Southside 815
815 S. Washington St
Alexandria, VA
(703) 836-6222
Important: A bar being listed here does not guarantee that it will be playing 49ers games. Call to confirm the address, if the bar is still in business, and if they are broadcasting the game. If you find that this bar no longer exists or that the information listed here is incorrect, please report it to us using "Report an Error" below.
Reviews (Total: 1)
swamosulak on January 13, 2013
This is a really good bar, but is not a "49ers bar" as I had pictured in my head (flags/banners/stuff/fans/etc). They showed the 49ers game (it was a playoff game), but they're more of a Saints bar due to their New Orleans cuisine. They have a Saints banner up and even have a terrible towel hanging, nothing 49ers that I saw. There were only about 5 49ers fans (me included) at the playoff game last night -- 01/12/2013. I don't know whether they always show games during the regular season. Good bar, good prices, good food otherwise.