Originally posted by ads_2006:
Originally posted by NinerFanMT:
Originally posted by aman49:
Why is Kozlov getting such a huge push? I don't see anything really special about him...
I don't see it either. He bores the hell out of me and his headbutt finisher is retarded but thats how the WWE does it thing. They always give the major pushes to the guys who don't deserve it aka Santino, The Brian Kendrick, and Vladimir.
you dont like santino?
i like the king during his segments...
I like his promos I just don't think he deserves the Intercontinental Championship. The dude can't wrestle for s**t and he only wins b/c of his she-man "girlfriend" interfers. Its f**king old and there are plenty of guys on Raw that should have that belt instead of him. D Lo, Kofi, Manu, Noble, Regal, JBL, Burchill, Paul London all are suitable contenders as a transitional champion for reigning for a few months. I really hope Goldust comes back on Sunday and wins the belt from him.