of the ppv matches have such lackluster build or "heat". How can you expect an audience to be emotionally invested into a match if the competitors don't come across as emotionally invested against one another. That's what was so great about the attitude era. You really believed the wrestlers enrolled in feuds hated one another. Most of the feuds don't have that kind of feel to them anymore.
[ Edited by Willisfn4life on Jul 9, 2019 at 7:23 AM ]
Originally posted by Willisfn4life:
How did you guys feel about the show?

Im waiting on you guys to see when i should watch again lol.
Originally posted by TheGore49er:
Im waiting on you guys to see when i should watch again lol.

Don't look at me to sell you right now. Lol
So I guess we're getting Taker/McIntyre at SummerSlam
Originally posted by jrg:
didn't watch

main even of shane and drew vs roman and "janitor"/cedric alexander?

With Shane on one side that actually pretty even.

Yup...face turn and he's dropping truth bombs left and right.
kevin owens, the anti establishment anti hero who gave the authority figure a stunner......seems like we did this before.
Originally posted by pdizo916:
kevin owens, the anti establishment anti hero who gave the authority figure a stunner......seems like we did this before.

Don't care, he's coming off way better than he did earlier this year so I'm down with it. We need this Shane s**t to end, and I feel like they're finally making progress to the end with this storyline.
Originally posted by JustinMT:
Don't care, he's coming off way better than he did earlier this year so I'm down with it. We need this Shane s**t to end, and I feel like they're finally making progress to the end with this storyline.

This I agree with you. I wonder if the shane angle was done on purpose so a guy like Owens can "save the day" or if Vince truly thought it was a great idea and didn't realize that the fans would actually hate it.
[ Edited by pdizo916 on Jul 9, 2019 at 8:23 PM ]
Originally posted by pdizo916:
Originally posted by JustinMT:
Don't care, he's coming off way better than he did earlier this year so I'm down with it. We need this Shane s**t to end, and I feel like they're finally making progress to the end with this storyline.

This I agree with you. I wonder if the shane angle was done on purpose so a guy like Owens can "save the day" or if Vince truly thought it was a great idea and didn't realize that the fans would actually hate it.
Probably more of the latter since they had to turn Owens out of nowhere.
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